Shumonik's blog

Philip Shenon, author of "The Commission," asked 9-11 truth question during "Checks and Balances" panel at LA Times Book Fair

Philip Shenon was on a panel at the LA Times Book Fair about a month ago titled "Checks and Balances." I decided to ask him about taking 9-11 truth into the courtroom. He dodged the question a bit, but definitely did not poo-poo the 9-11 truth movement or the millions of Americans who don't believe the official conspiracy theory.

This video has a little of the middle-section when I was interrupted edited out. A fuller, unedited version might be forthcoming.

After this, Shenon ended up coming out to the 9-11 truth information table to speak with us. He was a very gracious man, but appeared to dodge some questions. See what you think from these videos. Higher quality (audio/video) recordings are becoming available as we speak.

Conversations with the Bin Laden Boys #1: Michael Scheuer on his homeboy OBL's videos, the Will to Kill and the 9-11 cover-up

Michael Scheuer is, as far as I know, the only Company Man to get a shout out from Osama Bin Laden, the big bad boogeyman that keeps on giving. So he was the right guy to clear up the confusion about the Bin Laden 9-11 "confession" video and his initial statements denying responsibility for the attacks. Garko and I went to the Hammer Museum in West Los Angeles a few weeks ago to check in with Bin Laden's (version fall '07) favorite former CIA man. If I had studied the great info that Reprehensor had sent me about the KLA/Al-Qaeda/NATO/CIA linkages better I would have gone further down that route to press Scheuer.

CSPAN's "Washington Journal" is good resource for coming Week of Truth and beyond-- a call on asking Petraeus about false-flags

Yesterday morning on the Washington Journal, CSPAN’s morning show, host Greta Wodele was asking callers what they would ask General Petraeus if they had the chance. So, I called up and said I would ask him about why we haven’t heard anything about false-flag terror operations in the Middle East and how peace is possible in the continuing presence of these covert operations. Although I had stayed up all night, and was tired, I think I got a bit of the idea across.
Here’s where you can watch it :

Play “Washington Journal Entire Program (04/08/08)” and go to around 2:11:00 to hear my call. Interestingly, this corresponds to 9:11 EST, as you’ll see on the video. Weird, how that was my minute.

3 truth songs- 1) Garko- "Big Brother Song," 2) Libra Project- "B.R.I.D.G.E." 3) Sh.u.u.m.m.o.n.ik- "MLK Speaks Song"

Garko- "Big Brother Song"

Libra Project- "B.R.I.D.G.E."

Sh.u.u.m.m.o.n.ik- "MLK Speaks Song"

A couple WeAreChangeLA actions documented by Garko- 1) At Willie Nelson Concert Downtown and 2) 3-11-08 on PCH in Malibu

We Are Change Street Action - Malibu, CA 4 9-11 Truth on March 11, 2008

Willie Nelson Joins 911 Truth Movement - We Are Change LA outside the Willie Nelson Concert at the Nokia Theater in Downtown Los Angeles

What's everybody doing for this coming April 11th? It is a friday you know. Friday the Eleventh is a day of great luck and great civil informationeering potential.

Go to to find your people or help your people find you.

Speaking with Dennis Prager on 4/4/08 about the deeper and more disturbing aspects of MLK's truth-telling and his murder

I decided to call the Dennis Prager show, in honor of the 40th anniversary of MLK's death, to bring up his "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" speech, delivered a year to the day before he was killed in Memphis. I also wanted to tie in the 1999 trial of Lloyd Jowers litigated by William Pepper on behalf of the King Family. Prager wanted nothing to do with the conspiracy trial part, other than cheap psychological shots at those who can't deal with the fact that "low-life" nothings like James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald can effect major evil. He was fairly dismissive and patronizing of the King family's struggle to uncover the truth. Afterwards, he gave a thorough response to King's claim that his own government was the "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today."

James Moore, co-author of "Bush's Brain" and "The Architect," has no doubt "that Karl [Rove] was running the 9-11 Commission"

Last Sunday, on "Live from the Left Coast" on KPFK in Los Angeles, Ian Masters had on James Moore the co-author of "Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential" and, more recently, "The Architect: Karl Rove and the Dream of Absolute Power."

I decided to call up and draw out the connections among the allegations made in Philip Shenon's book "The Commission," and the follow up by Philly 9-11 Truth (see: Karl Rove Is Questioned About His Involvement With the 9/11 Commission by Philly 9/11 Truth )

The show recording is here: -under March 30th, 2008- My question is at the 41:10 mark.

Me: "...I think that this is a very crucial sort-of connection for Karl Rove, because that Commission was highly manipulated and, if it was manipulated and it was a cover-up, then, under Article III Section 3 of the Constitution, I think we can consider it a treasonous cover-up."

A Walk Down 9-11 Truth Memory Hole Lane with Bill Maher +

This Better Bad News piece I just ran into had me digging up the old series of "Bill Maher meets 9-11 truth" media archives. I think there is something to be learned about the media amidst all this. I just don't know what it is. Maybe we can figure it out being that we are moving into an intensely focused time for politics in the media.

Better Bad News

Bill with Cornel West, Richard Clarke and John Legend on "9-11 Conspiracy Theories" (5/12/06)

Tavis Smiley schools Bill Maher on the profundity of MLK's message and the possibility that "They" killed him

On friday, Tavis Smiley schooled Bill Maher and guests on the depth and harder truth-telling nature of Martin Luther King Jr.'s messages. He reminded the panel that King spoke about God's judgment on America, American arrogance and also made the claim that his own government was the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." He finished up his train of thought by saying that "part of being a patriot means to stand as a truthteller and say what needs to be said." Amen Tavis!

Bill Maher, who apparently has never heard of William Pepper and the jury that, less than a decade ago, found elements of the US government guilty of a conspiracy to murder MLK, couldn't believe that Smiley was actually saying that "they" killed him.

Daschle on Amerithrax: "Alot of questions that are yet to be answered." FBI was initially "100%" to "find those responsible."

Former Senator Tom Daschle was at the LA library on 3/26 to talk about his new book on healthcare. WeAreChangeLA was on hand to ask him about the health of the American body politic in relationship to the still 'unsolved' anthraxing of the two opposition leaders Leahy and Daschle -some leaked into Senator Feingold's office as well. While not directly addressing my question about the responsibility of Congress in calling out possible treason, Senator Daschle dropped a few hints in his response.

WeAreChangeLA meets Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: "The 9-11 Commission's findings have a number of imperfections..."

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson was in town on Wednesday, and Garko and I from WeAreChangeLA got a chance to listen to an interesting conversation and ask him about 9-11. Ian Masters, the moderator, defensively jumped the gun on my question about 9-11. Wilkerson dodged the question on whether he supports a genuine investigation of 911. What he did give was an insightful perspective on the "totally useless" intelligence community. I still think that he is harboring serious anger at Cheney and serious resentment at the intelligence community. I want to know what he knows and thinks about 9-11.

He started out, after saying that it was total news to him that all these CIA vets had questioned the 9-11 Commission, by stating that "the 9-11 Commission's findings have a number of imperfections..." He then went on to describe the uselessness of the hi-tech intelligence apparatus. I agree with him on much of his statement, but he spun away from answering the yes or no new investigation question fairly skillfully.

A Proposal for Proving Controlled Demolition in a Civil Negligence Suit Against the Security Groups Responsible for the WTC

A 9-11 truth buddy of mine here in LA came up with the following proposal about a strategic legal pathway to pursue justice for 9-11. I think it is a great idea, in that it limits the severity of the charges being made (negligence), while advancing the most damning evidence of purposeful mass murder and treason, the controlled demolitions. The case should be against those security groups responsible for the WTC (i.e. Port Authority, Kroll, Stratasec). And it should be a civil case put forth by family members of victims with testimony from eyewitnesses and experts. At the same time that I think we must pursue the larger picture of justice (i.e. treason charges for the overall attack and the subsequent cover-up) through cornering the Congress and Media with the overwhelming evidence in David Ray Griffin's newest book, "9-11 Contradictions," that shows the government's story to be internally contradicted in some places with shifting and inconclusive narratives in many others, this very precise angle of proving controlled demolition in a civil case against the groups responsible for WTC security is a powerful possibility.

Medved hypocritically blind to Israeli false-flag terrorism: Says 10-10-01 terror attempt is "bogus story," "never happened"

On friday, I called Michael Medved's show to follow up on my previous conversation with him about the 10-10-01 foiled Israeli operatives' terror attempt on the Mexican Parliament { see Speaking with Michael Medved about 10/10, 9/11 and the Involvement of the Deep Israeli State }. He was talking about whether terrorism needs to be confronted. I believe so, in all its forms and different faces. And I think it is important for Jewish public intellectuals to understand and confront the role of the deep Israeli state in false-flag terrorism. I focus on 10-10-01 with Medved because it is as clear and open a recent account of the machinations of false-flag terror as we have. Just a month after 9-11 and a few days after the very high grade, Aimes-strain-lineaged was dropped into the mail addressed to Daschle and Leahy, 2 Israeli operatives were arrested having breached Mexican Parliament security with all the trappings of a false-flag in progress- glocks, grenades, explosives and 2 fake Pakistani passports.

Speaking with Michael Medved about 10/10, 9/11 and the Involvement of the Deep Israeli State

It's been a while since I've spoken with Michael Medved about 9-11. Today was "Conspiracy Day," and though I feel weird relegating my concerns to "Conspiracy Day," it is the easiest day to convince his screener to allow you to address 9-11. I got a good amount of time on the air and focused on the usually glossed over and forgotten foiled apparent false-flag attempt on the Mexican Parliament by Israeli operatives with Pakistani passports on 10/10/01.

Check out the always excellent source of Paul Thompson's Terror Timeline

I wish I had remembered to mention the "Shell Game" since I think it would be great to drive it towards the top. I called in and spoke last night with Steve Alten on Kevin Barrett's show on WTPRN about the responsibility I feel Jewish people of conscience have to call out the Zionist Extremist and/or Jewish Supremacist elements of the 9-11 false-flag terror attack. It was a fruitful conversation I think among the three of us.

WeAreChangeLA questions Candidate Gravel on the People's Understanding of False-flags as a Potential Trim-tab

A couple of weeks ago Mike Gravel was in Los Angeles. During the Q+A, I first thanked him for talking about the "military-industrial complex" in the 1st presidential debate, and then asked him to speak on the potential power of understanding false-flag operations as a mechanism of war and Empire. He proceeded to speak on his ideas for global democracy, making the convincing case that there already is global governance, it just has been hijacked, misused and abused. I then asked him again to speak specifically to my question. Although he brought up some interesting points, I remain unconvinced that a better "system" will cure us of our ongoing treasonous hijackings, and a bit puzzled by why he won't speak to the "false-flag" mechanism even in a historical sense.