media spin

Bill Moyers’ Attack on 9/11 Truth Exposes Defense Mechanisms in Full Force

I sent a link of this article to my friends on facebook with this comment:

Yes, I love Bill Moyers, too, but felt it was important to share this article to show how far the cover-up will go to mislead the public. Thankfully an organization of architects and engineers can defend the truth that is so much more profound than the liberal media spin.



Reuters: "Bin Laden warns U.S. on Israel ties", Message Sounds A Little Too Familiar...

Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:11am EDT

By Andrew Hammond

DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden warned the American people over their government's close ties with Israel in an apparently new audio tape posted on an Islamist website Monday.

"The time has come for you to liberate yourselves from fear and the ideological terrorism of neo-conservatives and the Israeli lobby," Bin Laden's latest tape said.

"The reason for our dispute with you is your support for your ally Israel, occupying our land in Palestine."

The message, entitled "A statement to the American people," was around 11 minutes long and was posted a few days after the eighth anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 attacks.

Reuters was not immediately able to verify its authenticity but the website often is used by supporters of al Qaeda.

In the tape, the al Qaeda leader said there had been no real change in American policy because U.S. President Barack Obama had retained people like U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates from the administration of former President George W. Bush.

Brainwashing and 911

This is a very well written article by Terry Morrone, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Adelphi University. It concerns how media/government can influence and manipulate a general population through age old techniques of propaganda, and ways to counter such attempts.

Originally posted at Daily Censored

Brainwashing and 9/11, a Personal View

Terry Morrone, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Adelphi University

Propaganda has been with us since ancient times. All empire-builders have to justify what they do – to themselves, to their own people, and to those they dominate.
The Romans developed a sophisticated world-view which they projected successfully through literature, inscriptions, architecture, art, and elaborate public ceremonial. Their message was that Rome represented peace, good government, and the rule of law. The societies with which Rome was in conflict were caricatured as barbaric, lawless and dangerous.

Letter to the Editor: 9/11 news is being buried
9/11 news is being buried

Published: Friday, May 22, 2009

Another group of scientists has found evidence of explosives in the dust at ground zero, 9/11.

Big news?

Actually it isn’t news at all. Hasn’t been covered. One might expect calls far and wide for a public investigation by qualified scientists to examine whether the findings are accurate. Yawn.

There is a lot of interest on the Internet, among people who don’t take a paycheck from corporate media. There is interest among ex-CIA, military, pilots, architects, engineers, physicists, demolition experts, metallurgists, academics and so on.

But not a peep from corporate media. We know corporate media are obtuse propagandists for corporate interests like the treasonous illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. They love that shock and awe. It’s good TV.

They are enemies of democracy and friends of wealth. Does The Sentinel know that the work of these scientists is “cartoonish”? How do you know?

I say, prove it.

Prove the scientists are wrong, or that there is ambiguity.

Osama Bin Laden Makes the Cover of Parade Magazine Feburary 2009

I felt I had to post when the uber mainstream "Parade" magazine in this Sunday's paper had OBL on the cover w/ his FBI mugshot saying he's wanted for 911. He's not, unless you include "other terror events". Here's the Parade pablum piece, if you're interested

Propaganda is annoying!

Media Matters Catalogues Gibson-Bush Interview Spin, Omits PNAC!

Hyperlinks here:

Media Matters Catalogues Gibson-Bush Interview Spin, Omits PNAC!

Bush gave an interview to ABC's Charlie Gibson, in which Bush referred to the "intelligence failure" about WMD as his "biggest regret"., supposedly a right-wing spin watchdog, ignores PNAC and pre-Bush Administration Iraq War plans, but notes the corporate media's failure to point out that there are many instances in the public record that make it clear that the Bush Administration was planning to go to war with Iraq after 9/11. The ones Media Matters notes include as the "Downing Street Memo”, Richard Clarke's statement in his book that Bush asked him the day after 9/11 to find a link to Hussein, his report to Condi Rice a week later that there was none, the Senate Intelligence WMD Inquiry, and other media reports.

Telling Truths That Can't Be Said, by Anthony Arnove

(Note: Just a plug and an FYI . . . "War, Inc." is being released on DVD July 1, 2008 . . . . Betsy)

Column: Anthony Arnove

Telling Truths That Can't Be Said

A look at John Cusack's satire War, Inc., and why we desperately need more commentary like it today.

May 20, 2008

IN THE Orwellian world of U.S. politics, often, it takes artists to say the truth that otherwise can't be said--or heard.

Stanley Kubrick brought home the reality of militarism and the madness of U.S. nuclear doctrine in Dr. Strangelove as no nonfiction work of the time could. Sidney Lumet's Network did the same for the corporate takeover of our culture.

Today, John Cusack's War, Inc. fires a similar shot across the bow of our tortured political discourse.

War, Inc. is a Swiftian allegory of the world not as it might be in some possible future, but as it is today, with a performance from Ben Kingsley as memorable as Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove. (It also features a deconstruction by Hilary Duff of her own fame and our twisted, sexist culture that has to be seen to be believed.)

Obama's pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright speaks truth to power at the National Press Club -- Hear it uncut on No Lies Radio Sat & Sun

NoLiesRadio.orgClick Here to Listen
Coming Up on both Saturday & Sunday, May 3rd & 4th at: 5pm Pacific - 8pm Eastern - 00:00 GMT
Obama's pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright speaks truth to power at the National Press Club -- Hear his entire speech and all the questions and answers from the Press --uncut and unedited on No Lies Radio Saturday and Sunday. Find out what all the hub-bub over Obama and his pastor is about. This is one of the most powerful speeches of our century given while the press hid in the balcony and submitted fearful questions to him. He was greeted with standing ovations from the floor.

A Walk Down 9-11 Truth Memory Hole Lane with Bill Maher +

This Better Bad News piece I just ran into had me digging up the old series of "Bill Maher meets 9-11 truth" media archives. I think there is something to be learned about the media amidst all this. I just don't know what it is. Maybe we can figure it out being that we are moving into an intensely focused time for politics in the media.

Better Bad News

Bill with Cornel West, Richard Clarke and John Legend on "9-11 Conspiracy Theories" (5/12/06)

COINTELPRO, HR 1955 Promotion or Fear Mongering? A Ricin Man Update

By Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a story involving the timeline of the Ricin discovery in a Las Vegas hotel room pointing out all the discrepancies I found in the reporting that had been done on the case. Yesterday a follow up story was released by the Associated Press and featured on Yahoo’s front page as a headline.

The update continues to confuse with its vague language and further muddies the timeline and information reported in the original stories.

When the original story broke we were told the victim who may or may not be responsible for his own exposure to the Ricin was in a coma in a Las Vegas hospital. Yesterday’s updated story however states that the victim’s family members said the victim - 57 year old Roger Bergendorff, was sedated on Feb 23rd – this is before the story broke in the media.

Was Bergendorff just sedated all this time? Why was he so heavily sedated that authorities and the press reported he was in a coma? And why are the authorities only now able to speak with him if he was indeed only sedated?

Manhattan Neighborhood Network : Truth for a Change.

I was interviewed last week for the show "Truth for a Change" and
it was aired in NYC this morning
I will be doing it again this Friday.

July 7th London, was an inside job too. Please watch the videos and consider signing the petition!

For those of you who have not as yet realised that July 7th 2005, 7/7 was also an inside job and I encourage all truth seekers to watch the following two very good videos!

Also please consider signing the petition to "release the evidence" ( concerning the events on that day, which to this day the police and intelligence services have denied under 'national security reasons', the petition is hosted on the following website in the UK which contains pertinent information and news relating to 7-7.

This first video is by David Shayler (FORMER MI5 SPY AND WHISTLE BLOWER), and includes issues concerning 9/11 too.


Just who is the turbaned terrorist Al-Zawahiri?

Just Who is the Turbaned Terrorist Al-Zawahiri?

Who & what is really behind the bogey man Ayman Al-Zawahiri and his spate Video Nasty releases?

Ayman Al-Zawahiri the 'Bogey Man' The real Ayman Al-Zawahiri appears on fake bin-Laden confession Video

Ayman Al-Zawahiri is the Egyptian who broadcasts his contempt of the west increasingly regularly, and conveniently it would appear, on the "JBN" (Jihad Broadcasting Network). It should be noted he also appeared in the 'fake bin-Laden' video.

A typical JBN (Jihad Broadcasting Network) video would refer to any broadcast that is made "apparently" outside of the "controlled" corporate media and has the following intentions and outcomes:

Village Voice article on Protest

Sarah Ferguson of the Village Voice NYC wrote this about our protests at Ground Zero:

Conspiracy Types Lecture Regular Folks at Ground Zero

There was a conversation about this story in the blog section below the article. I'm posting comments from that other board under Fair Use provisions of copyright law. There are many posts. I just excerpted mine, and hers with them to give context. Perhaps others should go there, read the article and add their own comments?

"Sarah Ferguson is a psuedo-journalist. Not only does she get Alex Jones completely wrong - (yea right, he's from the LEFT!?), she's completely biased and combines some verisimilitude with total bullshit to mislead the public. She also believes the NIST report adheres to the basic physical laws of science and hasn't herself bothered to check out anything beyond official sources, or to think for herself. She may be a good writer, but she doesn't write non-fiction. She writes fiction in the guise of non-fiction and most likely doesn't even realize it.