Week of Truth

The Plane Truth Project REDUX* - At the Jersey Shore: June 11, (maybe July 4th), July 11 and August 11th . . .

A huge thanks to Joe, and all, at "North Texans for 911 Truth" for creating and initiating the Plane Truth Project!!


I thought their idea was simplistically brilliant - remember KISS in high school (and I don't mean the band)?

So, duplicating their 9/11 truth action of May 11th, I am very excited to announce that a company has just been booked to fly an aerial 9/11 Truth banner across the Jersey Shore skies north from Cape May, the southern tip of New Jersey to Sandy Hook, NJ, on June 11, July 11 and August 11.

I am thinking, now, that I'll probably choose a different area for the banner to be flown on June 11th, since not too many people will be at the beach yet. I'm also looking into adding July 4th at the Jersey Shore, and possibly September 11th in NYC. (How cool would that be? V for Vendetta-esque.) There are new flight/zoning restrictions for NYC, but I was just told that they're still allowed to fly along the Manhattan River. Does anyone know if a banner could be seen from street level in Lower or mid Manhattan, in between buildings?

New Week of Truth project: Fax campaign to get C-SPAN coverage of New England 9/11 Symposium


Please note that you can propose your own ideas, and vote for future Week of Truth projects here;

WEEK OF TRUTH May 9th to 16th

Get the New England 9/11 Symposium on C-SPAN by calling and faxing them and asking them to cover this historic event.

The New England 9/11 Symposium:
Family Members, Whistleblowers
and Researchers Speak Out

Saturday, May 17th, 9:30 am-6 pm
Keene High School, Keene, NH
General Admission: $15
Students and Seniors: $ 10
Coffee and registration at 9:00 a.m.

For more information go to www.sst911.org and for interviews contact:
Mike Jackman at 603-899-2783 or Gerhard Bedding at 603-355-2202

What to do

Fax C-SPAN with this info and the flyer and let them know you want it covered!
Fax Number- (202) 737-6226 -- Main Number: (202) 737-3220
E -mail them: viewer@c-span.org

Put one of these banners (found at end of linked page) at your own site, or in your emails, to let others know about this campaign.

Some brief thoughts on future "Week of Truth" campaigns

(I'm taking a quick break from two days of housecleaning so this will be brief and updated more fully, asap. Don't you love it when your "Martha Stewart" relatives visit?)

I've been following the Week of Truth process with great interest as I think this WoT campaign concept is an excellent way for the truth movement to leverage its diverse, disparate and geographically distributed demographic in a simple and yet profoundly strategic manner.

When considering future WoT campaigns I think we should keep in mind most or all of the following "guidelines":

1) WoT campaigns should involve something that at least 75% of people can agree on (i.e. no brainers).

2) WoT campaigns should be activities that can be done easily from just about anywhere.

3) WoT campaigns should not involve much expense or time investment (e.g. travel).

4) WoT campaigns, whenever possible, should be in support of our larger strategic goals (more on that soon).

5) WoT campaigns should involve direct actions that everyone can do and feel empowered by doing (i.e. they are making a real difference).

Week of Truth (includes Fourteen Points plug/link, other commentary) - by Carol Brouillet


April 16th through April 22nd has been designated the Week of Truth in a concerted effort to break 9/11 Truth into the mainstream dialogue by pushing a book, The Shell Game, by Steve Alten, to the top of the New York Times Bestseller List. Simultaneously, truth is breaking out in other places, the movement, and truth are on the upswing.

April 16th-22nd was designated the ”“Week of Truth” in a concerted grassroots campaign by 9/11 Truth activists to break 9/11 Truth into the national dialogue by pushing a compelling work of fiction, The Shell Game to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list and get the author, Steve Alten, back on national television and radio shows. It might be easier to herd cats than to get a large, diverse, growing movement to focus on any one particular action. The movement is not monolithic and there are distinct disagreements on many aspects of 9/11, although even government officials are finally beginning to come to the consensus that the official 9/11 Report was a massive lie or cover-up and that, there has yet to be a genuine investigation into the crime of the attacks that took place on September 11th 2001.

By happy synchronicity, one of the best spokespeople of the 9/11 Truth Movement, Dr. David Ray Griffin, has also recently published a book- 9/11 Contradictions- An Open Letter to Congress and the Press. The book has been sent to Congressional Representatives, as well as to Senators and succinctly outlines 25 major contradictions within the official story, which together demonstrate that, by definition, a story with so many internal contradictions is an “outrageous” conspiracy theory, which should not be tolerated by honest journalists or public servants. As The Shell Game has moved up on Amazon charts, so has 9/11 Contradictions.

Steve Alten on Air America 4.18.2008 & more endorsements

MP3 D/L: http://www.911podcasts.com/files/video/alten4920018.mp3
(Please support Richard Greene by purchasing an Air America On Demand subscription if you can afford one. Leave comments for Greene here: http://airamerica.com/clout )

From press release:

Tonight (Friday 4.18.2008) at 9:15 ET, AIR AMERICA host Richard Greene will have The SHELL GAME author Steve Alten as his guest, along with 9/11 activist Bill Douglas. This will be the first in a series of Air America programs on 9/11 truth, leading up to May's MONTH OF TRUTH series on Air America that will involve the first REAL DEBATES on 9/11 issues, featuring major 9/11 researchers/experts debating qualified counter arguers defending the official story.

This historic series is a result of 9/11 truth organizations uniting around a singular focused endeavor.

Live streams at Air America: http://airamerica.com/

Check your local affiliate to see if 'Clout' is carried on your station:

Two more endorsements for the Week of Truth campaign below the fold from Steve Bhaerman and Sander Hicks.

The Shell Game * WeekOfTruth * Iran Alternative

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
April 15, 2008 - The Shell Game * WeekOfTruth * Iran Alternative

"Propaganda is not meant to fool the intelligencia,
it is merely meant to provide them an excuse to avoid
seeing ugly realities, they’d sooner not believe.”

-- Joseph Goebbels
Nazi propagandist,
Nuremburg War Crimes Trials

1) The Shell Game - Week of Truth – Power to the People
- - Continuity of Government Planning--The Showdown
- - Dick Cheney, A Key Player for ‘Continuity of Government?
- - U.N. Official's Call for Study of U.S. Govt. Role in 9/11 Attacks
- - Iran - The New Motivation for US War in Iraq
- - Faith of the Heart--A Tribute to 9/11 Truthers

The Shell Game is grounded theory leading to fictional interpretations
of the abuse of power by the Global Dominance Group within the US military
industrial complex. This is a book that needs to be read and understood by all Americans.

-- Peter Phillips
Director Project Censored,
Professor Sociology Sonoma State University

Editor’s Notes:

Do you really know what's inside The Shell Game? Whet your appetite. Week Of Truth starts April 16.

Tell A Friend

"For me its too late. For my children, my loved ones ... for you, I toll these final warning bells .... a tsunami of death on its way .... And you're asleep on the beach."


(from "The Shell Game"s Author's intro:)

Daniel Sunjata on the Alex Jones Show - April 9, 2008

Wednesday April 9, 2008

Alex Jones and Daniel Sunjata talk about the Shell Game (Alex supports the book but feels that the story has been over saturated), The Jesse Ventura phenom and about how Alex is talking to other celebrities he knows hoping they will go public now to help break the truth dam wide open

(14:37 Minutes - 4.1 Meg)


CSPAN's "Washington Journal" is good resource for coming Week of Truth and beyond-- a call on asking Petraeus about false-flags

Yesterday morning on the Washington Journal, CSPAN’s morning show, host Greta Wodele was asking callers what they would ask General Petraeus if they had the chance. So, I called up and said I would ask him about why we haven’t heard anything about false-flag terror operations in the Middle East and how peace is possible in the continuing presence of these covert operations. Although I had stayed up all night, and was tired, I think I got a bit of the idea across.
Here’s where you can watch it : http://www.c-span.org/homepage.asp?Cat=Series&Code=WJE&ShowVidNum=9&Rot_Cat_CD=WJ&Rot_HT=206&Rot_WD=&ShowVidDays=100&ShowV...

Play “Washington Journal Entire Program (04/08/08)” and go to around 2:11:00 to hear my call. Interestingly, this corresponds to 9:11 EST, as you’ll see on the video. Weird, how that was my minute.


I found a reference on a google search of Youtube and "Week of Truth."

There is a 28 second video posted on youtube April 1, 2008. (Posted by "GOLD9472")
Watch it!

Donna Marsh O'conner (9/11 Family Member): "We need a consistent message to go through this country like an electric shock. And the way Americans understand something absolutely is they see it on TV. You want to know how to get to America? Get on the damn VIEW!!

Anyone know how to get a good looking production about THE WEEK Of TRUTH on YOUTUBE?
Maybe have Steve Alten in it. Then, have all Truther people around the world watch it and see its ratings skyrocket. Sell "Week Of Truth!!" on youtube!
That ought to sell a few copies of THE SHELL GAME!


(I don't know how to put a direct "picture tube" like link here. Maybe someone could post it.)

Anyone questioning Week Of Truth, have them watch the 28 second video. Makes a damn good point in only 28 seconds!!

Martin Luther King * RFK * Mumia * 911 Lie

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
April 3, 2008 - Martin Luther King * RFK * Mumia * 911 Lie

"He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. "

-- Agamemnon

This was quoted by Robert F Kennedy in his speech announcing the
assassination of Martin Luther King on 4 April 1968; and the epitaph
his family inscribed on his grave marker in Arlington National Cemetery.

1) FREE AT LAST- Day after Martin Luther King, Jr. died
- - An Act of State - The Execution of Martin Luther King
- - Martin Luther King: 40 years on
- - Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
- - Book Review Excerpt on Tom Brokaw’s ‘Boom!’
- - A media blackout on Winter Soldier
- - Howard Zinn: Empire or Humanity?
2) RFK 2nd gunman – Malcolm X – Mumia Abu-Jamal
- - New evidence suggests second shooter killed RFK
- - The Assassination of Malcolm X: A Riddle Unraveled
- - US: Death sentence postponed for Mumia Abu-Jamal
- - Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition - Pam Africa Statement

National "The Shell Game" Week of Truth - April 16th - 22nd

National "The Shell Game" Week of Truth - April 16th - 22nd
The First Major Nationally
Coordinated 9/11 Truth Effort to



New York Best Selling Author, Steve Alten, is appearing on national corporate media educating millions of the importance of the 9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT. We can get him on more and more media, and perhaps stop a false flag attack that will launch war with Iran. Seymor Hirsch and Scott Ritter are predicting the neocons will launch an event in April. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.