Francis Boyle

The Boiling Frogs Presents Professor Francis Boyle: Podcast Show #28
Professor Francis Boyle discusses the October 2001 anthrax attack, the technology behind the letter to Senator Daschle, and assesses the case based on his years of expertise with
America’s bio-weapons programs, and as an expert who was responsible for drafting the
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. He discusses possible motivations behind the anthrax attacks, including those held by criminal elements within the US government to foment a police state, and the investigation that never was. Professor Boyle talks about Israel war crimes as crimes against humanity, and more.

Francis Boyle is a human rights lawyer and professor of law at the University of Illinois. As an internationally recognized expert, Professor Boyle serves as counsel to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to the Provisional Government of the State of Palestine. He is the author of several books, including The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence published by Clarity Press. Click here for a more detailed bio.

Daschle on Amerithrax: "Alot of questions that are yet to be answered." FBI was initially "100%" to "find those responsible."

Former Senator Tom Daschle was at the LA library on 3/26 to talk about his new book on healthcare. WeAreChangeLA was on hand to ask him about the health of the American body politic in relationship to the still 'unsolved' anthraxing of the two opposition leaders Leahy and Daschle -some leaked into Senator Feingold's office as well. While not directly addressing my question about the responsibility of Congress in calling out possible treason, Senator Daschle dropped a few hints in his response.

International Law Professor Francis Boyle to Discuss Civil Resistance on Dynamic Duo

Kevin Barrett interviews Francis Boyle: Today, Friday 2/8/08, 4-6 pm CT, Network 4

I have hosted a kind of ongoing debate between advocates of Civil Information Activism like former Air Controller Robin Hordon, advocates of Civil Disobedience like Dave Slesinger, and advocates of We Are Change style truth squads like Ruke Rudkowski and Peter Thottam (the lawyer who helped organize the Bill Maher intervention.)

Francis Boyle, Harold Burbank and Jerry Mazza on Dynamic Duo Today, Mon. 10/22/07 4-6 pm CT network 4

Leading international human rights lawyer Francis Boyle, Congressional candidate Harold Burbank, and journalist Jerry Mazza will join me today on Dynamic Duo, 4-6 pm, Network 4

Francis Boyle is a Harvard-educated international law professor from the University of Illinois, who is on the record about 9/11:
“It is clear that bin Laden was a pretext, and 9/11 was a pretext. They needed a pretext to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq, and they created the conditions to make it possible. It also seems to me that they knew the 9/11 attacks were going to happen, but that’s another story.” Professor Boyle was a college classmate of leading neocons, and we will be discussing his impressions that they were and remain neo-Nazis.

Harold Burbank is a Maine lawyer, congressional candidate, and long-time acquaintance of the Bush family. He is a 9/11 truth supporter who has corresponded with his old acquaintance George H.W. Bush, and will be telling us some Bush family stories as well as discussing his pro-9/11-truth Congressional campaign. His open letter to Bush Jr. and Cheney is reproduced below.

Guns and Butter - Francis Boyle: Biowarfare and the Emergence of Police State America

Apologies for the late post. Please listen to the archive.
Also note these recent related stories here on 911blogger and on George Washington's excellent blog:
Holt wants hearings on FBI anthrax investigation

Guns & Butter

Wednesday, March 28, 1:00pm

Biowarfare and the Emergence of Police State America

Guns & Butter
Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 1:00pm

Interview with author and professor of international law, Dr. Francis Boyle. The history of biological warfare development and the Biological Weapons Convention; forced anthrax inoculations of the military; anthrax attacks on congress and the resultant Patriot legislation setting up a police state; FBI agent Marion "Spike" Bowman's thwarting of FBI investigations into both Zacarias Moussoui and the anthrax attacks on congress; the DNC's prevention of impeachment proceedings against Bush and others in his administration for high crimes and misdemeanors.