International Law Professor Francis Boyle to Discuss Civil Resistance on Dynamic Duo

Kevin Barrett interviews Francis Boyle: Today, Friday 2/8/08, 4-6 pm CT, Network 4

I have hosted a kind of ongoing debate between advocates of Civil Information Activism like former Air Controller Robin Hordon, advocates of Civil Disobedience like Dave Slesinger, and advocates of We Are Change style truth squads like Ruke Rudkowski and Peter Thottam (the lawyer who helped organize the Bill Maher intervention.)

Today on Dynamic Duo that debate will be expanded to include Civil Resistance! Francis Boyle's new book Protesting Power is a fantastic resource for truth and justice advocates. Boyle discusses "Civil Resistance" -- conducting citizens' arrests of war criminals, committing symbolic property damage actions against missile bases, and so on. He says these are morally and legally justified, perhaps even mandated, by international law, which is THE HIGHEST US law next to the Constitution, and that juries often agree--because WE are the sheriffs, and the war criminals are the outlaws. This is NOT civil disobedience! We do NOT want to go to jail--we want to put THEM in jail! Time to conduct a citizens' arrest of Philip Zelikow, who even the NY Times now says obstructed justice? Let's hear your thoughts! 866-582-9933

Francis Boyle is a Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, an impeachment activist, and the author of many books including Palestine, Palestinians and International Law:,+Francis Francis Boyle was among the first to point out that there was no hard evidence linking Bin Laden to 9/11--he even said so on Fox News on 9/15/01! Now the FBI agrees with him: It took me five years to go on Fox News and make the same point in stronger language:

Should be a great conversation!