Shumonik's blog

WeAreChangeLA Confronts Amy Goodman On Alleged Progressive Media's Blackout And Smear Campaign Of Real 9/11 Investigation

Amy and David Goodman were at Skylight Bookstore in Los Angeles on April 24, 2009 to present and sign their most recent book. During the book signing, while getting a book signed to the "9/11 Truth Movement," Jeremy Rothe-Kushel asked Ms.Goodman to give her take on why the progressive media was blacking out and/or smearing the independent citizen investigation into the 9/11 black op. She opted to fall back on her textbook answer when dealing with questions about 9/11 by saying she thinks "it needs to be investigated, you know, and we'll continue to look at the issue." Rothe-Kushel then reminded Goodman that it has been investigated and that it was time for her to do her job and have the investigators on her show. After the event, Rothe-Kushel asked David Goodman how best to reach his sister about 9/11 and he responded by saying, "I think you just did." However, almost 6 months later, there still has not been a single mention on Democracy Now of the investigative science and analysis of the 9/11 tragedy. So, Ms. Goodman will continue to be chased with questions about her silence on the seminal story of the semi-new century.
video and edit by Paul Wittenberger

WeAreChangeLA questions Ron Paul about the IMF and why he won't come out about 9-11 Truth

In this brief and powerful interview, much is revealed. Kyley, a member of WeAreChangeLA, caught up with Ron Paul while in Las Vegas at the Campaign for Liberty, and asked him about how to deal with the IMF and why he won't come out about the truth about 9/11.

Kyley: If we're going to audit the Fed, don't we need to also have to audit the IMF, given they're connected?"

WeAreChangeLA member fulfills misprision of treason code duties by delivering 9/11 nano-thermite evidence to CA Superior Court

I believe that this is the first time that the evidence of nano-thermite residue in the dust of the demolished World Trade Center has been put on an official court record. Let us make it just the first of multitudinous individuals fulfilling the law by delivering our evidence, in a public manner, to State and Federal Judges, Governors and the President. This came about from a man named Ed Brotherton taking his duties to the oath he took and his inherently felt loyalty to his country and to his fellow human beings seriously enough to fulfill the requirements under the Treason codes in our country. He delivered testimony and evidence to CA Superior Court Judge Leland B. Harris that was put onto the court record. This is a great example of what everyone who knows that 9/11 is being covered up must do if they have taken an oath or if they feel they owe loyalty to their country and fellow human beings.

This is Mr. Brotherton's report:

On Monday July 13, 2009 I Edward Alan Brotherton fulfilled the legal requirements of Title 18 Section 2382 of the United States Code by reporting treason to Judge Leland B Harris of Division 107 at the Van Nuys Criminal Court.

Journalist Richard Wolffe claims Obama rejects 9/11 “conspiracies,” “doesn’t have the slightest doubt; Al Qaeda is the enemy.”

Richard Wolffe is an author, journalist and political analyst who is a frequent guest on many MSNBC political shows. His recent book, Renegade: The Making of a President, is a political biography of Barack Obama based on his experience covering the entire presidential campaign for Newsweek.

He appeared on Michael Medved’s radio show on June 10, 2009 to share his impressions and analysis of President Obama. I decided to weigh in on what Wolffe alleges to be Obama’s biggest weakness, his over-confidence, while attempting to make a quick reference to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( ).

With Obama recently telling the people of the world, including, of course, thousands of 9/11 victims’ family members, to stop questioning the nature of the 9/11 attacks and to reject what their eyes, physical intuition and multitudes of scientists and professionals know to be the case about how WTC 1, 2 and 7 came down, hypocritical and anti-scientific over-confidence is, apparently, the official modus operandi of the White House.

Michael Medved: Let’s go to Jeremy, in Los Angeles, you’re on the Medved Show with Richard Wolffe.

WeAreChangeLA confronts 9/11 criminal 'General' Richard Myers

On May 20, 2009, General Richard Myers was at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California to give a talk and a book signing. Bruno Bruhwiler and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA were there to call into question the 'General's' credibility when it came to talking about 9/11 and threats to the nation. Watch the following 3 videos, created by Paul Wittenberger, to see what happened. All I'll tell you for now is that towards the end of his speech, Myers said, "I'm sorry about the disturbance. If I had anything to do with causing that, I apologize." Well, I guess you could consider that the small step of a criminal towards owning up to and doing penance for his participation in treason, mass murder and war crimes.

Part 1

WeAreChangeLA questions CFR President and Bush/Obama man Richard Haas on "Wars of Agenda," Building 7 and the CFR's 'big ideas'

On May 18, 2009, Richard Haas was at the war criminal Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California to expound upon the 'big ideas' of foreign policy. Although Haas insists, wherever he goes, that US foreign policy is driven by "big ideas" and not by the small-minded, destructive agendas of conspiratorial cartels and international crime syndicates posing as think tanks, intelligence agencies and transnational corporations, it remains difficult to actually find any ideas among the mountains of Haas' ahistorical, incoherent and amoral pablum. WeAreChangeLA showed up to clarify matters with Haas. Stewart Howe broke down Haas' Grandest Concept, that there are very crucial differences between the mass murder known as "War of Choice" and the mass murder known as "War of Necessity," by pointing out that the term "Wars of Agenda" cleared this deceptive dichotomy up once and for all. Bob Sherman asked Haas how he could praise the 9/11 Commission Report when it failed to deal with World Trade Center Building 7. Haas claimed to not know about WTC 7 and said he would research it. Other folks got involved with very precise questions that Haas decided to answer by avoiding altogether or answer ahistorically and deceptively. Later on, outside, Howe continued the questioning till Haas had to scurry away. To think that the current occupant 'running' the White House uses this man's language to describe matters of war and peace is quite disturbing. And when this thought is combined with the President's recently-aired rejection of history, morality and the laws of the physical universe under the guise of the 'facts' that 'Al-Qaeda claimed to do 9/11,' the intellectual honesty and/or moral fortitude of the current front running out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. appears to be almost on par with the previous sock puppet crew. Luckily, the questioners showed that the American peoples' intelligence and moral acuity is not well represented by one Richard Haas, his 'boss' and their 'big ideas.'

Part 1

WeAreChangeLA challenges former CFR president Leslie Gelb on Global Terrorism, Mossad and 9/11

Leslie Gelb, who was the President of the Council on Foreign Relations for over a decade was at the LA Library in early April to speak about a foreign policy based on common sense. Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, of WeAreChangeLA was on hand to clarify some crucial matters about terrorism. Gelb didn't desire to clarify factual matters after pointing out that Iranians are Persians not Arabs, and chose to dismiss Rothe-Kushel by saying that they must agree to disagree. Rothe-Kushel, while being asked to leave, reminded Gelb that there was such a thing as facts and that ideas have power.

My open email to Randi Rhodes regarding my alleged "sandbagging" of the VP on blog-based nano-thermite rumor

I just called the Randi Rhodes show when I heard her give the number out, and, unexpectedly, got right on the air. I did not have my thoughts as collected as I would have liked and I was a little bit startled with how quickly things got snarky and snarly. So, I apologize if I was not that focused. But it seemed like it got some of the info out and got a good discussion going about journalism, blogging and "sandbagging." So, here is my open email in response to Randi. I have also told her that I will keep her responses private if she so desires.

p.s. if someone can grab that audio on the replay, that would be great.


Vice President Biden confronted with conclusive scientific proof of criminal demolitions on 9/11/01
by Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Bruno Bruhwiler, WeAreChangeLA

May 15, 2009, Los Angeles, CA - Vice President Joseph Biden and LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa took a tour of a community housing project of the Esperanza Community Housing Corp.

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Bruno Bruhwiler of WACLA Media sat among other members of the local press in the glaring sun in wait for the press conference scheduled to begin after the Vice President and the Mayor toured one of the buildings renovated by the Esperanza Community Housing Corporation. Secret Service officers were present in abundance in the 10' wide corridor where we were crammed behind residents of the renovated apartment complex. All of us were in close quarters with each other for at least one hour, and we all developed a courteous and jovial relationship with each other. The folks from Fox News were the most vocal, and they were not shy about their dislike for Biden and Obama. Later it turned out that one of the Fox reporters had a hot and healthy obsession with asking the Vice President about Karl Rove. One woman, an admittedly former journalist turned passionate advocate, claimed that although we were sitting in the scorching sun, our current position would probably be envied by most everyone in the rest of the country. It was not entirely clear whether she was referring to the Southern California weather or our proximity to a representative of the Hope and Change Administration™.

Chris Hedges "was there" and saw Building 7 "go down" and "it does" look like a controlled demolition, but he's not sure it was.

On February 4, 2009, Chris Hedges was on hand at the Hammer Museum in Westwood, CA, to participate on a panel entitled "Homegrown Hatred."
(Watch the whole discussion here: )
While much of the discussion was fear-mongering and highly propagandistic, some of Hedges deeper insights made it more than bearable, despite being personally singled out by moderator Ian Masters to not be allowed to ask a question. An aside on Ian Masters: Mr. Masters considers having had Matt Taibbi on his show on KPFK to childishly impugn the 9-11 truth movement to be his journalistic contribution to uncovering the darker truths of 9/11. However, Masters is to be commended for directing me to ask Hedges about his take on the destruction of Building 7.

At about 3:30 into the video, Hedges responds to the question of
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel: "Ian said I should get your take on Building 7, because you were there."

WeAreChangeLA informs LA Sheriff Lee Baca about 9/11 Black Op Demolitions

Barack Obama was in Southern California over a few days in March 2009. After an event in Downtown Los Angeles on March 19, 2009, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA Citizen's Media asked the Sheriff of Los Angeles County, Lee Baca, whether President Obama had mentioned clearing up the ongoing cover-up of the 9/11 black op.

"Did President Obama say anything--did he say anything about clearing up the biggest crime of the century, the 9/11 black op, and the continuing cover-up after it? Because we still have 30-something Angelenos whose murders are unsolved from that day and a lot of us, including all the family members,

WeAreChangeLA questions LAPD Chief William Bratton about Bin Laden, Black Ops and Israeli Intelligence
On October 27, 2008, WeAreChangeLA’s Jeremy Rothe-Kushel was on hand to cover an event with William Bratton, the Chief of the LAPD. Bratton was at a Townhall LA event at the Omni Hotel in Downtown LA to give a talk entitled “Crime and Your Bottom Line.” Although Bratton was there to focus on the future of the LAPD in relationship to development and crime-prevention, there was still a media buzz humming about an article Bratton had penned a week earlier with ‘terrorism expert’ R.P. Eddy in the NY Daily News.

WeAreChangeLA holds Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mayor Michael Bloomberg accountable

On October 15, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared together in Los Angeles at a press conference to endorse CA Prop 11. The slogan of the campaign was "Time to Hold Politicians Accountable." Stewart Howe and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA attended the press conference to give it a go at doing just that.