Shumonik's blog

A National Registry of Judges Notified of Treasonous Acts Has Been Started- Please Participate and Give Input

As of last week the following federal judges have been notified of treasonous activity related to 9-11 and its aftermath.

District of Connecticut:
Janet C. Hall (Bridgeport, CT)
Stefan R. Underhill (Bridgeport, CT)
Warren W. Eginton (Bridgeport, CT)
Alan H. Nevas (Bridgeport, CT)

My Bit of Floor Time @ "And I yield the remainder to the gentlepatriot from 911Blogger..."

Part 1

Before presenting evidence and theory, it must be said that the fact we are even having this conversation almost 6 years after the biggest official crime in US history is proof that something is wrong, and I dont think it is we da 'troofers' and our wacky conpiracy theories. The administration's eagerness to not investigate this massive crime against Americans and humanity in general as evidenced by the fact that it was well over a year before an investigation commenced is striking. Remember, after the Titanic sank, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, after the murder of JFK (another state-sponsored false-flag op btw) and after the Challenger disaster, we had official investigations within a week and a half. But with the event that "changed everything" we wouldn't have even had an investigation without the passion for Justice (still unfulfilled) of family members.

We Must Charge Sibel Edmonds with Misprision of Treason! (wink wink)

Sibel Edmonds has been silenced by a Justice Department “State Secrets” gag order for years from dispensing her deep knowledge of what she has openly described as treason and other big-time criminality at the highest levels of the government. All she has wanted is her day in court. So we need to help give it to her.

The way to do it is to press charges of misprision of treason against her with a federal judiciary. She has wanted someone to press the issue for all these years so she could release the healing poison of deep political truth corked and bottled within her by Patriot Act Enforcer Man himself, John Ashcroft. She is in a very difficult place in that she clearly feels a serious compunction to uphold her oath to the constitution and out the treasonous activities, but is stifled by the gag order and will potentially nullify the legal impact of her revelations if she breaks said order.

How many of us here @ 911 Blogger are guilty right now of misprision of treason, seriously (that includes you too trolls)?!!!

I posted a blog entry yesterday about the strategic possibilities of treason trials ( Part of that entry was also a reminder that knowledge of treason, such as the 9-11 variety that we all know of comes with specific legal responsibilities in this country. One again, from wikipedia: "In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, does not inform the President, a federal judge or state Governor or judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382). It is punishable by a fine and up to 7 years in prison."

A Call to do our Constitutional Duties and Initiate Treason Trials by Discharging Misprision of Treason

A Call to do our Constitutional Duties and Initiate Treason Trials by Discharging Misprision of Treason

Congress is so deeply ensnared in meaningless political maneuvering and complicit, cowardly silence around things that matter that Reverend King would declare the soul that inhabits the Capitol Building in the outright throes of death. But we must and do remember, I think, that the Congress is but a shadow of the real sovereign power of this Constitutional Republic, We the People, and more specifically and accurately, You and I the Persons. Individual Human Beings "endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights" are the fundament of legitimate power under our form of government. But, as we know, along with rights come responsibilities.

Everybody reading this site, I imagine, (except for agents, provocateurs and the willfully ignorant) have pragmatically, intellectually and spiritually begun to discharge their duties of reporting and remedying the unpunished treasonous acts of which we have knowledge. However, I doubt there are many of us who have actually fulfilled our legally-binding, constitutional obligations specifically outlined by the concept of '"Misprision of Treason." I know I haven't. From wikipedia: "In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, does not inform the President, a federal judge or state Governor or judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382). It is punishable by a fine and up to 7 years in prison."
Full entry @

Organizing and Orchestrating the Rise of People Power and the "Fall" of 2007

Being that 'our' Congress has now shown its full hand about its willful impotence in dealing with treasonous war criminals complicit in mass murder, it is now clearly all about the power and avenues for strategic action of We the People. After Congressman Conyers chose to arrest some of our great patriots in this country, rather than push forth the process of impeachment which was laid out by the Founders to be used, regularly if necessary, in the case of mismanagement, conflicts of interest, unbecoming behavior and general ineptitude, it should give us serious pause in thinking about our strategic way forward. The entire administration is a conflict of interests. George Bush and Dick Cheney are the biggest racketeering corporatists in history. Mussolini could not have been prouder. But, I guess the Democratic Party is more interested in playing politics (stupidly and impotently I might add) than saving the Constitution of our Republic and the lives of our soldiers, the Iraqi people, the Iranian people and all the people who will soon be consumed in the total war of terror if we dont pull the plug quickly. Se La Vi, especially in what has become an all out District of Criminality. So what are we gonna do, give up and die?!

Of course not. Many if not most of us in the 9-11 Truth and Justice movement never had much if any confidence in our current crop of politicos in the first place. The 9-11 Truth and Justice Movement is a profound example of a people power movement, from the underground books that sell like crazy and the blogger armies, to the monthly street actions around the world and the guerilla infowar confrontational specialists. With much work to do between now and then, especially so we don't get false-flagged again, September 11th IS a big day, both symbolically and practically, for the movement. From the calls for a General Strike to the massive gathering planned that entire week for NYC, we can make that day the beginning of the coming "Fall" of 2007. There is resonance in fairly recent history for the rise of people power to bring down tyrannical regimes in the fall. In the fall of '89 two peaceful revolutions were thrown in totalitarian communist Eastern Europe:

An Interesting Ongoing Dialogue @ about the Force of Truth and the Force of Violence


Joined: 29 Mar 2007
Posts: 20
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:33 am Post subject: A note about the power of Truth

Operation Call a PNAC member: Former Drug Czar and Education Boss Bill Bennett hung up on the 'Dictator in Chief'

Click here to watch 'George-Bush-calls-Bill-Bennett'
In case you hadn't heard, earlier this week, PNAC signatory William Bennett hung up on the 'Decider' as he was reminding the American people of his call not to believe "outrageous conspiracy theories" and coming out as a "Truther" by making clear statements that the Zelikow report fit this description perfectly. I can't believe it wasn't on the front page of the New York Times. One of the POTUS's and GWOT's biggest backers rudely hung up on him and his message. Although I am not holding my breath on the MSM to remedy this situation, I do think the 9-11 Truth and Justice community owes Bennett a barage of utterance (1-866-680-6464, 6-9am weekdays EST). How often is it that you get a chance to talk live with a PNAC member in front of multitudes around the country?

On a more serious tip...
With the threats flying hot and heavy, taking a hold of the people's airwaves and reaching multitudes by calling talk radio shows is a very potent pre-emptive tool. Call up and say that if there is another attack in the U.S., the first suspects we will look to are the members of the Bush administration especially Cheney, all signatories to the PNAC letter and anyone who has given a vague warning or threat of future attacks (Brezinski, Santorum et al.). If you record it, you will have created another type of chain-of-evidence pointing towards motive and intention. Moreover, if we explain that We the People intend to use the full measure of the Law and Justice to rectify this situation, it might possibly give anyone who's thinking of being complicit (commission and ommission both) in murderous and treasonous atrocities a second thought. I haven't been able to lay this out clearly on air yet. Here are a couple examples of somewhat successful 9-11 Truth calls:

Click here to watch 'Medved-show-w--terrorism-expert--Victor-Mordecai-'

Click here to watch 'Bill-Bennett--False-flag-terrorism---this-is-going-nowhere-'

Its crucial to keep opening up the conversation in the public sphere (as Keith Ellison and Paul Craig Roberts are doing very well from both the left and the right). This is really what this movement is about in many ways, the power of Truth and the possibility of transforming the dialogue. It's strength and our strength lies in the power of communication and openness rather than silence and secrecy. The tools of violence are clearly weighted towards the perpetraitors (though millions of American people dedicated to upholding the 2nd ammendment, representing the largest armed civilian force on the planet, have our backs if neccesary). But it is no coincidence that the 1st ammendment is 1st in power and preference. The tools of transformative sound, word and image are deeply weighted in our favor (despite the current corporatist stranglehold on the MSM) as evidenced by the recent powerful Truth fleecings of Congress members Susan Save-it! and John McCan't.

'Bush' a Truther "War on Terror is a very serious thing...Pursue it to its root." Reminds: No "outrageous conspiracy theories"

Imagine my surprise early this morning/late last night when, about to go to sleep, I flicked on the Bill Bennett show for a second and heard a certain descript faux-Texan drawl reminding the American people not to believe the outrageous conspiracy theory of the Zelikow Commission Report. I think Bennett was a little rude to hang up on the POTUS and Decider in Chief like that, especially when he was trying to get the American people to understand a very important truth. But, I got the point Mr. President, loud and clear. Tell me where to line up behind you in pursuing the War on Terror to its root and I will be there.

Click here to watch 'George-Bush-calls-Bill-Bennett'

Bennett responds "that's irrelevant" to "This president's father supported Saddam Hussein like his grandfather supported Hitler"

Early monday morning (7-16-07), Bill Bennett was attempting to shore up morale around the War on Iraq on his radio show "Morning in America" (6-9am EST, 1-866-680-6464). I figured it was time to check in with Bill to clarify the internal contradictions of his beliefs about 9-11 and the logic of the Global War on Terror. I was attempting to play the 'devil's advocate' of his belief system and poke holes in it from inside and then get to the facts. I really wanted to get into a discussion about false-flag terror in order to clarify why the War in Iraq is not meant by its architects to be "won," but I got caught up in back and forth with Bill and got axed soon after bringing it up. I really think someone needs to follow up with him specifically, because, as far as I know, he is the only signatory to the PNAC document to have a call in radio show. I was going to tell him that he is part of a group that Citizen's Grand Juries around this country are investigating for complicity in the attacks of 9-11.
Click here to watch 'Bill-Bennett--False-flag-terrorism---this-is-going-nowhere-'

Daily half hour bullhorning and/or speak-ins at major media (newspaper, tv and radio) and government buildings

We need more of this.

Their information war is pitching forward into this hot summer. We really need to turn up the heat and consistency quickly. We need to be a vocal presence out there, especially in front of the media, as they begin to report more and more of this stuff from Chertoff's gut. Some attention to City Councils, Federal Buildings and Police stations would be good too. Talk about the threats coming fom the white house and about the warnings that prominent people are putting forth. Just a half hour at lunch time or some other time could potentially do alot.

Ms. Goodman, Multiudes and Multitudes of People Around the World Get to Hear Your Words, You Deserve to as Well!

From wikipedia:

...Goodman also writes a weekly column called "Breaking the Sound Barrier," for King Features Syndicate. In her first piece, released October 24, 2006, she wrote, "My column will include voices so often excluded, people whose views the media mostly ignore, issues they distort and even ridicule."

P.S. Open letter coming soon

A Proposal for Taking Truth to Them Tuesdays with 9-11 Justice Squads

This is a response to Lucus, David Slesinger and others call to hone our strategy and points of pressure, so that we can win.

I have a powerful feeling that the ideas which have been presented here represent the potential trimtab for the 9-11 Justice movement. Buckminster's Fuller's use of the concept of the trimtab needed to help turn the rudder on a masive ship, such as Earth, is related to the ideas of accupressure/puncture. Find the spots with the most bang for the buck.

9-11 Truth Storms Venice Beach Making Contact w/ Surfers, Students, Tourists and Police Truthers

3 Days after Corporal Wave called for the court martial of the 'Commander in Chief' and Michele Phillips, Ed Asner and David Ray Griffin called for people to "get off their butts" in support of 9-11 Truth and Justice activism, a strong and geographically-diverse group of activists stormed the Venice Beach Boardwalk. Thousands of flyers and hundreds of DVD's later, many people had been brought information, inspiration and future pathways for action. Groups came from all over the Greater LA metropolitan area, including Redlands and Rancho Cucamonga.

There were two bullhorns, tens of signs and many banners. A large group of college students of political science had their minds open to the facts of "deep politics." Many locals and tourists got into the action, compelled by the sight of many passionate people having fun whiling pushing forth incredibly important truth. Additional credibility and intrigue were added to the mix by Corporal Wave in his full blues out in the hot sun, and journalist and eyewitness to the NYC attacks, Monica Mercedes Perez Jimenez actively founding the group Rollerskaters for 9-11 Truth.

Contact was made with a police truther and strategy sessions were convened for the coming month. Personally, I think it's time to move aggressively forward on both the criminal case for conspiracy to commit murder front(Police (getting them the info is crucial in all of this), DA) and the Misprision of HIgh Treason front (Judges, Governors) for this upcoming month of action. Let's have a digital strategy session shall we?

Click to enlarge

Day After Corporal Wave said "Educate yourself," Ret. Lieut. Col. Ralph Peters claims “Conspiracy theories are for Arabs"- Pt. 1

On Monday, July 9th, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters was on the Michael Medved show to discuss the Iraq War, its implications for the Global War on Terror and his latest book "Wars of Blood and Faith." I couldn't stay quiet and just listen to them blather on, so I decided to join the conversation. In the course of my call, Peters warmly gave me one of his best racist doosies of advise: "Conspiracy theories are for Arabs." This is a man who has spoken of "the Arab genius for screwing things up" and his Cheneyac commitment to the idea that "There will be no peace. At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive. The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing." I should have known that he wouldn't be a 9-11 Truther.. I felt a duty, however to school him on the divide and conquer techniques catalyzing the volatile situation in Iraq and the relation of that to 7-7, 9-11 and the left-right divide in America. Don't read yet, listen!

Pt. 1-
Pt. 2- (get's interesting a third of the way in)

Peters started by giving me advice:

“Never, never blame anything on a conspiracy that can be explained by incompetence.”