Shumonik's blog

Rick Santorum predicts "some unfortunate events" will give Americans a "very different view of this war"

Yesterday, on the Hugh Hewitt show, former PA Senator Rick Santorum made references to learning the lessons of 9-11 and the recent 'attacks' in England. Then when asked by Hewitt whether he felt the leading Republican Presidential candidates were speaking with enough "seriousness" about the war, Santorum proceeded to say that alot was going to change in the next year.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters Says "No" to War with Iran and "Yes" to Paying Attention to Brzenzski's Warning

After Congresswoman Maxine Waters delivered a fiery speech at the impeachment rally this 4th of July in Los Angeles (which, with much thanks due to Peter Thottam of and, was a great success), I followed up with her and attempted to get her to go deeper on the way to her car. I asked her to respond to Zbigniew Brzenzski's warning to Congress in February that war with Iran would be provoked through an attack in the Middle East or in the U.S. blamed on Iran, subsequently hurtling the U.S. into a "defensive" attack. With the anniversary of the London 7/7 bombings coming up this weekend, I also asked her to go on record as a public official who decries the use of false-flag terror events such as 9-11, 3-11 and 7-7 as a horrific form of statecraft. Although she spun away from directly answering these questions, she spoke firmly about pursuing diplomacy with Iran and the consequences of starting something that would quickly spin out of control. I followed up as we got to her car by asking her, "And Brzenzski, we need to pay attention to his warning right?" and she said "Yes we do." Then I handed her the WeAreC.H.A.N.G.E. pamphlet.

This week and Beyond in the 9-11 Truth, Justice and Peace Movement

Today, the 4th of July, Independence Day begins an important week for the 9-11 Truth Movement if it really wants to bring Justice to the criminals and Peace to all the victims, of that day and of the lies about that day. We should all be out there with information and passion today and tonight. If you're looking for a good piece of info to print, We Are Change has a good "Patriots Question 9-11" flyer that is quite relevant to Independence Day.

May I suggest a concerted talk show call-in effort from today up to Saturday 7/7/07 and keeping on until 7-11. Remember, this is the 2nd anniversary of the London False-Flag bombings and next wednesday, 7-11 is the first anniversary of the Mumbai bombings which fit the False-Flag MO pretty well (except for them having a tough time pinning it on anyone). We can lace the airwaves with information around the history of false-flag operations, contextualize 9-11 in a set of recent events, and warn people to watch out and, more importantly, act to stop the coming events being prepared for us.

Check my previous post on calling radio shows for numbers, times and techniques-

A Call Again to Call: Talk-Radio Shows Offer Free Access to Millions

Being that we are approaching the 2nd anniversary of the false-flag terror event in London on 7-7-05 and creeping ever closer to another false-flag op directed at American reluctance to bomb Iran, it is extra important right now to bomb Our airwaves with Truth and History. Remind the massive corporate-ist media conglomerates that they rent our airwaves by bringing up the elucidating idea of state-sponsored, false-flag operations throughout history, including 9-11-01, 3-11-04 and 7-7-05 of course. Use Brezinski "the Butcher's" own warnings in February to Congress to contemporize and contextualize the current s(h)ituation. Rip the 9-11 (C)omission Report to shreds. Be aggressive and act like you know, cuz you do.

An Open Response to Dennis Prager's Slanderous Hit-Piece

This is my open response to Dennis Prager's recent hit piece against conspiracy theorists that I put on and emailed to Mr. Prager himself. I have also included a rough recording of a recent phone call to his radio show.

Click here to watch 'Dennis-Prager-says--You-need-helpIts-like-whether-slavery-happened-'

I apologize for my rather poor efforts at communicating the profundity of 9-11 Truth that groggy morning. I post it more to show how he failed to respond to me and his horrendous attempt to group me with holocaust and slavery deniers. I could not allow this to float without serious reprisal. Look also for a future open letter to Christopher Hitchens who gave me personally the middle finger for asking a probing and appropriate question at his talk at the Los Angeles Public Library a few weeks ago. More on how that went down later.

"Mental Infantilization in Post-Coup USA"