Fred Thompson

We Are Change - Austin Confronts Fred Thompson


We Are Change - Austin Confronts Fred Thompson

Thompson held a private luncheon at the Driskill Hotel in Austin for fund raising with a cost of $1000 a plate. You could also have your photograph taken with him for only $2300. Thompson, a CFR member, is asked if he supports the North American Union? He refuses to answer the question. Absolutely no Fred Thompson supporters showed up, but he gives a big wave to all the Ron Paul supporters that came.

Confronted: Fred Thompson
Fred Thompson asked about his CFR membership and more (9/11 inside job). Must watch!

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Rick Santorum predicts "some unfortunate events" will give Americans a "very different view of this war"

Yesterday, on the Hugh Hewitt show, former PA Senator Rick Santorum made references to learning the lessons of 9-11 and the recent 'attacks' in England. Then when asked by Hewitt whether he felt the leading Republican Presidential candidates were speaking with enough "seriousness" about the war, Santorum proceeded to say that alot was going to change in the next year.

Thompson Links Reid To 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists, Claims He Is ‘Encouraging Our Enemies’

Note: There are many links in the original source for this article.



Bob Geiger's response:

Thompson Links Reid To 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists, Claims He Is ‘Encouraging Our Enemies’

In his latest ABC News podcast, former senator Fred Thompson suggests that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) criticized outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace last week to appeal to “fringe” anti-American elements “who think the 9/11 attacks were an inside job.”

Reid “made his statement about General Pace on a conference call with fringe elements of the blogosphere who think we’re the bad guys,” Thompson says. “Whether he means to or not, he’s encouraging our enemies to believe that they are winning the critical war of will.”

The American Enterprise Institute Attacks 9/11 Truth

Wishful Theorists

Fred Thompson


By Fred Thompson
Posted: Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So they're going to dig up Harry Houdini. They want to see if he was poisoned by a powerful league of spiritualists for exposing their phony séances. The doctor who'll examine the remains also exhumed Jesse James's coffin a few years ago--to see if the outlaw outwitted authorities by having another man buried in his place.

People love a good conspiracy theory, which may be one of the reasons that actor Charlie Sheen is going to narrate a documentary about how the World Trade Towers were brought down by the U.S. government. About the same time, Rosie O'Donnell added her credibility to the project.