Dennis Prager

Speaking with Dennis Prager on 4/4/08 about the deeper and more disturbing aspects of MLK's truth-telling and his murder

I decided to call the Dennis Prager show, in honor of the 40th anniversary of MLK's death, to bring up his "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" speech, delivered a year to the day before he was killed in Memphis. I also wanted to tie in the 1999 trial of Lloyd Jowers litigated by William Pepper on behalf of the King Family. Prager wanted nothing to do with the conspiracy trial part, other than cheap psychological shots at those who can't deal with the fact that "low-life" nothings like James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald can effect major evil. He was fairly dismissive and patronizing of the King family's struggle to uncover the truth. Afterwards, he gave a thorough response to King's claim that his own government was the "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today."

An Open Response to Dennis Prager's Slanderous Hit-Piece

This is my open response to Dennis Prager's recent hit piece against conspiracy theorists that I put on and emailed to Mr. Prager himself. I have also included a rough recording of a recent phone call to his radio show.

Click here to watch 'Dennis-Prager-says--You-need-helpIts-like-whether-slavery-happened-'

I apologize for my rather poor efforts at communicating the profundity of 9-11 Truth that groggy morning. I post it more to show how he failed to respond to me and his horrendous attempt to group me with holocaust and slavery deniers. I could not allow this to float without serious reprisal. Look also for a future open letter to Christopher Hitchens who gave me personally the middle finger for asking a probing and appropriate question at his talk at the Los Angeles Public Library a few weeks ago. More on how that went down later.

"Mental Infantilization in Post-Coup USA"