
Ms. Goodman, Multiudes and Multitudes of People Around the World Get to Hear Your Words, You Deserve to as Well!

From wikipedia:

...Goodman also writes a weekly column called "Breaking the Sound Barrier," for King Features Syndicate. In her first piece, released October 24, 2006, she wrote, "My column will include voices so often excluded, people whose views the media mostly ignore, issues they distort and even ridicule."

P.S. Open letter coming soon

Join Other Like Minded 911 Truthers Live

There is a large group of us that meet in a Paltalk room everyday, sometimes 24/7. So if you're feeling alone with your 911 thoughts, come and join us:

  1. You will need to download Paltalk, (Windows only, for others, join us in Skypecast by downloading Skype). We normally only do Skypecasts during Interviews, so if you don't have Paltalk and would like to just listen to the Paltalk room, you can listen via Winamp, Itunes etc...Click on the appropriate link or button under "911 Blog Radio"
  2. Once downloaded and installed, navigate to the rooms list and double click "911Truth United We Stand"

Details at http://911blog.org/?q=node/136