redpill's blog

A Saturday Afternoon with Luke and Gang

My friends and I went to Ground Zero last Saturday to get a feeling for what these guys/gals ( go through every Saturday and more in NYC.

If you live near NYC, I encourage you to come up on a Saturday afternoon from 1PM - 4PM to give support!

Maine rejects Real ID Act

Go here to read about Maine's rejection of of the national ID act:

And here for an explanation of how the National ID Act will effect you:

Most disturbing to me is:

the Real ID Act "establishes a national ID card" and "gives authority to the Secretary of Homeland Security to unilaterally add requirements as he sees fit."

President of Pakistan reveals killer of American journalist Daniel Pearl to be MI6

Published: Friday, 29 September, 2006, 01:06 PM Doha Time

LONDON: Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has disclosed that Omar Sheikh, who kidnapped and murdered American journalist Daniel Pearl and is now facing death penalty, was actually the British secret Agency MI6’s agent and had executed certain missions on their behest before coming to Pakistan and visiting Afghanistan to meet Osama and Mullah Omar.

General Musharraf’s book has also given a new twist to the whole drama of kidnapping and murder of American journalist as many believe here British national Omar Sheikh might use Musharraf’s memoir to plea his innocence after, quite surprisingly, Musharraf tried to give a clean chit to Omar despite his role in kidnapping which is punishable with death in Pakistan.

911 Was an Inside Job Skypecast Tonight 9PM

We are resuming our weekly Skypecast, tonight is mostly "Open Mic" and Guest KT of Killtown.

Use the following for Text chat during the Skypecast:

Here is the link to the Skypecast:

As always, we welcome all to join and share their viewpoints.

Join us Tonight for our weekly Skypecast 9PM Eastern

Please join us for this weeks Skypecast, be sure to use our Chat page for asking questions, requesting mic time etc... Tonight we have Killtown as a guest. Killtown would like to focus on Flight 93 and has done some great research on the matter,

Tonight 8PM EST Live Interview with David Hawkins

Friday 8PM Eastern

This is a follow up interview of last Sundays.

Davids Site

Join us in the Skypecast or Paltalk

For Text questions and comments, join us in our chat room.

Are some Americans becoming like pre-WW2 Germans?

Over at I came across this on the front page!

"When radio host Jerry Klein suggested that all Muslims in the United States should be identified with a crescent-shape tattoo or a distinctive arm band, the phone lines jammed instantly. What he said was a hoax. What the callers said was not"

Digg Article

Reuters Article

This is a sad example of the pulse of this nation. In addition to the above, it is widely stated amongst right wingers that folks such as us (truthers etc..) are "in bed with the terrorists, communist and Nazis.

Join us Tonight for our weekly Skypecast

Please join us for this weeks Skypecast, be sure to use our Chat page for asking questions, requesting mic time etc...

We also openly invite the folks from to discuss our interview with James Fetzer and Judy Wood and their concerns about "no planers", "beam" weapons etc....

This may in fact be the main topic of discussion, the direction of the truth movement.

Live Interview Tonight with James Fetzer and Dr. Judy Woods

We are having an interactive interview with Professor James Fetzer and Dr. Judy Wood tonight at 10PM Eastern. You can listen via Shoutcast, Real Player, Windows media player or Itunes. You can participate by joining a Skypecast as well. Details:

911Was An Inside Job Skypecast Tonight 9PM Eastern

Come join us for our weekly 911 discussion via Skypecast:

Hope to see some of you there!

Join Other Like Minded 911 Truthers Live

There is a large group of us that meet in a Paltalk room everyday, sometimes 24/7. So if you're feeling alone with your 911 thoughts, come and join us:

  1. You will need to download Paltalk, (Windows only, for others, join us in Skypecast by downloading Skype). We normally only do Skypecasts during Interviews, so if you don't have Paltalk and would like to just listen to the Paltalk room, you can listen via Winamp, Itunes etc...Click on the appropriate link or button under "911 Blog Radio"
  2. Once downloaded and installed, navigate to the rooms list and double click "911Truth United We Stand"

Details at

Interview with Ralph Epperson, Saturday 8pm Est

Live interactive interview with Ralph Epperson will be broadcast in Paltalk, Shoutcast and Skypecast. Our Paltalk room is named "911Truth United We Stand". Paltalk is a Windows only program, so if you don't have Windows or Paltalk, you can either just listen in via Shoutcast or interact and listen via Skypecast.

We will be having a Q&A session where you can ask Ralph questions either from Paltalk or Skypecast.

Details at

Prof Fetzer Live right now!

Here is the Archive of the Interview, Thanks for those of you who tuned in Live!


Are the masses waking up?

Around 10PM eastern last night I noticed an interesting fact that could indicate that the masses are waking up to the fact that our Liberties are being dissolved in this country!

The popular site had the following stories at the top on their front page:


I have been a frequent visitor of digg since it's inception, and have never witnessed political stories at the top of their list, let alone three! Digg is primarily a "Techie" web site that promotes user submitted stories from the Internet, similar to this site.

"in this very spot it smells like sulfur still".

Could Chavez be refering to the Thermate that Jones found?:

"He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world."

The leftist leader, who has joined Iran and Cuba in opposing US influence, accused Washington of "domination, exploitation and pillage of peoples of the world".

"We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to
halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head," he said.

He drew tentative giggles at times from the audience, but also some applause when he called Mr Bush the devil. The US seat was vacant
for Mr Chavez's address.

Mr Chavez quipped that a day after Bush's appearance "in this very spot it smells like sulfur still".