Article 3 Section 3

Recently, a call heard on this morning's Washington Journal, check the video

or watch it here by going to the Washington Journal Program for 8/22/07 and start watching a bit after the 2:40:00 mark:

After this call, a firestorm of 9-11 truth began to rage until, after multiple callers had proclaimed their doubt about the government's story, a poor Republican woman had to bemoan how she was depressed that there wasn't enough talk about Al-Qaeda and other Islamo-extremists. She then proceeded to talk about how Janet Reno was the worst AG because of Waco and Ruby Ridge. You'll find no Janet Reno apologist here. People are pissed. And they're beginning to understand who at. Let's take it to court.

How many of us here @ 911 Blogger are guilty right now of misprision of treason, seriously (that includes you too trolls)?!!!

I posted a blog entry yesterday about the strategic possibilities of treason trials ( Part of that entry was also a reminder that knowledge of treason, such as the 9-11 variety that we all know of comes with specific legal responsibilities in this country. One again, from wikipedia: "In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, does not inform the President, a federal judge or state Governor or judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382). It is punishable by a fine and up to 7 years in prison."