Bin Laden Confession

Conversations with the Bin Laden Boys #1: Michael Scheuer on his homeboy OBL's videos, the Will to Kill and the 9-11 cover-up

Michael Scheuer is, as far as I know, the only Company Man to get a shout out from Osama Bin Laden, the big bad boogeyman that keeps on giving. So he was the right guy to clear up the confusion about the Bin Laden 9-11 "confession" video and his initial statements denying responsibility for the attacks. Garko and I went to the Hammer Museum in West Los Angeles a few weeks ago to check in with Bin Laden's (version fall '07) favorite former CIA man. If I had studied the great info that Reprehensor had sent me about the KLA/Al-Qaeda/NATO/CIA linkages better I would have gone further down that route to press Scheuer.

The Hijacking of a Terrorism Plot! - The hijacking of Al-Qaeda and the nurturing of the Terrorism Fairy.

A spectacular attack on the United States was on the wish list of Zbegniew Brzezinski as far back as 1997, without it, there would be no internal support within the United States for the sacrifices needed to implement his plans for American hegemony. In his book “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives”, Mr. Brzezinski writes:

Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.

The Project for a New American Century, a Washington think tank that took the reins at the Pentagon and the Bush White House, was just as convinced of the importance of the “spectacular attack” as the catalyst for their plans, which mirrored Brzezinski’s, that they felt the need to convey it in their September 2000 white paper, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, thusly

Muckraker: CIA letter supports assertion that OBL “confession video” was a sting operation

Just saw this and thought I post it. I'm leaning more toward the author's arguments, although this is obviously a rather controversial subject, open to speculation and interpretation.

CIA letter supports assertion that OBL “confession video” was a sting operation

The controversy over the "Fatty Bin Laden" in the tape is not going away. I always thought the "confession tape" had a fake Bin Laden too, until reading Muckraker's report here:

Taking the fat out of the fat bin Laden confession video

That report explains the aspect ratio problem with the video, as well as other things, like the gold ring, etc. It's truly an eye-opener. That doesn't mean this report supports the Official Conspiracy Theory by any means though. The author, Ed Haas, asserts that this BushCo is guilty of treason. Read and discuss please!

Haas- Muckraker Report- CIA letter supports assertion that OBL “confession video” was a sting operation

Many 9/11 truth seekers have long ago concluded that the issue surrounding the “confession video” is that it is a fake video – that the Osama bin Laden in the video is not Osama bin Laden at all. As I have previously admitted in earlier articles, I once held the fat bin Laden belief. However, thanks to the fine work of Muckraker Report contributing writer Maher Osseiran, and my further investigation into the videotape, I am now convinced that the video is indeed authentic. See Article - Taking the fat out of the fat bin Laden confession video

However, the translation of the “confession video” that the U.S. government provided the corporate media is significantly flawed, and the dates and circumstances related to the discovery of the video cannot possibly be accurate. Furthermore, the DoD claimed in its December 13, 2001 press release that the “video was filmed by unknown persons”. While the DoD may not have known who filmed the video at the time it issued its press release, I am now certain that the CIA did. The corporate media does not consider this type of information newsworthy. Why?

Bin Laden’s Confession; is that what it is


Bin Laden’s Confession; is that what it is?

March 15, 2007 -- The tape released by the Pentagon on December 13, 2001 in which Osama Bin Laden is seen describing the events of 9/11 to a paraplegic visitor, Khaled Al-Harbi, is as close to a confession of prior knowledge as anyone is going to get at a dinner gathering.

Bin Laden: So if the plane hits the building here [gestures with hands], the portion of the building above will collapse. That was the most we could hope for, the most we expected: that the floors above the point of entry would fall. We were at one of the canyons at the time of the event, and we knew since Thursday that it would be on Tuesday. So we had the radio on.

That is enough for me, still, there are those who doubt and might say, well, the event had already taken place and Bin Laden knew enough detail to make up a story and take credit. Yes, there are those who might say that and for various reasons.