
James Quintiere - Waco Testimony

Noticed a very revealing fact while watching Waco: Rules of Engagement on Google Video that was posted recently in a blog comment.
This is relevent to 9/11 Truth as it shows that James Quintiere has a history of covering up Government wrong doing.

For information about FLIR (Foward Looking InfraRed) see this portion of the video.
27:15-28:41 (Edward Alaurd and an explaination of FLIR)

Why this is significant?
Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center

C.H.A.N.G.E. Confronts Bill Clinton

I'm not sure if this is the final video. It looks different than the one that was on YouTube for about ten minutes. It isn't on the We Are Change site. But, it is video from the Bill Clinton confrontation.

New Eyewitness

This is a new video from We Are Change.

GW's comment: I haven't yet watched this, so I eagerly await your comments.

The Shock Doctrine by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein

I just found this on the front page of and was blown away. The above short film is produced by Alfonso Cuarón, the critically acclaimed director of "Children of Men", and is narrated by and based on the new book from author Naomi Klein - "The Shock Doctrine". I really want to buy this book it looks fascinating and incredibly powerful.

From the front page of;

The Shock Doctrine

Cincinnati Street Action

The Cincinnati area has a 9/11 truth group. Who knew?

Here's a short video I made near the end of the event. The crowd was slowing down, and we were about to head home, when I started filming this video. Next time I'll make a point to take more pictures.

Here's a run down on our September 11, 2007 action. First, at about 10:00 AM, we met at a major interstate exit heading into he city, and had a few signs. One said "9/11 truth ends this war... Free DVDs here." Lots of people were stopping, looking for some information. We handed out many DVDs.

The Road to Terrorstorm

"Road to Terrorstorm", a condensed cut of "Road to Tyranny", "Martial Law 9/11" & "Terrorstorm" carefully crafted as a tool for reaching new people.

This is a quick and dirty take, for now, made for the 9/11 anniversary. This is the best I could do with a Celeron PC, 2 days work time, and 20.5 hours of rendering (for just that 'take'). I wasn't able to even 'proof-watch' it before rendering, so please do offer any constructive criticism as I'll be doing a final render once I get my video machine re-operational after the lightning strike. Then I'll release a finalized version and a formal torrent.

Researcher: Bin Laden's beard is real, video is not

From the large tech publication, CNET. (see original for links)

September 12, 2007 11:11 AM PDT

On the Friday before the sixth anniversary of 9/11, Osama bin Laden appeared in a new video, his first since prior to the U.S. presidential elections in 2004. In analyzing the video, Neal Krawetz of Hactor Factor, an expert on digital image forensics, said in his latest blogs that the video contained many visual and audio splices, and that all of the modifications were of very low quality.

Most striking is bin Laden's beard, which has been gray in recent images. For this video it is black. "As far as my tools can detect, there has been no image manipulation of the bin Laden portion of the image beyond contrast adjustment. His beard really does appear to be that color." The Washington Post has the full video here.

9/8 9/9 European 9/11 Action!

Greetings to anyone who follows my blog here somewhat...

We've been quite busy this weekend! We spent about 6 hours demonstrating yesterday (Saturday 8 Sept.) in The Hague with a half dozen people. Easily more than 1,000 flyers were handed out, and probably close to 500 or more DVDs. Today we joined the European-wide march through Brussels, and have some preliminary video footage available for that as well.


The Hague (9/8/07):

Brussels (9/9/07):

The Building 7 video/song to be re-released today is being censored & deleted all over the web!

This WTC-7 video/song is being heavily censored/deleted off the web!

(Martin Noakes, 01-Feb-2007)

There's a million reasons why I don't believe it
There's a million reasons why it can't be true
Open fire can't melt steel
It's not hot enough
(It's nothing new it's not a mystery, check out the Reichstag Germany).

There's a million questions still remain unanswered
There's a million questions still to be resolved
Out of 19 Muslim guys
7 Still remain alive
(It's nothing new it's not a mystery, check out the USS Liberty).

9/11, 9/11, what went down with building 7?
It's a mystery to this day
The building fell with such precision
Freefall speed no reasons given
Like the towers it just fell
And fire's not enough
No way hot enough to bring 'em down

The Project for the new American century (PNAC)

A visual guide to the clips generates an animated gif for each video. (see original post:
On this page they can all be viewed at once. Each image is linked to the source file.
Hold the mouse over a video to read it's url description.

Caution: Don't click here if you are using a 486. folder:
bash code to generate page:

254 Interesting video clips

I went through the foorage (available here: and cut out the parts I found important.... 24GB in all. I also included a copy of "911 The Explosive Reality" (without the "red falshes" error at the end) and Robert Wright's (damming) speech to the national press club. I'm not sure they will let this stay up... please grab it now and host if you can.

The complete list is here (pls ignore any spelling errors ;-):

PS. The full 198GB set ( is "well seeded" now if you were waiting to download it.

RE: WTC7 Corner

This video was made by Steve Spak of the FDNY. It contains close-up shots of WTC7's infamous corner along with shots of WTC1&2's sliced core columns.
For background see:
Direct link to .iso image:

PS: lots of interesting things in the footage ->