Cincinnati 9/11 Truth

Adam Syed discusses David Ray Griffin's WTC7 book on Cincinnati TV

First of all, I am pleased to mention that Cincinnati 9/11 Truth's hour long TV show on cable Public Access (Media Bridges), which used to be just once a month, has quadrupled its output to once a week (every Wednesday night, 7-8 p.m.). According to our producer who handles the bureaucratics with the studio owners, this is due to viewer demand. So even though it's "only" Public Access, which is often derided in our culture as the channel no one watches, it is clear that the demand is there. And this, in one of the most notoriously right wing, blindly nationalistic pockets of the country, Cincinnati Ohio!

Observe 9/12ers interact with 9/11ers

This video is a supplement to Karl's "You are truly an inspiration" letter to Beck. I didn't make this event but plan to be at the next one. It is indeed surprising how open and receptive the people seem to be.

Yes, Glenn Beck is a true inspiration!

Cincinnati 9/11 Truth on Public Access TV

Quite possibly our best show yet. We primarily discuss the movement's news of the past month: the peer-reviewed work on nano-thermate by Jones and company (and the censorship at Wikipedia) along with "Rescue Me." From those main points the hour-long discussion tangents off to touch a few other issues as well. I am the one on the far right (screen right, table left). A good, vigorous discussion. In a metro area of 2-3 million, maybe at least a few dozen or even hundred watched?

Cincinnati 9/11 Truth on Public Access (Episode 6)

I'm a bit late posting this - this is from February. Our next show is tomorrow.

I'm the one in the white sweater who kicks off the show. ;-) I immediately bring up Richard Gage, controlled demolition, and the fact that the FBI gave the demolition hypothesis a positive wink and nod.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Cincinnati 9/11 Truth / WeAreCHANGE Ohio public access TV show Episode 4

Taped Dec. 22, 2008. My first appearance on the show. I am the one at the far left with the Investigate 9/11 sweater. We eased the audience in with the financial crisis, which led to discussion of the Fed, which then segued into false flag terrorism, and finally 9/11. We figured it would be more effective than hitting the audience hard with 9/11 stuff from the get-go.

(continued below the fold)

WeAreChange Ohio Labeled Security Threat and Attacked by Security at Riverfest

While all this was going on, I split off by myself and infiltrated the event with the bullhorn (I was urged to do this after we got a whiff of what was coming) and waited for them at the Cincinnatus statue.

This event does raise the issue of "private sponsors" like radio stations renting public property for major events like Cincinnati's annual Riverfest. The security guard who ended up attacking the signholder insisted that for this event, the normally public property is temporarily private, and hence the signs were not welcome.

Finally, when the police arrived, they ended up ultimately siding with the truthers! The fact that private sponsors were funding Riverfest didn't change the fact that the land was public; they gave us their blessing to peacefully hold our "9/11 was an inside job" sign inside the event where we could be seen. A classic example of the 1st Amendment triumphing over the concept of "free speech zones."

You have no rights unless you exercise them.