We Are Change Ohio

WeAreChange Ohio Labeled Security Threat and Attacked by Security at Riverfest

While all this was going on, I split off by myself and infiltrated the event with the bullhorn (I was urged to do this after we got a whiff of what was coming) and waited for them at the Cincinnatus statue.

This event does raise the issue of "private sponsors" like radio stations renting public property for major events like Cincinnati's annual Riverfest. The security guard who ended up attacking the signholder insisted that for this event, the normally public property is temporarily private, and hence the signs were not welcome.

Finally, when the police arrived, they ended up ultimately siding with the truthers! The fact that private sponsors were funding Riverfest didn't change the fact that the land was public; they gave us their blessing to peacefully hold our "9/11 was an inside job" sign inside the event where we could be seen. A classic example of the 1st Amendment triumphing over the concept of "free speech zones."

You have no rights unless you exercise them.

Hunger Strike for 9/11 Truth on Truth Revolution Radio

On Memorial Day, May 26 2008, Blair Gadsby will start his hunger strike for 9/11 truth outside the Phoenix, Arizona office of Senator John McCain. Last night I talked to Blair and Tim King from Phoenix 9/11 Truth about the motivation and intention behind this action, its possibilities for success and the ways in which we can help to spread the word about the hunger strike. At the beginning of the show I talk to Adam, Cody and Sam from We Are Change Kentuckiana and We Are Change Ohio about being attacked by the police at the NRA convention in Lousiville.

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