The Television Archive: A library of world perspectives concerning September 11th, 2001

Direct link to 9/11 TV coverage:

Press Release:
The events of September 11th affected the entire world. Reactions around the globe have been captured in this archive of television news broadcasts from the period following the attacks (currently being hosted at the Internet Archive).

View the Television Archive’s September 11th Collection, which contains three days of around-the-clock footage from six networks, or see the summary video.

Copy an Entire Web Site on Your Macintosh (or PC)

Considering that stuff disappears off the web, or that MSM sometimes change articles without acknowledging they’ve made changes, we can all help preserve the web (and history and reality) for posterity by saving web pages as files. is sometimes months behind in its crawls, and some websites block its robots;, for instance. In some cases, you may want to preserve an entire website; both and have mirrors, should anything happen to the original. By preserving important websites in different places around the world, it may act as somewhat of a deterrent to people who may be planning an internet 9/11, and may help the world reconstruct history and reality should anything disastrous happen to the web.

September 13, 2007

Copy an Entire Web Site on Your Macintosh

FBI Backs Off From Secret Order for Data After Lawsuit (Internet Archive)

Was this for your info, 911veritas?

The FBI has withdrawn a secret administrative order seeking the name, address and online activity of a patron of the Internet Archive after the San Francisco-based digital library filed suit to block the action.

It is one of only three known instances in which the FBI has backed off from such a data demand, known as a "national security letter," or NSL, which is not subject to judicial approval and whose recipient is barred from disclosing the order's existence.

NSLs are served on phone companies, Internet service providers and other electronic communications service providers, but because of the gag order provision, the public has little way to know about them. Their use soared after the September 2001 terrorist attacks, when Congress relaxed the standard for their issuance. FBI officials now issue about 50,000 such orders a year.

A visual guide to the clips generates an animated gif for each video. (see original post:
On this page they can all be viewed at once. Each image is linked to the source file.
Hold the mouse over a video to read it's url description.

Caution: Don't click here if you are using a 486. folder:
bash code to generate page:

254 Interesting video clips

I went through the foorage (available here: and cut out the parts I found important.... 24GB in all. I also included a copy of "911 The Explosive Reality" (without the "red falshes" error at the end) and Robert Wright's (damming) speech to the national press club. I'm not sure they will let this stay up... please grab it now and host if you can.

The complete list is here (pls ignore any spelling errors ;-):

PS. The full 198GB set ( is "well seeded" now if you were waiting to download it.

198 mpeg's are now available on bittorrent

Big thanks to Arie in the Netherlands for mailing me a large set of footage, casual inspection of just a few vids revealed lots of interesting things...
Since nobody wants to click on 198 torrents, I made a zip of all of them available here: if you want to pick individual videos see Please seed whatever you download indefinitely... I will seed forever, but I am rate-limited at 64k upstream, so if you have 200G to spare please help insure this evidence continues to be available by permanently seeding it. I had posted a subset of this on CC but inexplicably it's been removed. ThePirateBay is a better solution as they do not honor takedown notices (see or for a laugh).

Currently one of the two seeds is on a fast university connection so now is a good time to download.

If you are new to torrents, it's really easy...
1. download and install or
2. download and unzip

Loizeaux and Romero selling the 9/11 myth

Just found this piece of video in the 9/11 archive.

NBC, 08:40 pm, september 12

XVID: (@ 36 min.)

Marc Loizeaux and Van Romero explaining the collapse of the Twin Towers. Just one day earlier Romero stated: "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse,". It took only one day for Romero to completely change his mind and blame the explosion of the jet fuel.

New high quality Shanksville crater footage

This footage was taken from the 9/11 archive. It shows the crater supposedly created by Flight 93. Again i urge everyone to archive the high quality XVID's.

NBC, 9/12, 00:11 AM

High quality XVID:
Link to (@ 23 minutes)

This footage contains a previously unknown close-up shot of the (empty looking) crater.

NBC, 9/11, 9:28 PM (@ 27 minutes)

14 high quality clips of Pentagon witnesses

14 Clips of witnesses of the Pentagon crash. All broadcasted live on September 11th. Links to the streaming videos at and high quality copies of the material are included.

These were all taken from the ABC, FOX and NBC material, the channels of which i have downloaded the MPEG's. I skimmed through them up until around 6:00 PM. This has all been very time consuming and i don't have the time now to write descriptions for all the videos. Just view them for yourselves. Please also download the high quality files, just in case that Google decides to pull these.

ABC 9:53 AM link (@ 40 min.)
High quality XVID

ABC 12:04 PM link

New high quality footage of WTC7 burning

I found these clips in the 9/11 archive that was published by These videos were taken from the high quality MPEGs that were available for download for some time. Links are provided to high quality copies of this footage as well as links to the streaming versions on

Showing the South side of WTC7, broadcasted by NBC at 1:45 PM.

high quality XVID (640x480 de-interlaced) :

link to (@ 22 minutes):

What is that black marking? It looks like a hole, but it seems much too smooth for being caused by falling debris. It looks to be at least 15 stories high.

Screencaps: makes HUGE 9/11 television archive available to public

This collection contains television news programs recorded live from around September 11, 2001 by the non-profit Television Archive to help patrons research this important part of United States history. These materials were available on the site from October 11, 2001 through 2003.

These are lower quality, streaming versions of the 9/11 Archive MPEG's that were discovered by user 'gangsta' on February 22nd. But they are all there, all television footage of September 11th, 12th and 13th from CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, BBC and NBC is now available for online viewing.

This is a HUGE resource for 9/11 research!

Unfortunately the high quality MPEG's are no longer available for download but chances are that they are all in the public domain by now and will be spread as torrents.