
The U.S. House just passed CISPA, undermining the privacy of millions of Internet users.

U.S. House of Representatives Shamefully Passes CISPA; Internet Freedom Advocates Prepare for a Battle in the Senate

CISPA Passed. Here's the Roll Call…

Don't ask for your government for your Privacy, take it back:

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Department of Homeland Security to begin social media monitoring program

Department of Homeland Security to begin social media monitoring program

The government may soon be following your Facebook updates without you realizing it

by Fox Van Allen | Last updated 7:29PM EST on January 25, 2012
If you're unsettled by the idea of Google maintaining a massive database of your every move on the internet, you're sure to be upset by this: Your government plans to start stalking your every move on Twitter and Facebook to make sure you're not a terrorist.

The creepy, Big Brother-esque program hasn't started yet — the Department of Homeland Security has only begun seeking bids from contractors to build the spy network. But according to a government report, the DHS wishes to conduct "publicly available social media monitoring" effort to detect threats, vulnerabilities, and "bad actors." In other words, the U.S. government wants to get the bad guys' geotagged status updates — whomever the government determines those bad guys to be.

Media Roots Radio- US Imperialism, War Updates, Spying, Fear & Self-Censorship, Building Communities


Media Roots Radio- US Imperialism, Spying, Self-Censorship, Building Communities by Media Roots

MEDIA ROOTS- This discussion covers US imperialism: wars, costs, media and government propaganda; the culture of self-censorship and the erosion of privacy in the US; information as power and how communication is an important tool to strengthen and build communities.

Media Roots Radio- TSA, Bush's Book, Flotilla Attack, Interview with Dr. Paul Larudee

On this week's episode of Media Roots Radio, Robbie and Abby Martin talk about the new TSA procedures and privacy violations despite the nonexistent threat of terrorism, Bush's book tour and the media giving him a pass, and analyze the WhatTheFuckHasObamaDoneSoFar website. On the second half of the show we talk about the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, the Freedom Flotilla raid and air a forty minute interview with a survivor of the Flotilla attack, Dr. Paul Larudee.

Listen to last week's broadcast about Pyschedelic Drugs, the CIA, LSD, DMT, the DEA, Lucid Dreaming and Consiousness.

Media Roots Radio

These are the first and second episodes of Media Roots radio with hosts Abby and Robbie Martin. We break through the left/ right paradigm and speak the truth about 9/11, Obama, the media, terrorism and pharmaceutical drugs. This radio show airs on shortwave radio Sundays at 6pm central time, following the Alex Jones show on frequency 9.350 MHz.

The War On Paranoid Rhetoric

My first article on Media Roots, an initiative by artist, activist and independent journalist Abby Martin, is now up. It's called "The War On Paranoid Rhetoric". I want to thank Abby for her help, and I want to encourage the 9/11 truth community to help Abby make Media Roots into an even bigger success than it is already. Here's an excerpt from the article, originally inspired by a Youtube video created by David Chandler:

Terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe have altered our societies. They have changed the way we travel, the way we conduct criminal trials, the way we think about our civil liberties. The Wolfowitz Doctrine's emphasis on unilateralism evolved into the Bush Doctrine: waging preemptive war against nations that might pose a threat to our security, timid protestations from the UN notwithstanding.

We are constantly encouraged to be on the lookout for danger, report suspicious activities and watch for left luggage in airport terminals or bus stations. And if we don't do it, creepy, fully automated camera surveillance systems will do it for us. In that sense, the Bush Doctrine has wormed its way into our everyday lives, and we frenetically look inward to foil plots before they happen, to detect radicalization in our friends and enemies, colleagues and neighbors. Radicalism, we are told, is a precursor of terrorist tendencies. Therefore, all radicals are potential terrorists.

Thought crime is no longer a taboo; Orwell rolls in his grave. It wasn't the action, but the reaction in the form of totalitarian legislation that brought us here. We are told terrorists attack us because they hate our freedoms. The past decade tells a different story: terrorists may terrorize, but no entity hates our freedoms more than our own government, which is always in an excellent position to act upon its hatred. We are nurturing a culture of vigilantes and snitches. Politicians campaign on fear, and have pissing matches with their challengers about who is most 'patriotic' and best prepared to 'protect' the country.


Google must divulge YouTube log

Excerpt posted, visit link for the rest

Google must divulge YouTube log

Google must divulge the viewing habits of every user who has ever watched any video on YouTube, a US court has ruled.

The ruling comes as part of Google's legal battle with Viacom over allegations of copyright infringement.

Digital rights group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) called the ruling a "set-back to privacy rights".

The viewing log, which will be handed to Viacom, contains the log-in ID of users, the computer IP address (online identifier) and video clip details.

While the legal battle between the two firms is being contested in the US, it is thought the ruling will apply to YouTube users and their viewing habits everywhere.

Viacom, which owns MTV and Paramount Pictures, has alleged that YouTube is guilty of massive copyright infringement.

The UK's Premier League association is also seeking class action status with Viacom on the issue, alledging YouTube has been used to watch football highlights.

FBI Backs Off From Secret Order for Data After Lawsuit (Internet Archive)

Was this for your info, 911veritas?

The FBI has withdrawn a secret administrative order seeking the name, address and online activity of a patron of the Internet Archive after the San Francisco-based digital library filed suit to block the action.

It is one of only three known instances in which the FBI has backed off from such a data demand, known as a "national security letter," or NSL, which is not subject to judicial approval and whose recipient is barred from disclosing the order's existence.

NSLs are served on phone companies, Internet service providers and other electronic communications service providers, but because of the gag order provision, the public has little way to know about them. Their use soared after the September 2001 terrorist attacks, when Congress relaxed the standard for their issuance. FBI officials now issue about 50,000 such orders a year.

Knock, knock, it’s the FBI

Be careful how you access those links of naked "collapsing" WTC babies

Just imagine if one day in the near future the FBI comes to your enterprise with warrants that allow them to seize and remove any computer-related equipment, utility bills, telephone bills, any addressed correspondence sent through the U.S. mail, video gear, camera equipment, checkbooks, bank statements and credit card statements. The first question you’d ask is, “Who has done what?”

You’re going to be presume your CEO has been involved in some outrageous stock manipulation, or maybe your CFO has been cooking the books. But no, the agent in charge says: “Someone here clicked on a Web link and we’re going to find out who did it.”

Read the latest WhitePaper - Compliance, Protection, Recovery: A Layered Approach to Laptop Security

Godgle: Info Provider + Filter = Perception Manager

Please visit for the live html links in the pasted article- also, the Google Alerts referred to in the below article have been pasted in the comments over there.
"Information wants to be free" vs. "Don't be evil". When you search online and use search "Alerts", do you want to get the info you want, or do you want the info you receive to be only what Google (and their partners in business and government) want you to know about? If you have concerns about Google's record on search quality/censorship, privacy, human rights, collaboration with people who may pose a serious threat to US sovereignty and security or anything else, read this article and please comment.


This article is a continuation of the "Open Letter to the People & Google" article:

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction

Fourteen Points: World Trade Center Destruction Media Visibility Week

Open Letter to the People & Google