
Is America Any Safer 15 Years After 9/11? - The Atlantic & CBS

Published on Aug 9, 2016 "CBS This Morning"
As we approach the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, fear remains.
A CBS News poll taken in June after the shooting rampage in Orlando found two-thirds of Americans think a terror attack is very or somewhat likely in the next few months.
Author Steven Brill spent a year investigating the estimated trillion-dollar security state, built since 9/11. Brill joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss his latest cover story in The Atlantic, titled, "Are we any safer?"


An EMP False Flag? (video)

An EMP False Flag? (video)


As the political puppets are fond of reminding us, we are in an age of global terror. As they are fond of leaving out, however, that terror is usually generated by them. Today on The Corbett Report we examine a possible vector for the next false flag attack: an EMP pulse.

i shared this video with some family, who normally wouldn't be receptive, but in light of everything, and thanks to the brilliant effective well documented and articulate James Corbett, this was watched from the edge of people's seat.

Speaking of false flags, it seems we should all consider the possibility that today, being inauguration, and in coming days, anything could happen, and then be used as pretext to drive agenda. As Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out in his article, Agenda prevails over truth, we live in a world of mostly manufactured reality, where events are created to drive agenda. http://911blogger.com/news/2012-12-29/agenda-prevails-over-truth-paul-craig-roberts-december-29-2012

To highlight the Vectors for false flag, which Mr Corbett has mentioned
1) Potentially catastrophic event/attack

Media Roots Radio - Nuclear Weapons & Fear, Iran War Propaganda, Party Loyalists

MEDIA ROOTSAbby and Robbie Martin discuss nuclear weapons: living in a perpetual Cold War mentality, MAD, stockpiling, labs and mismanagement, how nuclear fear and control underpin US imperialism; the manufactured GOP debate on contraception as a distraction from real issues; Obama's drone warfare and domestic drone surveillance; complacency of party loyalists and their approval of Obama's continuation of Bush policies; Iran war propaganda: the political establishment and corporate press trumping up the war drum to instill fear and justify pre-emptive warfare against Iran and Syria.


Daniel Sunjata and Erik Lawyer switch tactics from Yelling "Fire" to Extinguishing Fear - New Show starting 11-11-11 at 2pm PST

Join founder of ONE: The Event, One Becoming One and Firefighters for 9-11 Truth Erik Lawyer with his guest Daniel Sunjata to discover the back story behind their awakening to the realities of a shadow government control system, their initial outrage, fear and anger, and their subsequent awakening to the reality of love, forgiveness and healing. Daniel and Erik were both involved in the 9-11 Truth Movement, had parallel experiences that shook them out of the blame-shame-pain game into a new and potent perspective. That new POV is about how the foundation and truth of our oneness can help us shift to a place of greater ease in solving our individual and collective problems. They will discuss how it's not about denial of what is -- it's about reframing the emotion around facts so action can come from a solid, effective place. This will be the pilot episode of a new show called "The Heart of it All" Friday's at 2pm PST on the Contact Talk Radio Network.

Media Roots Radio- US Imperialism, War Updates, Spying, Fear & Self-Censorship, Building Communities


Media Roots Radio- US Imperialism, Spying, Self-Censorship, Building Communities by Media Roots

MEDIA ROOTS- This discussion covers US imperialism: wars, costs, media and government propaganda; the culture of self-censorship and the erosion of privacy in the US; information as power and how communication is an important tool to strengthen and build communities.

"Conspiracy or cock up?" White House reaction to ersatz bomber

Michael Collins

Also posted here and here

The underpants bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is a curious terrorist. He became disillusioned with his privileged life as the son of a bank chairman and member of the Nigerian elite, it would seem. Rather than pursuing his studies in London, he retreated to Yemen to learn the ways of al Qaeda inspired terrorism.

Farouk was so indiscreet that his father reported him to the U.S. Embassy as a potential terrorist in November. A month later, he managed to get on a jumbo jet headed for Detroit to complete a terror mission. Despite his training in engineering at the prestigious London School of Economics, Farouk failed in his mission. He couldn't mix his explosives to achieve the desired effect. He apparently forgot to detonate the explosive device in mid flight, waiting until just before landing in Detroit to start his task. He retrieved and set off the chemicals to create the explosion in full view of passengers.

What kind of terrorist is this? He doesn't know when, how or where to conduct his criminal enterprise.

Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years? by George Washington

Many hyperlinks at the original - loose nuke

Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years? by George Washington

Fear makes people stupid.

It makes us unable to think straight. And it makes us give up our power to tough-talking authoritarians.

War Is Stupid

And since the "war on terror" is now being expanded to Yemen, it is worth remembering that experts state that the "war on terror" has been counterproductive for keeping us safe. For example, a leading advisor to the U.S. military, the hawkish Rand Corporation, released a study in 2008 called "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida".

The report confirms what experts have been saying for years: the war on terror is actually weakening national security (see this, this and this).

As a press release about the study states:

"Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors, and our analysis suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism."
And see this.

Al-Qaeda, the Devil of our time

The History of The Devil: We are living in the 2nd inquisition...

The History of The Devil

Stockholm syndrome (the water runs deep)

Stockholm syndrome
–noun Psychiatry.
an emotional attachment to a captor formed by a hostage as a result of continuous stress, dependence, and a need to cooperate for survival.


[Origin: after an incident in Stockholm in 1973, during which a bank employee became romantically attached to a robber who held her hostage]

Fearmongering As a Form of Warfare


We often think of psychological warfare as meaning disinformation.

But psyops also includes inducing and spreading fear, because fear immobilizes people more than any other emotion. We all know about false flag terror. And many people argue that the government's real reason for torturing innocent people is to spread fear and intimidation.

And we already know that the Pentagon employs bloggers to spread its propaganda (indeed, even private companies appear to do it).

I've increasingly recently run across a form of fearmongering psyops on the web. Specifically, whenever anyone posts a hopeful idea or a promising strategy for fighting tyranny, someone will post a fear-inducing comment like:

Get a GRIP, America


Former deputy national intelligence officer for transnational threats, a 23-year senior CIA analyst, who "drafted or was involved in many of the government's most senior assessments of the threats facing our country [and who] devoted years to understanding and combating the jihadist threat", writes today in the Washington Post that the neocons have whipped us into an irrational fear of the terrorism. In reality, "Osama bin Laden and his disciples are small men and secondary threats whose shadows are made large by our fears" and our leaders.

Apocalypse NEVER!

Some of America's leaders are fundamentalists who literally believe in Armageddon. Many of these folks believe that Christians must help bring nuclear war to the middle east in order to bring on the apocalypse, so that the "second coming" will happen (and see this).

These folks are obviously dangerous. But this essay is not about them. It is about the other governmental leaders who are not fundamentalists, or perhaps not even religious at all, but are still creating a self-fulling prophecy of doom.

Like who?

The entire U.S. government has been in a declared "state of emergency" from September 11, 2001, to the present. Continuity of Government (COG) plans were implemented on 9/11, and have probably never been rescinded.

The Precautionary Principle

A clip from Adam Curtis' BBC documentary, "The Power of Nightmares".

Fear, Loathing and The Crisis in Confidence by David Sirota

Emailed to 2500 opinion-shapers weekly
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There are no secrets better kept than the
secrets that everybody guesses. ~G.B.Shaw


Fear, Loathing & the Crisis of Confidence
by: David Sirota
Fri Dec 21, 2007 at 12:51:30 PM EST

In my new nationally syndicated column out today, I explore the root cause of America's anger at our federal government and the growing embrace of conspiracy theories - trends displayed in recent Scripps Howard/Ohio University studies. It is not just a reaction to fear in the age of terrorism, but is a more fundamental crisis of confidence in our public institutions....

An Op-ed of interest by Christopher Jon Batis, Jacksonville, Fl

An op-ed of interest from Jacksonville.com
It seems more and more frequently, word is getting out.... 'out there'.

Last modified 10/22/2007 - 3:39 pm
Originally created 102307

Incident instilled fear in citizens

By Special to the Times-Union

The USS Liberty incident is just one of a myriad of "operations" throughout U.S. history perpetrated by our government.

They were designed to instill fear in the citizenry in order to more easily justify going to war.

This incident lined the pockets of the oil and military industrial complexes.

It is the same reason we are in Iraq today and equally so when Iran, eventually, will be attacked prompted by yet another false flag incident which, undoubtedly, is currently in the making, evidenced by what we are reading, hearing and seeing in the news.

Going back further in history, one can cite the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This incident took us to Vietnam, cost 60,000 American lives and never happened.