Naomi Klein

10 steps dictators perfected by learning from previous tyrants. Full length documentary. On how to ruin a free society.

10 steps dictators perfected by learning from previous tyrants. Full length documentary. On how to ruin a free society.


Bill Maher: Conspiracy Theorist

A clip from the Nov. 14 episode of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher.

The End of America - A new documentary from Naomi Wolf

The End of America - 75 minutes.

“My sense of alarm comes from the clear lessons from history that, once certain checks and balances are destroyed, and once certain institutions have been intimidated, the pressures that can turn an open society into a closed one turn into direct assaults; at that point events tend to occur very rapidly, and a point comes at which there is no easy turning back to the way it used to be.”

Naomi Wolf, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

Klein: Bush admin creates crises to 'enrich themselves and their friends' (9/11 is mentioned as one of them)

Rawstory | October 3, 2008

On Thursday's edition of The Colbert Report, bestselling author Naomi Klein argued that the Bush Administration creates crises in order to "enrich themselves and their friends," drawing parallels between the torture of prisoners and the economic bailout being provided to Wall St. by US leaders.

Previously, Klein called out the sprawling economic crisis as just another example of the Bush 'shock doctrine,' a key component to the ruling regime's corporate agenda.

Naomi Wolf and Naomi Klein speak to conditions currently taking place in US.

Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America

Talk by Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot" given October 11, 2007 at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus.



Naomi Klein: Disaster Capitalism

Information Relevant to Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine

Naomi Klein's recent book The Shock Doctrine is an excellent account of how disater capitalism works, particularly in the aftermath of the attacks of 911 and hurricane Katrina. However, it only focuses on part of the story - after the disaster. As such, when asked in a recent interview if she believed that the benefactors of "shock and awe" campaigns in the aftermath of such disasters could possibly have also had a hand in orchestrating them her response was that she is "not a conspiracy theorist." I respect her work very much thus I sent this email to her publicist in the hopes that she will have the courage to consider the rest of the story - before the disasters. At the very least, for both 911 and Katrina, numerous warnings to government officials were ignored leaving the public woefully unprepared and ill-equiped to protect themselves. I'm posting this letter in the hopes that others will ask public figures to be accountable for the information they give and continue to educate themselves when given an opportunity to do so.

Bill Maher Interviews Naomi Klein

It strikes me as ironic and disingenious at best that Maher and Klein will discuss how the "Shock" of 911 was used to push a political and corporate agenda and not acknowedge PNAC.

here is the link to the interview

From PNAC:
"the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."

Why is it OK with the left to talk about how goverment and corporations collude for finacial gain and/or to consolditate and project political power but never 911??

The policy of preemptive war was hatched by this group and no one in the mainstream left seems willing to admit that a temptation for a false flag event even exists? At a bare minimum LIHOP should be mentioned.

Connecting these dots seems so obvious to me and yet Bill takes a huge crap on 911 truthers then respectfully discusses the Shock Doctrine with Ms Klein!

The Shock Doctrine by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein

I just found this on the front page of and was blown away. The above short film is produced by Alfonso Cuarón, the critically acclaimed director of "Children of Men", and is narrated by and based on the new book from author Naomi Klein - "The Shock Doctrine". I really want to buy this book it looks fascinating and incredibly powerful.

From the front page of;

The Shock Doctrine

1979 - The Birth Year of "International Terrorism"

Recent research by authors Nafeez Ahmed, and Diana Ralph, points to the year 1979 as a turning point for Western policy that on the one hand began to facilitate covert warfare and destabilization via the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan, and on the other began to propagate a meme that has become known as "International Terrorism". Most recently, Ahmed gave a talk at the Indian YMCA in London that reiterates his focus on that year.(1)

1979 was definitely pivotal for the United States, as the CIA convinced President Jimmy Carter to sign off on covert operations in Afghanistan, before the Soviet invasion, that would ultimately produce "al Qaeda".(2) Research that dates back to 1982 reveals that at the same time that the CIA was incubating the nascent 'Arab Foreign Legion' in Afghanistan, in Israel, some familiar names were busily framing the concept of "International Terrorism" at the 'Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism'. A paper by a student named Phillip Paul titled, “International Terrorism”: The Propaganda War, (available at the San Francisco State University Library for review), has been cited separately by independent researcher Diana Ralph as well as Ahmed.

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