Nafeez Ahmed

We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews

Book available at

Hi. Thanks for stopping by. Here, you can get a free copy of my new book “We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews.” For a time, I had a show that focused on the lies of 9/11. I can almost guarantee that a lot of it you’ve never even heard of.

I did my very best to get the “best of the best” to interview. I did so much research for each interview so as to be able to ask the right questions. I and a number of my colleagues feel that much of this information has been suppressed or not widely circulated, leaving a large gap in what the general public knows about much of what occurred before and after 9/11.

My hope is that this book will encourage more people to ask questions, do their own research, and share what you learn. During the show, a lot of people asked me for transcripts of this or that show. It took A LOT of work, but here are those transcripts.

Announcing In The Coming Months: We Were LIED To About 9/11: The Interviews Transcribed By Request

This is not the finished cover. Someone else is kindly making me one. I know I am looking forward to the release of these.

Why Was A Sunday Times Report On US Government Ties To Al-Qaeda Chief Spiked?

FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds was described as "the most gagged person in the history of the United States" by the American Civil Liberties Union. Was the Sunday Times pressured to drop its investigation into her revelations?


By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2013

A whistleblower has revealed extraordinary information on the U.S. government’s support for international terrorist networks and organised crime. The government has denied the allegations yet gone to extraordinary lengths to silence her. Her critics have derided her as a fabulist and fabricator. But now comes word that some of her most serious allegations were confirmed by a major European newspaper only to be squashed at the request of the U.S. government.

London Truth Rising 2010

On Saturday September 11th, 2010, 30+ arts and music venues in London will be holding events to
raise awareness about the true nature of the events that changed the world 9 years ago.

In light of two wars in the middle east and ever increasing restrictions on our civil liberties, understanding
what happened on the day has become more important than ever.... Join us in opening up the debate.

Featuring: high profile speakers, documentary screenings, comedy, live performances, discussion, workshops.

On Sunday 12th September join us for public outreach as we take
the message of 9/11 Truth for Peace to the streets and people of London

OUR TERRORISTS by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

Ahmed has significantly updated this article and added endnotes - loose nuke
October 2009 • Issue 426

OUR TERRORISTS: Islamic fundamentalist militants are the enemies of Israel and Western governments, right? Think again. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed reports.

Once upon a time, the CIA trained, financed and supported Osama bin Laden and his mujahidin networks in Afghanistan to repel the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. After the end of the Cold War, bin Laden turned against the West and we no longer had any use for him. His persistent terrorist attacks against us for more than a decade, culminating in 9/11, provoked our own response, in the form of the ‘War on Terror’. This is the official narrative. And it’s false. Not only did Western intelligence services continue to foster Islamist extremist and terrorist groups connected to al-Qaeda after the Cold War; they continued to do so even after 9/11.

The CIA’s jihad

Nafeez Ahmed: Calibrating fear - The liquid bomb plot and the long war

Calibrating fear: The liquid bomb plot and the long war

( via )

By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

The conviction of Abdullah Ahmed Ali, 28, Tanvir Hussain, 28, and Assad Sarwar, 29, in relation to the liquid bomb plot has been seen as a major triumph for British police and intelligence efforts. Yet, despite this being the second re-trial, the prosecution was still only able to convict the three for conspiracy to murder, including their intent to bring down an airplane – but not to prove their capability to carry out the plot...


Torture, Rendition, Terror & Oil: A Primer on "Deep Politics"

Torture, Rendition, Terror & Oil: A Primer on "Deep Politics"

by Nafeez Ahmed, February 9, 2008

Why is the Obama administration hell-bent on continuing rendition, and covering-up torture? Why are Western states complicit in these illegal activities? How can the systematic perpetuation of such criminal practices under the rubric of the 'War on Terror' be conducted by the very states who claim to be the guardians of 'international law' and 'human rights'?

The practice of rendition, linked inextricably to the facilitation of torture, is an integral part of the conduct of the western ‘War on Terror’, initiated after 9/11. It therefore needs to be understood in the context of western geopolitical, strategic and economic strategies, and their connection to national security policies. Only by grasping this wider context can rendition be understood in terms of its relationship to the logic of current western strategies, which are themselves rooted in longstanding social, political, ideological and economic processes tied to the protection of powerful vested interests. The movement against rendition will be ineffective if it fails to understand and confront precisely these underlying strategies, processes and interests in the context of which rendition is being practiced and facilitated by western states...


Nafeez Ahmed - Obama: Regime Rotation

Obama: Regime Rotation

by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - Monday, January 26, 2009

The arrival of the Obama administration will not fundamentally alter the course of military expansion accelerated during the Bush era. The origins of these policies do not lie uniquely in neoconservative ideology. While the election of President Obama may offer new opportunities for progressive forces to delimit the damage, their space for movement will ultimately be constrained by deep-seated structural pressures that will attempt to exploit Obama to rehabilitate American imperial hegemony, rather than transform it.

Indeed, the radicalization of Anglo-American political ideology represented by the rise of neoconservative principles and the militarization processes of the 'War on Terror', constituted a strategic response to global systemic crises supported by the American business classes. The same classes, recognizing the extent to which the Bush era has discredited this response, have rallied around Obama. Therefore, as global crises intensify, this militarization response is likely to undergo further radicalization, rather than a meaningful change in course. The key differences will be in language and method, not substance.

Terrorists Working for Western Countries

(Via Nafeez Ahmed's blog)

Norwegian Daily: Terrorists Working for Western Countries

It came to my attention that a senior correspondent, Kristin Aalen, working for a national Norwegian broadsheet - Stavanger Aftenbladet (Stavanger Evening News) - just recently printed a detailed article in the newspaper on Western covert operations sponsoring al-Qaeda after the Cold War... based almost entirely on my research in The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism.

Entitled "Terrorists Working for Western Countries" (24.11.08), it even gives a country-by-country summary breakdown complete with a handy geopolitical world map of the wide arc of these operations. It's a very useful piece from a mainstream national European paper that very effectively summarises the thrust of my research into this unpalatable subject. A shame that the British press is so reticient about such issues.


Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed discusses 7/7 and 9/11

An interview I conducted with Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed where he discusses the need for an independent public enquiry into 7/7 bombings in London , the failings of the 9/11 commission, deep links between supposed terrorist masterminds and the inteligence services and the nature of the term Conspiracy theory.

an extra on the Elephant in the Room DVD
to get these clips first why not check out my YouTube Channel

Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed - The War on Truth

Nafeez Ahmed's books on 9/11 are fine examples of scholarship that deconstruct the official story of 9/11. His first book, "The War on Freedom: How & Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001", convinced me personally that 9/11 was in reality not the event that was delivered to us by the U.S. and Western corporate press, fed by Western intelligence agencies. "The War on Freedom" won praise from Gore Vidal, among others. It was published in 2002, and ranks among the first serious deconstructions of the "War on Terror".

In 2005, Ahmed followed up with "The War on Truth", which continued his fine analysis of the propaganda and disinformation that goes hand in hand with the "War on Terror" and delineates an unbroken series of relationships between "al Qaeda" and Western intelligence, primarily, the CIA and the DIA, that continued after the end of the Cold War, and even after the bombing of US assets in the late 1990s.

In 2006, Ahmed published his last position on "al Qaeda" in "The Hidden History of 9-11-2001" (coming soon in softcover from Seven Stories Press);

“It has no existence as an independent concrete entity. It designates a highly developed category of Western covert operations designed to secure destabilization through the creation, multiplication, mobilization, and manipulation of disparate mujahideen groups. The evidence suggests that this was certainly the case on 9-11.”

In this C-SPAN BookTV segment from 2005, Ahmed talks about his research in "The War on Truth" and is 50 minutes of time very well spent.

See also: Ties With Terror: The Continuity of Western-Al-Qaeda Relations in the Post-Cold War Period and Creating Terror.

Zero: 9/11 - a review.

If Matt Taibbi had even one percent of Gore Vidal's intellectual grasp of American history, perhaps then it would make reading his presumed 'leftist' opinion about 9/11 a little easier to stomach. (I presume that Taibbi pitches from the left, because his screed is published at and Fortunately, we don't need him. Gore Vidal is still among us, and it is his image and voice in the new Italian documentary 'Zero: an investigation into 9/11', that expresses a critical perspective of 9/11 that will ring true to the ears of those who will hear, and will help to free the prisoners currently living out the Allegory of the Cave, mesmerized by shadows of terror, cast upon the wall by the likes of yellow journalists like Taibbi.

How the 9/11 Commission Got it Wrong - an Introduction to 9/11 Skepticism on YouTube

Full YouTube series playlist

Playlist URL:

Transcript of the entire briefing and submitted documents here:

Direct link to Congressional Record, 109th Congress:

In the wake of Philip Shenon's best-seller, "The Commission", comes another wave of Americans snapping out of a media-induced trance. On another front, to a different audience, Willie Nelson is waking up another sector of the sleepwalking masses with his skepticism. Whatever route you took that made you take a second look at 9/11, welcome... and, you've got some catching up to do.

If Shenon's book was your introduction to the simple fact that the 9/11 Commission failed in its mandate on several levels, then you are probably unaware that serious criticism of the 9/11 Commission was entered into the Congressional Record of the 109th Congress. This criticism was the result of a Congressional Briefing conducted by former Congressional Representative, Cynthia McKinney of Georgia. (McKinney is currently seeking the Presidential nomination for the Green Party of the United States.)

The briefing was held on July 22nd, 2005, subsequently broadcast by C-SPAN, and studiously ignored by the corporate press. A comprehensive collation of the briefing has not been made available online, but thanks to the magic of YouTube, I have chopped the most pertinent testimonies from that day into neat 10 minute segments that are easily digestible for the busy internet surfer. You may have seen some of the footage from the briefing in the documentary, "Press for Truth", where Lorie Van Auken talked about her husband's fate on 9/11. Beyond that, not much of this footage has been circulating on the net.

So, if you are new to 9/11 Truth, or 9/11 skepticism, or you just have some questions, this is a great start. This briefing does not present much speculation or theory, but does break down the Commission on its bureaucratic failings, and lists a host of anomalies that will send you researching for days if this is all new to you. (This briefing does not discuss controlled demolition theories at all, it wasn't until physicist Steven Jones came on the scene in 2006 that CD "exploded" into the massive topic for 9/11 skeptics that is currently is. There was a lot of research already published online, and some in books, but it took a PhD to kick it over the top.)

The YouTube series is in 25 parts, and begins with McKinney's opening statement;

1979 - The Birth Year of "International Terrorism"

Recent research by authors Nafeez Ahmed, and Diana Ralph, points to the year 1979 as a turning point for Western policy that on the one hand began to facilitate covert warfare and destabilization via the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan, and on the other began to propagate a meme that has become known as "International Terrorism". Most recently, Ahmed gave a talk at the Indian YMCA in London that reiterates his focus on that year.(1)

1979 was definitely pivotal for the United States, as the CIA convinced President Jimmy Carter to sign off on covert operations in Afghanistan, before the Soviet invasion, that would ultimately produce "al Qaeda".(2) Research that dates back to 1982 reveals that at the same time that the CIA was incubating the nascent 'Arab Foreign Legion' in Afghanistan, in Israel, some familiar names were busily framing the concept of "International Terrorism" at the 'Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism'. A paper by a student named Phillip Paul titled, “International Terrorism”: The Propaganda War, (available at the San Francisco State University Library for review), has been cited separately by independent researcher Diana Ralph as well as Ahmed.

(Continued after the jump)

Nafeez Ahmed - "Creating Terror"

From 1979 until 2007 ... this amorphous network designated by the term al Qaeda has functioned seamlessly as a mercenary proxy force mobilized in diverse strategic regions in the service of Anglo-American imperial expansionism. It hasn't ever had a break. The extent of it is absolutely shocking ... Western state sponsorship, indirectly and directly, of al Qaeda as a destabilizing force in strategic regions.

Meanwhile, innocent citizens are being killed. They are being killed since 1993 ... yet the policy has not shifted. On the contrary it's now escalating in the context of developling an even more catastrophic conflict with Iran.

This has damning moral implications. It means that at some level, policy makers are morally indifferent to the deaths of our own citizens in al Qaeda terrorist attacks. Other strategic imperatives, such as the control of increasingly scarce energy resources are more important. There has been a shift of priorities, something in the National Security structure, since 1979, has relegated civilian life way at the bottom.

- Nafeez Ahmed, 7-13-2007.

Nafeez Ahmed's talk "Creating Terror" Putfile stream:

High-quality MP3 D/L from the a-infos Radio Project:

In just over one hour, Nafeez Ahmed presents historical context for the "War on Terror" in a talk titled "Creating Terror". This is an excellent introductory talk on the causes of contemporary False Flag terrorism; a historical and sociological analysis that doesn't rely on "blowback", but blends geopolitical strategy and engineered terrorist events into a coherent paradigm of control, manipulation, and purposeful misdirection.

The talk was presented at the Indian YMCA in London, on Friday, July 13th, 2007, where Ahmed has spoken before.

(Continued after the jump.)