Jonathan Kay

We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews

Book available at

Hi. Thanks for stopping by. Here, you can get a free copy of my new book “We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews.” For a time, I had a show that focused on the lies of 9/11. I can almost guarantee that a lot of it you’ve never even heard of.

I did my very best to get the “best of the best” to interview. I did so much research for each interview so as to be able to ask the right questions. I and a number of my colleagues feel that much of this information has been suppressed or not widely circulated, leaving a large gap in what the general public knows about much of what occurred before and after 9/11.

My hope is that this book will encourage more people to ask questions, do their own research, and share what you learn. During the show, a lot of people asked me for transcripts of this or that show. It took A LOT of work, but here are those transcripts.

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 25 - Jonathan Kay

Jonathan Kay is a Canadian journalist. He is the editor-in-chief of The Walrus and former comment pages editor, columnist and blogger for the Toronto-based Canadian daily newspaper National Post. He is also a book author and editor, a public speaker, and a regular contributor to Commentary Magazine and the New York Post. His freelance articles have been published in a variety of US publications including Newsweek, The New Yorker,, The New Republic, Harper's Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, The Weekly Standard, The Literary Review of Canada, The National Interest and The New York Times. Books he has written are “The Volunteer: A Canadian's Secret Life in the Mossad” which was co-written by Michael Ross, and Among The Truthers.

Canadian News Media and 9/11 - Journalists, Authors - Jonathan Kay & Heather Mallick

9/11- Jonathan Kay's "Among the Truthers" with Raymond Geisler's Unbought and Unbossed radio show

"You're never going to get alternative views of current affairs and of history as long as the means of transmitting information is so corporately owned." Canadian journalist & author Heather Mallick

Jonathan Kay - author of "Among The Truthers" with Doug Brinkman (Part -1) Antisemitism, Cranks...

Jonathan Kay - author of "Among The Truthers" with Doug Brinkman (Part -2) Conspiracies

Jon & Jones - Top in their Field in Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.

Cartoon Feature by Doug Brinkman
An activist and 9/11 Truther since 2007,

Conspiracy theories insult us all - Edmonton Journal Editorial

It saddens me but does not surprise me as one long time Edmonton 9/11 truth activist, that a few clown radio personalities who claim to be 9/11 truthers will get their due in the Edmonton Journal ( mostly from the Austin Texas area ). These pundits chronically spread bizarre, outlandish conspiracy theories that's completely unrelated to 9/11, such as chem trails, poison in the tap water, world depopulating flu shots, fema camps and now Newtown school massacre hoaxes. These ad driven, alternative media mouth pieces don't represent the 9/11 truth movement as Kay insists, but only embarrass themselves. Jonathon Kay managing editor of the National Post and author of "Among The Truthers" can't be selling too many of his books either since Kay doesn't attempt to debunk any of the evidence of controlled demolition of the 3 towers including WTC7 .

(2009 VIDEO) Jonathan Kay discusses WTC Building 7 with Professors Graeme Macqueen & Anthony Hall.

Uploaded by UW911ResearchGroup on Jun 2, 2009

During the question and answer period, columnist, Jonathan Kay, asks a question to professors Graeme MacQueen and Anthony Hall, as to why more mainstream journalists don't cover building 7. Professor Hall uses the opportunity to expose one example of Kay's yellow journalism and under researched defamation having ruined the career of one renowned Canadian journalist. supporting it being seen as "career suicide" to risk covering Building 7 in mainstream media.

Walkerton, Ontario
May 24, 2009

A Journey With Jonathan


A Review of the Book, “Among the Truthers,” Written by Jonathan Kay 

By: Jonathan H. Cole, P.E.

(PDF Link)

I should have known from the cartoons
on the cover what Jonathan Kay's book,
"Among the Truthers," would be like.
But that old saying about not judging a
book by its cover trumped my first
impression. I recalled similar cartoons
like the astronaut, flying saucers and
helicopters on my pajamas, worn as a
toddler. The book’s subtitle, "A Journey
through Americas Growing Conspiracist
Underground," should have been my
second clue as to its contents.


among the truthers cover


Swallowing The Camel on Jonathan Kay's Book "Among The Truthers"

Swallowing The Camel's author Sarah Elliott reviews Jonathan Kay's "Among The Truthers" with her focus on 9/11 truth & antisemitism with-in the 9/11 truth movement. Her Blog "Swallowing The Camel" examines hoaxes, scams, controversies, rumours, schemes, bizarre ideas, bogus products, disinformation, misinformation, impractical jokes, literary fraud, and anything else that smells bad.

Swallowing The Camel-

9/11 Realities - 3 book reviews on Jonathan Kay's " Among The Truthers"
by a Newspaper Columnist, Truth Activist and Skeptic on Conspiracies...

Jonathan Kay"Among The Truthers" aligning 9/11 Truthers par to anti Semitics

Waging the Battle for Reality:
Joshua Blakeney Confronts Jonathan Kay's 9/11 Relativism (part 1)

Joshua Blakeney responds to Jonathan Kay's new book " Among The Truthers" on the "Unbought and Unbossed" radio show with host Raymond Geisler of CHLY-101.7 FM Nanaimo Canada. Joshua pieces together a trail of deceptive media propaganda led by The National Post of Canada and it's managing editor Jonathan Kay. Kay and the Post for years have attempted to demonize and scare away anyone who dares question the official 9/11 events sometimes comparing 911 truthers as cranks and anti Semitics.

June 11 Truth Action Day - Active Citizenship & Puzzle Solvers

A blog posting from a recent interview by 9/11 truth activist Doug Brinkman featuring "Among The Truthers" author Jonathan Kay is almost complete.The working draft can be viewed from the blog:
* Your participation with comments to this working draft are both welcomed and encouraged!

-Petition for a Public Canadian 9/11 Investigation- Main Web Site: Ottawa Truth Seekers-

-The Petition For a public Canadian 9/11 investigation - Edmonton Participates-

Jonathan Kay Defends the Sacred Myth of 9/11

A Review Essay on a Propagandist’s Journey
in Search of the ‘Conspiracist Underground’
Waging The Battle for Reality
by Anthony J. Hall- Professor of Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge

Jonathan Kay
Among the Truthers: A Journey into the Growing Conspiracist Underground of 9/11 Truthers, Birthers, Armageddonites, Vaccine Hysterics, Hollywood Know-Nothings and Internet Addicts
Toronto: HarperCollins, 2011

The Sacred Myth of 9/11 as Propaganda for Aggressive War

Canadian Public Broadcasting TV Station TVO Interviews Gage, Zwicker, Zarembka with Hit Piece Author Kay

Gage's feed is lost 20 minutes in

Canadian Public Broadcasting TV Station TVO Interviewed AE911Truth's Richard Gage, AIA, Barrie Zwicker (Towers of Deception), Author Paul Zarembka on the program "The Agenda" with Steve Paikin.

The Agenda with Steve Paikin

The National Post's Jonathan Kay, author of the hit piece "Among the Truthers," is interviewed alone for the first 15 minutes, then the debate begins. The satellite link connection with Gage in San Francisco is lost half way through the guest interviews.

Please post comments at You can access this link from the page containing Gage's interview video by clicking on the right where it says "Read blog post". Right now most of the comments have nothing to do with 9/11, and of those that do, few present much of the evidence.


Canada's controversal Macleans Magazine spot-lights Richard Gage "Amoung The Truthers"

‘This is my destiny’ How one man gave up everything—his family, his friends, his job—to spread the Truth about 9/11 by Jonathan Kay on Monday, May 16, 2011-
Excerpt from Kay's book- "Among the Truthers" PLEASE NOTE : THIS ARTICLE BY KAY OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS.

Macleans Magazine according to Wiki
-Maclean's is a Canadian weekly news magazine, reporting on Canadian issues such as politics, pop culture, and current events.

Canadian Islamic Congress complaint
Main article: Canadian Islamic Congress human rights complaint against Maclean's Magazine