Canadian News Media and 9/11 - Journalists, Authors - Jonathan Kay & Heather Mallick

9/11- Jonathan Kay's "Among the Truthers" with Raymond Geisler's Unbought and Unbossed radio show

"You're never going to get alternative views of current affairs and of history as long as the means of transmitting information is so corporately owned." Canadian journalist & author Heather Mallick

Jonathan Kay - author of "Among The Truthers" with Doug Brinkman (Part -1) Antisemitism, Cranks...

Jonathan Kay - author of "Among The Truthers" with Doug Brinkman (Part -2) Conspiracies

Jonathan Kay - author of "Among The Truthers" with Doug Brinkman (Part -3) Demonized Muslims

Canadian journalist & author Heather Mallick - University of Alberta
Audience Question: "Why are we accepting what the American government is telling us what happened on September 11, 2001 at face value, when it's all over the Internet that it could not possibly have happened without help from the inside, especially the building called number seven that fell for no reason at all!" (audience applause).

Heather Mallick: "So did everyone hear that, the question is why have we accepted the official explanation for September 11, the American explanation?, Well it's very interesting because even Seymour Hersh who I trust more than any journalist in the world says " I don't know what happened on 9/11?". I'm not sure but I think the main reason why we accept that version is because there is no one out there in mainstream journalism giving us any information on that, we are just told what governments and corporations want us to hear, we rely on corporate sources of information. In Canada our newspapers are owned by for instance Globe and Mail is owned by CTV, Global (Post Media inc.) owns newspapers published across the country...I still can't believe that that is's talking to me, but you're never going to get alternative views of current affairs and of history as long as the means of transmitting information is so corporately owned."

Thursday October 4, 2007 University of Alberta Q&A -World Trade Center building 7 & 9/11 - Thursday October 4, 2007. University of Alberta/ Mel Hurtig Lecture series. Transcribed by Doug Brinkman

A few points

I only listened to a few minutes of the Jonathon Kay interview, but a few thoughts occurred to me:

1. He (modestly) says that Holocaust deniers and 9/11 critics are not morally equivalent (Holocaust deniers, he states, are the lowest form), but the two groups have in common, that they dispute the official narrative of a historical period or event. This is such an arbitrary means of identifying a similarity between groups as to be meaningless and yet it does serve to taint the 9/11 critics group.

2. He defines David Ray Griffin as someone who is highly intelligent, but has become obsessive about his subject and implies that his intellect is consuming itself. This is absurd. Imagine that we knew nothing of DRG, but at some point in the future, found that he was proven to be right. By deduction, one could expect him to have been intelligent and, considering the fact that DRG would consider it his moral duty to bring his academic gifts to bear on what he considers the most important deception in recent history, that he would also have worked obsessively in his research and writings.

Similar logic is used when claiming that conspiracy theorists are lacking in rigor because they are more likely to believe in several conspiracies than just one. IF members of the US Government brought down the towers (physical evidence suggests they did) and have so far succeeded in stopping the media from properly investigating, THEN the conditions which must exist to support this are staggering in scope and would naturally lead one to question everything that governments and the mainstream media tell us.