
American cameraman / 22 hours of 9-11 footage / now wanted for murder

Headline: "American cameraman faces extradition"

Noteable and extremely significant excerpts:

•Kurt Sonnenfeld, a man who was provided provisory refugee status seven years ago, is now wanted by the US government on murder charges

•He is the only cameraman that filmed crucial images of Ground Zero in New York after the Twin Towers collapsed.

•Sonnenfeld, who lives in Buenos Aires with his Argentine family, says the footage proves that 9/11 was a lie. He still has the 22-hour footage that US authorities want.

Link to Article:

Personal commentary about this news: I think that this guy was framed just because they wanted to take his video footage.

AL GORE vs 911 TRUTH year 2008 never referenced on

John Mitchell
Herblay FRANCE

bonsoir ,
On searching for "Pittsburgh g20 protest september 2009" on YouTube I stumbled on this video "AL GORE VS 911 TRUTH"

I checked that this videao was never on 911blogger and for me who has a great admiration for Al Gore I am asking myself if this intervention is the best means to get the message across.
Our planet is in danger in many ways. Global warming and totalitarianism facism to name two. The second is the more immediate danger and will dictate how we will deal with the first.
The totalitarianism facism shows it face in the 9/11 crime and in it's force in the massive manipulation of the world's population to think that Bin Laden did 9/11.

Dick Uncut: "Daily Show" Calls Out Cheney For Blaming 9/11 On Richard Clarke (VIDEO)

Text posted in full for posterity- follow the links for video of DailyShow at HuffPo link, and link to ThinkProgress, which has one of their rare good articles, taking apart Cheney's comments- with video of Cheney- direct link to ThinkProgress below:

At a recent appearance at the National Press Club, Dick Cheney blamed Richard Clarke for leaving the nation vulnerable to attack ahead of 9/11 saying, "He obviously missed it." Cheney was referring to the threat from al Qaeda which Clarke had emphatically warned the administration about several times before the fall of 2001.

Jon Stewart was not pleased with Dick Cheney for these accusations, nor the members of the National Press Club who failed to challenge him about the assertion. In a segment called "Dick Uncut," Stewart used dark humor to take both the former Vice President and the media to task for the events leading up to 9/11 through the waterboarding of detainees. It simultaneously makes you laugh and want to punch a whole through the wall.

Direct to ThinkProgress:

Cheney Blames Richard Clarke For 9/11: ‘He Missed It’

Richard Gage AIA on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

UPDATE: from;

PLEASE NOTE: Although supportive notes to the station are a kind thought, and many of us have now sent them, we have been asked by the KMPH Executive Producer to not send anymore. Apparently, they've been so overwhelmed with 'thank you notes' they're missing other important emails like press releases and news tips, necessary to the continuing excellent production of Great Day. We encourage you to mail a thank you, if you feel compelled to do so, to their street address: KMPH FOX 26, 5111 E. McKinley Ave., Fresno, CA 93727.

Interview Transcription

GOAL REACHED - AE911Truth Fundraiser For NIST WTC7 Collapse Simulation Data


A member of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth filed a FOIA request with NIST for the data used to generate the WTC 7 collapse simulations. NIST found two terabytes of responsive data and assessed a fee of $824.98. Please see the FOIA Request for more details. Background information on how LS-DYNA was used by NIST is posted here.

The hard drives will be sent directly to AE and we will make the data available to everyone. has indicated they are happy to host it. We are also looking for others willing to donate the necessary webspace. It's unknown if the data is compressed. Due to the extreme size of the data set, we will also provide physical copies to interested individuals who provide the necessary hard drives.

As of 02/12/2009 the donation total is $570.00 • Balance needed: $254.98

Please make a donation here!


Criminal investigation of CIA video destruction "ongoing"

The destruction by Central Intelligence Agency officials of videotapes showing the interrogation of suspected terrorists is the subject of “an ongoing criminal investigation” that is expected to conclude in the near future, according to a prosecution official.

“Investigators are now in the process of scheduling interviews with the remaining witnesses to be interviewed in this investigation,” wrote John H. Durham, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, in an affidavit (pdf) late last month. “Based on the investigative accomplishments to date, we anticipate that by mid-February 2009, and no later than February 28, 2009, we will have completed the interviews.”

Damn You People Who Are Releasing These "Edited" Videos

Do you think this is some kind of joke or game? WTF is up with the videos being released with edits at "crucial" moments and sound being removed. The Bob and Bri vid and a couple other releases show this same pattern which leads many to suspect the vids are being fed into the system by nefarious forces.

Does a person actually think that by releasing a video as "anonymous" on a video upload site that they are actually hidden from the forces that carried out 9/11, or are they hiding from the public?

I call on anybody who has any video to stand up and show some God damn balls and release "UNEDITED" videos instead of this chopped up malarkey that has been choice fed to us. If you don't have the guts or the knowhow to upload, then send the damn thing to someone who does...

But for God's sake, for everyone's sake....quit with the games already!

High resolution release of new World Trade Center collapse videos

An anonymous source has released high resolution DVD mpg2 footage of the North Tower & Building 7 collapse clips, reported here on November 1st, 2008: Also the source has allowed the release of video of the South Tower, and made all 3 available in high quality downloadable DVD file mpg's. These files are cut from source recording DVD VOB files so there is no quality loss, however the sound has been removed, and the video is edited. The source wishes to remain anonymous at this point. View all 3 clips here:

Hi Quality DVD files at these links.
South Tower:
North Tower:

NBC "obtains" video of Ziad Jarrah

What does everyone here make of this recent video release? Just wondering.

Details Emerge on New WTC Collapse Videos

Details Emerge on new WTC Collapse Videos
The Corbett Report talks to source connected to the footage

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
06 November, 2008

A source connected to the previously unreleased footage of the collapse of WTC1 and WTC7 which suddenly appeared on internet video-sharing site last weekend has revealed details about the footage to The Corbett Report.

According to the source, the videos available on the internet come from a DVD that was compiled from raw footage taken in New York on September 11. The video on the internet has not been edited or manipulated in any way from the footage on the DVD, although the 'replay' of each collapse has been slowed down by 50 percent. The source indicated, however, that the raw footage had been edited before it was put on the DVD, thus explaining the sudden cut from a close-up of the North Tower to a long shot of the entire building with the collapse already underway.