
Damn You People Who Are Releasing These "Edited" Videos

Do you think this is some kind of joke or game? WTF is up with the videos being released with edits at "crucial" moments and sound being removed. The Bob and Bri vid and a couple other releases show this same pattern which leads many to suspect the vids are being fed into the system by nefarious forces.

Does a person actually think that by releasing a video as "anonymous" on a video upload site that they are actually hidden from the forces that carried out 9/11, or are they hiding from the public?

I call on anybody who has any video to stand up and show some God damn balls and release "UNEDITED" videos instead of this chopped up malarkey that has been choice fed to us. If you don't have the guts or the knowhow to upload, then send the damn thing to someone who does...

But for God's sake, for everyone's sake....quit with the games already!

Was WTC7 a Controlled Demolition? New Article in the Simon (Los Angeles)

Was WTC7 a Controlled Demolition?
By Matt Hutaff, Sep 18, 2007

When a reporter hears a building fall 23 minutes before it does, is there a sound?

The view from BBC reporter Jane Standley's window was a spectacular mess. Thick plumes of smoke rose above the New York City skyline, blotting out sunlight and choking the morale of rescue workers trying to salvage human life from the wreckage of the just-collapsed World Trade Center.

It was the afternoon of September 11, 2001, and Standley was responding to questions posed by colleagues in England. "New York very much a city still in chaos," she said. "The phones are not working properly, the subway lines are not working properly, and we know that down there near the World Trade Center there are three schoools that are being turned into triage centres for emergency treatment."


This video shows you not squibs but actual blasting charges possibly going off and
rare shots of the making of the WTC "SPIRE".

All the video has been stabilized by me for clarity. The sound has been enhanced and syncronized.

A must see.


911 Sleight of Hand Demoltion charges REVEALED pt#2

This video reveals yet more charges going off.

Sleight of hand. To support the theory of controlled demolitons at the WTC with out it being to obvious, the best thing to do would to seperate the demo sequences.

While everybody is watching the obvious, look at whats hidden in plain site.

Watch and share full screen at

I had to use webfive coz' youtube is poor quality.

WTC Collapse Examined By Live Video - See For yourself!

This video straight up defies what the "official" 9/11 commision report says about the 47 Steel beams in the center of the towers not even being there... Notice a few of them still standing after the rest of the building fell?

Get this video and more at