
If you were Lucky Larry Silverstein would you hire the same structural engineer to rebuild WTC7?

To gain perspective on NIST's report, lets look at the new WTC 7 building. In an article published about the new WTC7 building in Architectural Record, it states: "Less apparent in the building are the structural and safety innovations that have already affected skyscraper design. Silvian Marcus, the project’s structural engineer and the C.E.O. of Cantor Seinuk, designed the original 7 WTC as a total steel structure, but this time around he developed a robust concrete core and a perimeter of redundant steel columns—to address progressive collapse concerns—that leaves the interior completely open."

This means the same guy who designed the original WTC7 building structure that according to NIST succumbed to complete structural failure in less than seven seconds due to a previously unknown and undeclared phenomenon called "thermal expansion" designed the new building long before NIST's latest analysis and recommendations were made public. I guess that must make Lucky Larry Silverstein a little nervous that his brand new skyscraper may collapse should someone light a fart in the bathroom. Not.

Bad Faith: WTC 7 and the Official Lies

Crimes of the State

With the release of the NIST final report on Building 7 we can safely say that the government remains committed to the ongoing cover-up, and that crucial evidence was simply ignored, fairy tales were manufactured, and that's good enough for a lot of media. Perhaps a super-majority of media.

As media, "the press," will not perform its function as society's government watchdog, and will not pursue the gaping holes in this wizard's curtain, it's basically left to us -- you and me -- to clear up this matter for our fellow citizens. We are at a serious disadvantage, and yet the task is not so daunting as rabid "debunkers" would have you believe.

Let's defer to one of their own, the former head of NIST's Fire Science Division (the federal government organization which produced the sham report linked above).

Collapse of Building 7 News Conferences Thursday, August 21. Both Broadcast Live on No Lies Radio.

Click Here To Listen --

Coming up Thursday, August 21st -- 2 Live News Conferences on Collapse of WTC7 - Building 7
8am Pacific - 11am Eastern - 15:00 GMT -- N.I.ST News Conference - Final Report on Building 7
9am Pacific - 12 noon Eastern - 16:00 GMT --- News Conference - Response showing flaws in the N.I.S.T report
Repeated Saturday, August 23rd at 11am Pacific - 2pm Eastern - 18:00 GMT
Will be archived here after the broadcasts.

If a truck bomb explodes and the media don't report it, does it make a sound?

Of all the events of 9/11 "omitted" by the Commission Report, is this one the most potentially explosive?

If this audio is authentic, then there exist multiple eyewitnesses to the fact that on the morning of 9/11 FDNY personnel summoned the "bomb squad" to King Street, where a "big truck" (also described as a "van")--painted with a mural of planes crashing into Manhattan--was fled by two men and then "exploded". The two men were detained and roughed-up on the scene. And then...?

The mural depicting the aerial attacks connects the truck bombers with the WTC events, and was clearly meant to advertise that connection. Possibly they planned to park the vehicle at their intended target and escape, but were forced to abort their attack and detonate the bomb prematurely.

And still there's this:

Is it wise and safe to ignore these "anomalies" in the public record of "the day that changed the world", or should they rather be shoved in the face of every government and media apologist for the OCT and the ongoing murderous farce called the "war on terror"?

9/11 Truth, Part 3 of 11- The 9/11 Commission Cover up

This article is an overview of the 9/11 Commission’s conflicts and "failures", and some brief summaries of some of the many important facts left out of or distorted in their final report, with links for reference and additional research.

9/11 Commission Conflicts, Corruption & Failure to Investigate:

Dan Rather announces Giuliani has "flight recorder box" from WTC

Another on-air oddity from Dan Rather:


- Rather's language suggests he has knowledge of a video clip in custody of CBS News in which Giuliani "holds up" what he claims is a "flight recorder box" from the WTC wreckage.

- Rather introduces this clip, but immediately a BBC-style "technical problem" prevents its being aired.

- Giuliani would not make such an announcement to the national media casually--much less "hold up" the object in question--without confirmation that what had been found was indeed a "flight recorder box" and not the remains of some other electronic appliance from the debris.

This episode supports claims by FDNY personnel and an NTSB "insider" that the WTC "black boxes" were in fact found, and suggests the actual moment the blackout curtain descends on this matter in the corporate media.

Anthrax Foreknowledge? DOJ/FBI Doesn’t Care

Anthrax Foreknowledge? DOJ/FBI Doesn’t Care

At the Department of Justice Amerithrax Investigation Press Conference August 6, 2008, the following question was asked:

QUESTION: “Do you think there's a connection between Ivins and what was known at the time of the Quantico letter? There was a letter sent in September of 2001 identifying an Arab-American scientist at Fort Detrick as a bioterrorist. The letter also threatened a bioterror attack and also death to Israel. Were you ever satisfied that you were able to run down that letter and the author of that letter?”

MR. TAYLOR: “I'm not aware of any connection. To my knowledge, there's no evidence linking the two.”

Note that he doesn’t answer this part of the question, “Were you ever satisfied that you were able to run down that letter and the author of that letter?”

Pakistani Intelligence Terrorism Exposed in Mainstream Media

[NOTE: In a criminal lapse of journalistic memory, these revelations are presented as something new. No history of Pakistani ISI sponsorship of terrorist attacks is given to the readers. No ties to 9/11, to Pakistani ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad, or other relevant information is provided.

Need I remind readers (as NY Times does not) that we've been shovelling several BILLION dollars per year over to the Pakistan regime since 9/11/01, basically to maintain this status quo situation (protecting terrorists so as to provide an endless, open-ended "war on terror" myth).

Too many low level US operatives found out about this blatant Pakistani terror attack, and monumentally stupid act of war against India, in order to keep it quiet and under wraps.]

9/11 Truth and the Tuskegee 40 Year Coverup by Erik Larson

Lotsa links:

9/11 Truth and the Tuskegee 40 Year Coverup

Hello all human beings; I’m publishing this first at TruthAction and TruthMove; all feedback is appreciated, especially the pointing out of factual errors, unclear statements, typos, run-on sentences, (I know, I have a problem) etc. If you think of any other good points to make, or a better way to word something, or if I’ve wasted words anywhere, let me know. Thanks! In a day or 2, I’ll publish this at and you can check the html links, if you’re interested.

Some say that 9/11 couldn’t have been an “inside job” because a coverup would be impossible; someone with inside knowledge would blow the whistle on such a horrible and criminal operation. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment is one example of policy and decision makers in US federal, state and local governments conspiring to commit and cover up crimes against humanity; the “experiment” was in progress, and kept quiet, for 40 years.

It's Not The Crime That Gets You, It's The Cover-Up

In case you couldn't tell, I picked this song for two reasons. It's really long. Both books are "thick as a brick," and about as useful as one. Ha Ha. Thank you to Michael Wolsey and Justin Martell for helping me to make this video. You may have to pause on occasion. With regards to the cover-up of 9/11, there is so much information. I had to reluctantly remove a lot of clips. Almost enough to make another movie. Thanks to Please spread this video far and wide, and vote it up at youtube. Thank you.

US Covered Up Complicity in Mass Killings of Korean Leftists

(You may be wondering what events in the Korean War have to do with 9/11, but I feel that this story bears some striking similarities to the 9/11 truth movement and shows how cold and calculating the US military is. If you know anyone who says the military or the Government could not be capable of carrying out 9/11 (or inhumane enough) and that nobody in the government is capable of keeping a secret like this hidden, then point them to this article.)


AP IMPACT: US wavered over S. Korean executions

By CHARLES J. HANLEY and JAE-SOON CHANG, Associated Press WritersSun Jul 6, 1:42 PM ET

The American colonel, troubled by what he was hearing, tried to stall at first. But the declassified record shows he finally told his South Korean counterpart it "would be permitted" to machine-gun 3,500 political prisoners, to keep them from joining approaching enemy forces.

History (Channel) lines up 9/11, WWII docs

The propaganda campaign is really ramping up ahead of the NIST WTC 7 report and the 7th anniversary

History lines up 9/11, WWII docs

US cable network History has greenlit a 102-minute special about the September 11 terrorist attacks and a 10-part series following US soldiers in the Second World War.

102 Minutes That Changed America plays out in real time, using amateur and profession footage shot on the day of the attacks. The one-off show will premiere on the anniversary of the attacks later this year.

WWII HD, set for a 2009 debut, will trace the experiences of a group of US soldiers, using 3,000 hours of colour archive footage, diary and journal entries.

The network will incorporate original Library of Congress audio recordings from the war into the series as part of their recently formed multimedia partnership.

The goal is to present the events of the war "not as detached historical facts but rather as profound experiences on the level of a great Hollywood epic," the network said.

Martin Buxton
8 Jul 2008
© C21 Media 2008

Fair Use Notice

The Bush 9/11 Scandal for Dummies by Bernard Weiner (Counterpunch 6/1/02)

posting this in full to preserve it for posterity. Counterpunch should be ashamed; they knew all this in June 2002 (presents a strong "LIHOP" perspective), and since then they've posted numerous hit pieces instead of doing the obviously sorely needed investigative reporting- although they have published stories on Sibel Edmonds, and one on the high-fivers.

The Bush 9/11 Scandal for Dummies by Bernard Weiner

Don't know about you, but all this who-knew-what-when pre-9/11 stuff is mighty confusing. So once again, I head to that all-purpose reference series for some comprehensible answers.

Q. I've heard all these reports about the government knowing weeks and months in advance of 9/11 that airliners were going to be hijacked and flown into buildings, and yet the Bush Administration apparently did nothing and denied they did anything wrong. They claimed the fault lay in the intelligence agencies "not connecting the dots," or that it was the "FBI culture" that failed. Can you explain?