Gound Zero

Dan Rather announces Giuliani has "flight recorder box" from WTC

Another on-air oddity from Dan Rather:


- Rather's language suggests he has knowledge of a video clip in custody of CBS News in which Giuliani "holds up" what he claims is a "flight recorder box" from the WTC wreckage.

- Rather introduces this clip, but immediately a BBC-style "technical problem" prevents its being aired.

- Giuliani would not make such an announcement to the national media casually--much less "hold up" the object in question--without confirmation that what had been found was indeed a "flight recorder box" and not the remains of some other electronic appliance from the debris.

This episode supports claims by FDNY personnel and an NTSB "insider" that the WTC "black boxes" were in fact found, and suggests the actual moment the blackout curtain descends on this matter in the corporate media.
