
Roseanne World: People are saying that 9-11 was an inside job. Join the Discussion

Here is an ongoing discussion on Roseanne Barr's blog about 9/11, titled: 

people are saying that 9-11 was an inside bush job

Here is the link.  Join in!

5 minutes of your time could have a huge impact!!!

It is the SUMMER OF TRUTH. --->

I will lay out how we can impact well over a million people DIRECTLY with the 9/11 TRUTH message.

This will cost each of us 5 minutes on the computer. This will work. Please hear me out.

Here is a synopsis:

Sign up (subscribe) for the free newsletter from It is FREE. Be sure to sign up for blog entries with a password. When a tie-in article appears on a newsletter, make a blog entry similar to this:

"Handling the corrupt FDA, government agencies, politicians, big corporations, etc. will probably come about once the gateway to 9/11 Truth is opened.
"9/11 TRUTH is the key. When people open that doorway of 9/11 Truth, the road ahead becomes clear.
"Research the truth of 9/11/01.
"Hundreds of Architects and Engineers and Scientists and Scholars and high ranking government officials around the world are screaming loudly for people to take a look at the overwhelming evidence. (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) -- Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice -- Scientific Peer Reviewed Research

Screw Loose Change calls on Daily Kos to fight 9/11 Truth

A blogger at Daily Kos has repeated an invitation from Screw Loose Change to enlist liberal bloggers in the fight against 9/11 Truth. The blog by "kia ora" (snippets below) reflects the split personality of liberal Democrats on this issue:

"This is actually quite humorous:

A website calling itself 'Screw Loose Change' which is dedicated to challenging a popular 9/11 video 'Loose Change', has posted a call to Markos, Kossacks and liberal bloggers everywhere to actively fight and debunk those questioning the official story on 9/11."
"Why exactly does the official story need defending? Didn't we have a 9/11 Commission to take care of all the questions? I mean we know Kean and Hamilton admit that it was a whitewash, but still is this really necessary?"
"But the big question here is why would he call on Kossacks specifically to defend the official story? Is it simply because of the 'no 9/11 CT diaries' rule here or does he really think most of us here believe the official story?"


I did some work to the site Politics.Wikia.Com tonight. I added the 9/11 Blogger Feed, and edited the front page. The front page now sports an endorsement for Ron Paul, who's page I also added. It now has a quote from Benjamin Franklin, which is, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." The front page also has a review of David Ray Griffins book, The New Pearl Harbor. I figured the front page hasn't changed in months, so it's about time. Also worth checking out is my edits to this opinion.

The art of infowar.

"Exert maximum force on the enemies weaknesses."

Having observed Digg for a while now, I've noticed one particular blogger who hits home with amazing posts. I encourage you to read some of his bloggs and DIGG them to bump them higher up when people search for news. This person has put up high profile stories that cut the official story to shreds. I "Digged" every single one of his stories, and I hope you like them enough to do the same.

It takes only a matter of seconds and gets at Digg's rather large readership.

I feel it's important to get behind our best and give them some strong encouragement so that they can carry the banner proudly.
Thank you for your time.

Ask the people running the planet

"Ok, now here's your chance: Put your question to the people in charge of this world, and they might just answer.

The BBC has joined the Davos Conversation, linking up with the organisers of the World Economic Forum, plus Buzzmachine, the Guardian newspaper, Huffington Post and Daylife.

Send us a video with your question - don't worry about the technology a webcam recording will do - and the Davos organisers have promised to put a selection of your questions to the presidents, prime ministers and top company bosses coming to Davos."

you know what to do peeps :-)

It's simply amazing...

On september 13th i decided to finally wake up and open my eyes, and investigate what is really going on with the whole 9/11 thing. So in my reasearch i decided that it would be in the best interest of the people if i started a truther site. This truther site is . I then created a forum right after i bought the domain name, and got hosting for it from It's simply amazing, the feedback i've recieved on the site was great, the number of visitors started to rise dramatically as if all of the sudden it was the next best thing to sliced bread. members started to join the fourm, and actively post, things were GREAT! I knew we were onto something good for the people.

Here we are almost 1 month later from the conception of this site, and things aren't as good as they started to be. Noone hardly joins the forum no more, and the people that already joined dont even actively post, infact most of the posting is done by ME. This is sad, how do people expect to get the word out, how do they expect to be heard if they fail to be active. All i ask is that people join the forum and the site, and post information, news, questions, answers, ect.