
Sibel Edmonds' Redacted IG Report Released by Luke Ryland

lots of links, see orig

Sibel Edmonds' Redacted IG Report Released

I've got a few items today.

Firstly, former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds and I were interviewed by Scott Horton for Antiwar Radio last week. The interview went live on Monday. From the blurb:
"Sibel Edmonds and Luke Ryland discuss the London Times series on her case and the international nuclear black-market network surrounding A.Q. Kahn, the U.S. government’s total clamp-down by gag orders even against Congress, the American foreign policy hypocrisy of demonizing certain nuclear ambitions and supporting others, the military-industrial-congressional complex revolving door, the bipartisan lack of enthusiasm in pursuing whistleblower cases, the movie about Sibel’s case “Kill The Messenger,” and how it only takes one congressman to call her to testify to blow the case wide open."
You can listen (50 mins) to it here, and read the transcript here. The youtube version is here

For the first time, the redacted version of the Department of Justice's Inspector General's report into Sibel's case has been released - parts 1, 2, & 3 (pdfs)

(Hit Piece) Sept. 11 conspiracy theories provide cheap entertainment: 'Truthers' avoid the difficult problem of making the world

hit pieces in and The Financial Times, books like Touching History and Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon, etc. all in advance of the NIST WTC7 report; is this what they call a "surge"? Usual tired ad hom/strawman BS, good points in the Brinkman quotes, though.

Sept. 11 conspiracy theories provide cheap entertainment: 'Truthers' avoid the difficult problem of making the world more secure
Todd Babiak, The Edmonton Journal Published: 2:04 am

The Wire, a complex and critically acclaimed HBO television series about the ways in which human systems are doomed to fail, never found a huge audience. By contrast, the Law & Order and CSI franchises, in which a simple conspiracy is at the base of every crime, are multibillion-dollar entertainment properties. The Da Vinci Code outsold every novel ever written about the problem of faith. In recent years, the controversy around who shot John F. Kennedy has overshadowed anything he said or accomplished during his presidency.

We have evolved into beings who prefer intelligent designs to the horror of chaos.

Foes, Not Friends (or The OCT is a Lie; 3 Examples Involving Saudi Arabia)

The Bush story about 9/11 takes a hit from their ally the Washington Times- exposure of Saudi involvement in 9/11 is exposure of Bush family/administration involvement in 9/11.

Foes, Not Friends
By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
The Washington Times | Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The United States is in mortal period from a false friend: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The peril emanates from the totalitarian legal-religious-military-political code the Saudis call Shariah and their assiduous efforts to impose it worldwide. The danger is enormously exacerbated by the almost-complete failure of American officials at every level of government to acknowledge, let alone act to prevent, the Saudis' true agenda.

Three examples are instructive:

9/11: Cover For A Coup D'Etat? By Ed Encho

Note that this is a pretty significant article in my opinion, even though I disagree on the author on the relevance of physical evidence.

Mike Zimmer


Original Content at

May 27, 2008

9/11: Cover For A Coup D'Etat?

By Ed Encho

"A coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder."

-Edward Luttwak

Sibel Edmonds vs. the Nuclear Terrorists (full text/linked)

This the full text/linked version of the outline i previously posted- visit the opednews link for the html links in the article body

This is a primer on Sibel Edmonds; her story will be of interest to anyone concerned about US national security and sovereignty; terrorism; 9/11 truth; and abuse of power by public officials. All claims of fact in this article can be sourced in the Sibel Edmonds:US Government Timeline and the Media Coverage Timeline at the bottom of the article. Her allegations listed in this article, and the documents/articles linked in the timelines are not exhaustive.

Smoking Gun: VA Boss Grilled on Military Suicide Cover-Ups

Senator Patty Murray questions Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs Gordon
Mansfield about emails concerning the cover-up of veteran suicide rates.

Why Is Bill Douglas Pushing "The Shell Game"? It might help to see what he's been doing for years for 9/11 truth.


Bill Douglas and Carol Brouillet are interviewed at the 9/11 International Inquiry-Phase 1 in San Francisco, CA at the end of March, 04. KPFA Radio in San Francisco

NBC: Experts Say Sirhan Sirhan Did Not Shoot RFK

A report from Connecticut's NBC 30 concerning new evidence in the controversy surrounding the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.

Japanese Senator for 9/11 Truth Calls for Movement to Step Beyond Internet – Steve Alten Answers the Call

PLEASE, go to OpEdNews, and "diggit" "readit" this OpEd to get more eyes on it in the mainstream. You can do so at the below link:

March 20, 2008 at 10:52:14

Japanese Senator for 9/11 Truth Calls for Movement to Step Beyond Internet – Steve Alten Answers the Call

by Bill Douglas Page 1 of 2 page(s)

Japanese Senator, Yukihisa Fujita, a member of the main opposition party in Japan, gained world renown through non-US media and in the US via youtube, for his assertion on national Japanese television that 9/11 was an inside job. He recently spoke several times about the importance of in waking him up to the lies of 9/11. He stated that the architects, engineers and physicists like Professor Jones have made the case of controlled demolition well, and now it is time for politicians to be organized, and connect internationally and make joint petitions to the US Government or Congress, and to request the United Nations have independent investigations of 9/11.

The George W. Bush Presidential Center and the 9/11 Cover-Up are coming to Dallas, TX at SMU

According to Don Evans, Secretary of Commerce and Chair of the George W. Bush Library Foundation, the George W. Bush Presidential Center will be educating the world.

The George W. Bush Presidential Center will be a tool to educate the masses about George W. Bush and his Administration's leadership in the Global WAR ON TERROR in the 9-1-1 years, the period of Bush's presidency.

The George W. Bush Presidential Center (including Library, Museum, and Bush Policy Institute) is proudly coming to Dallas, where John F. Kennedy's head was blown off.

Thanks to the ramrodding of Southern Methodist University Board of Trustees and their proud and intimate connections with the Bush Family. Also, thanks to the arrogant efforts of Vice President of "Development" and External Affairs, Brad Cheves.

Video of announcement:

The Reflecting Pool - Reviews

The Reflecting Pool

"Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people. The most effective propaganda is often completely truthful, but some propaganda presents facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis, in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. " (

"Truthful Journalism
Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should:

    --Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible.
    --Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing.
    --Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources' reliability...

Martin Luther King, Jr. ties into the 911 TRUTH Movement

There are many aspects surrounding the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. which tie into the 911 TRUTH movement.

Joe brought this out recently when he and fellow TRUTHERS marched in the Dallas MLK parade on 1/19/08.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." --MLK

A highlighting point: Many, many people do not know that it was proven in court, PROVEN IN COURT, that the GOVERNMENT CONSPIRED TO ASSASSINATE MARTIN LUTHER KING.

Most people have not heard of this. Here is a court case of December, 1999 which had unimpeachable evidence that proved the government conspired to assassinate King. Yet, we have been betrayed by our media, by our government, by our schools, by our churches because we have not been told about this.

The censorship of this landmark case is as loud as the censorship of the 911 TRUTH movement.

The media DELIBERATELY did not go into the courtroom when they had access.

The Video Liberation Movement

A great 45 minute video analyzing the role the media plays in covering up important information such as the events of 9/11, very educational for the CNN junkies out we all have to deal with.

A look at the growth of independent political video as a response to corporate control of mainstream media news.

Bhutto, JFK, and Conspiracies

From Hornberger’s Blog
Saturday, December 31, 2007

Hornberger’s Blog Index

Bhutto, JFK, and Conspiracies
by Jacob G. Hornberger

It is interesting that Justin Raimondo, he of 9-11 Truth dismissal, decided to link to this article!

Why is the mainstream press considering the possibility that Pakistani intelligence agencies were behind the Bhutto killing? According to the Guardian, Pakistan’s intelligence agencies “are widely believed to carry out kidnappings, unlawful detentions and extrajudicial killings. The speed with which the government accused al-Qaida did little to allay fears of state involvement, and conflicting accounts of the cause of death have convinced many of a cover-up.”

Yet, as everyone knows, U.S. intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, have long been involved in the same sort of nefarious activities — kidnappings, torture, coups, murder, and assassinations, even as far back as the Kennedy administration.