Coup D'Etat

John Hankey - 9/11 and JFK connection

The following is from John Hankey, who will be joining us at the 9/11 Truth Leader Teleconference this Wednesday. I will be showing his film, Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy, this November 22nd in my community. I highly recommend showing this film with a discussion related to 9/11 with some of these points.


Both JFK and 9-11 involved The Big Lie -

1: The crime is unspeakable, for the mainstream media and ALL politicians who want to live. Our job is to speak the unspeakable. the Big Lie -

Suppressed History: When Wall Street Tried To Bring The Holocaust To America


October 13, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff ·

The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It

What Should Happen? A Truth Commission for Bush By Mark Green

Source: Air America Newsletter received via email today.

("The way to deter the 'culture of deception' in McClellan's subtitle is a combination of voters, lawyers, prosecutors and a Truth Commission -- to vote against it, sue it, prosecute it, or expose it . . . . "

Maybe a Truth Commission will segue into the 9/11 Truth Commission as more and more gets exposed . . . . It's going to happen. Betsy)

What Should Happen? A Truth Commission for Bush

By Mark Green

Scott McClellan's book What Happened has been a feast for cable talk shows and commentators everywhere, with much discussion veering off on his motives. The Bush Team went into overdrive with its smear gear. Disgruntled? Money grubbing? Out of the loop? Off his rocker? A Manchurian author controlled by his North-Korean-like publisher? In a laughable attempt to blame the radar gun for the speeder, apologists Michele Bernard and Michael Smerconish actually argued on MSNBC that the big story was whether McClellan wrote the book in order to defeat McCain.

9/11: Cover For A Coup D'Etat? By Ed Encho

Note that this is a pretty significant article in my opinion, even though I disagree on the author on the relevance of physical evidence.

Mike Zimmer


Original Content at

May 27, 2008

9/11: Cover For A Coup D'Etat?

By Ed Encho

"A coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder."

-Edward Luttwak