
Four 9/11 Ads Online in 14 Texas Newspapers for 3 Months

Fourteen suburban newspapers in the Dallas/Ft Worth area contain online 9/11 Truth Ads which are running for three months. The 14 papers have a combined readership above 243,000.

There are a total of four ads comprised of animated graphics which link to YouTube videos. The individual ads randomly rotate to each of the 14 suburban newspapers.

Two Major Newspaper Advertising Campaigns in the Dallas - Ft Worth Area

Two Major Newspaper Advertising Campaigns in the Dallas - Ft Worth Area

*NOTE: Some advertising links may only be active for one week, especially the “linked animated boxes”.

For this September, 2015, ”North Texans for 9/11 Truth” ( ) has been extremely busy with organizing events and actions.

Two of the many actions and events are presented in this article, “Two Major Newspaper Advertising Campaigns in the Dallas - Ft Worth Area”.

The University of Texas at Arlington and its School of Architecture Campaign.

”North Texans for 9/11 Truth” has been waging a campaign for years, and will continue to wage this campaign which targets a very large School of Architecture in North Texas.

McKinney To Receive Munich American Peace Committee Peace Prize

For Immediate Release For More Information Please Contact:
John Judge ( Jocco Baccus (
Richard Forward ( In Munich, Member MAPC

McKinney To Receive Munich American Peace Committee Peace Prize

"Clearly, the MAPC gave more thought to the significance of those whose struggle for peace is based on principle . . . than did the Nobel Peace Committee that rewarded our President for war."

Former Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party Presidential Nominee announced today that she has been invited to participate in an International Peace Conference scheduled to take place in Munich, Germany on February 6 - 7, 2010 while the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meets in the same city to plan war. McKinney, a long-time proponent of abolishing NATO, is scheduled to speak on February 6 at a rally to protest the NATO "security" conference. After the rally, McKinney will participate in the International Peace Conference whose schedule and call to demonstrate against NATO war policies are included below.

Dumbo in the Living Room

I voted for Cynthia McKinney because she was the only candidate who sees him (I think it is a he). The others either don't, or won't admit it, and I see no significant difference between these two points of non-view.

According to polls about a third of the US population (not to mention the rest of the world) think, or at least suspect, that 9/11 was an inside job, and McKinney was the only candidate who has even mentioned the possibility. Of course I'm glad that Obama has spared us the catastrophe of McCain, but this time I decided to indulge my "conscience"--that is, vote for the person I would really like to see in office--because it was pretty clear to me that Dumbo had decided on Obama, and in the long run we will never break the yoke of the two-qua-one party system unless we vote outside the box.

McKinney Stronger in Unexpected Places

Cynthia McKinneyʼs .1% of the vote came from some places that, for me at least, were
unexpected. I would not have expected proportionately more Louisianans to vote for her
than people in any other state, for example, and though California doesnʼt surprise me I
would not have thought Maine, Arkansas and West Virginia would come out ahead of New
York and Massachusetts.

This may be worth some cogitation. I voted for her mainly, but not only, because she was
the only 9/11 truth candidate, i.e. the only person on the ballot (mine anyway, in Florida)
who has had the guts to call for a real investigation of the major event that has been the
excuse for the last 8 years of horror perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney gang. Was this also
her attraction for the voters in Louisiana, Arkansas, and West Virginia? We can be pretty
sure it was not the “black vote,” in this case, since Obama took that. What else was it,
then, if not 9/11?

These states are generally considered “conservative,” are they not? Well, maybe weʼve
got them all wrong. Just think about it. Percentage-wise, more than twice as many people

A vote for McKinney

This (article in my local paper) is the ONLY mention I have seen in the German press (what I
see and read of it, anyway) or on CNN or BBC (both of which I watch
occasionally) to any candidates other than Obama and McCain. Nuff
said, proved, signed, sealed and delivered with respect to the quality
of "journalism" in the US and Germany. In case you don't read German,
it says I voted for "McKenny" (sic) (the others voted for Obama, one
for McCain) and that most people (Germans anyway) don't know that
there are at least ten other candidates on the ballot. If you click on
the camera icon next to the byline you should see an exciting slide
show including my mug at the very end:

I trust I will wake up tomorrow to a better world with President-elect
Obama--better at least than the other guy.


Oil Game * 9/11 * Obama Rose * Sertima

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
March 5, 2008 - Oil Game * 9/11 * Obama Rose * Sertima

"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison
without formulating any charge known to the law,
and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers,
is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of
all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist."

- Winston Churchill
Nov. 21, 1943

1) Iraq Oil US War Racket
- - WAR IS A RACKET – by General Smedley Butler
- - It's still about oil in Iraq
- - Nobel Laureate Estimates Wars’ Cost at More Than $3 Trillion
- - The $3,000,000,000,000 War is a Domestic Issue
- - Dying to die in Afghanistan
- - Rule by Fear or Rule by Law?
- - Brattleboro, Vermont, Votes to Indict Bush and Cheney
- - Tongue and ‘Cheek’ – Malene Espensen Sexy Protest
2) September 11 Advocates Uncover Lies and Unanswered Questions
- - Transcript For Lorie Van Auken’s Speech - NYC Ballot Initiative
- - The Shell Game newsletter
- - The Mother of All Lies About 9/11
- - Moussaoui appeals, calling plea invalid
- - ZERO : Europe for an Independent Inquiry into 9/11

Martin Luther King, Jr. ties into the 911 TRUTH Movement

There are many aspects surrounding the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. which tie into the 911 TRUTH movement.

Joe brought this out recently when he and fellow TRUTHERS marched in the Dallas MLK parade on 1/19/08.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." --MLK

A highlighting point: Many, many people do not know that it was proven in court, PROVEN IN COURT, that the GOVERNMENT CONSPIRED TO ASSASSINATE MARTIN LUTHER KING.

Most people have not heard of this. Here is a court case of December, 1999 which had unimpeachable evidence that proved the government conspired to assassinate King. Yet, we have been betrayed by our media, by our government, by our schools, by our churches because we have not been told about this.

The censorship of this landmark case is as loud as the censorship of the 911 TRUTH movement.

The media DELIBERATELY did not go into the courtroom when they had access.