operation mockingbird

9/11 Free Fall 5/7/15: Senator Graham, the Church Committee, and demoralization

Host Andy Steele talks about a recent news article in which retired U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-Florida) relates how the FBI tried to "dissuade" him from pursuing the Saudi Arabian connection to 9/11. He also discusses the 1975-76 Church Committee congressional hearings, during which the secret CIA program Operation Mockingbird was revealed.

9/11 (And George Bush) For Dummies

Link here---> http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2010/09/02/911-and-george-bush-for-dummies/

Still think Iraq or Saddam Hussain had anything to do with 9/11?

Still think George Bush Jr. is an idiot?

Well the listen as George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney, John Edwards, and Donald Rumsfeld tell you in their own words that Iraq is innocent.

And watch as George W. Bush morphs from a formidable orator and debater, to an Academy Award deserving buffoon in just 4 years time.

Still think Bush is an idiot? Well then my friend, it is you who have been made the fool...

Link here---> http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2010/09/02/911-and-george-bush-for-dummies/

Big media and the lies they tell

Unspun Newz explores the dangers posed by corporate controlled media deception and propaganda. This report focuses on major cases of media deception such as, the now famous, Monsanto rBGH growth hormone case where FOX News actually fought for and won the right to lie on the news. The report also details ABCs false reports about anthrax and how ABCs Brian Ross tried to link the anthrax attacks in 2001 to Iraq. The report further explores the corporate media blackout on the recently released scientific evidence proving that high tech explosives were used to demolish the world trade center on 9/11. Unspun highlights how media lies impact public health and how they were used to mislead the people into supporting war and how those deceptions have affected us and our troops.


Mockingbird agenda at Daily Kos

Markos Moulitsas, founder of the Net's leading liberal website in terms of traffic and political influence, Daily Kos, has a rather curious and odd background for a leader of the Left—one that might explain his official policy of banning any Diarist who posts information or opinion dissenting from the 9/11 Commission's unraveling myth about the attacks.

Markos served in the U.S. Army from 1989 to 1992, where he was a staunch Reagan Republican, campaigning for George H.W. Bush. It was the "near miss" of being sent to Gulf War I that sparked his political conversion, he says. He hails from a wealthy El Salvadorian family, one of whose members was Minister of Education with the notorious junta during the civil war.

In a speech to the Commonwealth Club in 2006, Kos admitted to interviewing with the CIA for a 6-month period after a time of "underemployment." His statements there betray either a stunning ignorance, or sneaking sympathy with the CIA's long history of democratic subversion and support of rightist dictatorships abroad, including the one that sponsored death squads in his former homeland:

(Hit Piece) Sept. 11 conspiracy theories provide cheap entertainment: 'Truthers' avoid the difficult problem of making the world

hit pieces in Canada.com and The Financial Times, books like Touching History and Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon, etc. all in advance of the NIST WTC7 report; is this what they call a "surge"? Usual tired ad hom/strawman BS, good points in the Brinkman quotes, though.


Sept. 11 conspiracy theories provide cheap entertainment: 'Truthers' avoid the difficult problem of making the world more secure
Todd Babiak, The Edmonton Journal Published: 2:04 am

The Wire, a complex and critically acclaimed HBO television series about the ways in which human systems are doomed to fail, never found a huge audience. By contrast, the Law & Order and CSI franchises, in which a simple conspiracy is at the base of every crime, are multibillion-dollar entertainment properties. The Da Vinci Code outsold every novel ever written about the problem of faith. In recent years, the controversy around who shot John F. Kennedy has overshadowed anything he said or accomplished during his presidency.

We have evolved into beings who prefer intelligent designs to the horror of chaos.