9/11 Free Fall Radio

9/11 Free Fall 5/7/15: Senator Graham, the Church Committee, and demoralization

Host Andy Steele talks about a recent news article in which retired U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-Florida) relates how the FBI tried to "dissuade" him from pursuing the Saudi Arabian connection to 9/11. He also discusses the 1975-76 Church Committee congressional hearings, during which the secret CIA program Operation Mockingbird was revealed.

9/11 Free Fall Radio: Richard Gage responds to those who opposed the AIA WTC 7 resolution

Richard Gage, AIA, founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, sits down with Andy Steele to discuss the recent AIA resolution vote regarding WTC 7 and responds to the objections of those who spoke out in opposition of the resolution before the vote was taken.


9/11 Free Fall Radio: Chris Sarns Debunks NIST's "Thermal Expansion" Theory

Tonight at 10PM EST/7PM PST: 9/11 researcher Chris Sarns discusses his latest series of articles examining the flaws in NIST's "thermal expansion" hypothesis for WTC 7. He also comments on the outcome of the WTC 7 resolution vote at the AIA convention in Atlanta last weekend.
