Chris Sarns

#6 of 6: NIST's WTC 7 Reports: Filled with Fantasy, Fiction, and Fraud

PART 5: How Skyscrapers Are Really Imploded

"...all in all, the official version of the failure of WTC 7 does not stand up to even the most elementary scrutiny. Yet with breathtaking chutzpah, NIST and the defenders of its theory continue to ask us all, paraphrasing a Chico Marx line in the movie Duck Soup, "Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes?"

How would you answer?"


9/11 Free Fall Radio: Chris Sarns Debunks NIST's "Thermal Expansion" Theory

Tonight at 10PM EST/7PM PST: 9/11 researcher Chris Sarns discusses his latest series of articles examining the flaws in NIST's "thermal expansion" hypothesis for WTC 7. He also comments on the outcome of the WTC 7 resolution vote at the AIA convention in Atlanta last weekend.

9/11 Free Fall 6/6/13: Chris Sarns on NIST's WTC 7 Fraud

Chris Sarns is a researcher for AE911Truth and the author of a new series of articles unraveling some of the most glaring inconsistencies and outright frauds in the NIST report on World Trade Center 7. In this episode he outlines his arguments and advises listeners on how to question politicians and others about the evidence.

RICHARD GAGE-- Live, 6PM eastern, Sunday NOV 6th

Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers For 911 Truth, will be joining us in The 911 Truth Movement Paltalk Room at 6pm eastern on Sunday November 6th

UPDATE: Erik Lawyer, founder of Firefighters For 9/11 Truth and Chris Sarns will be joining the discussion this evening
What is Paltalk?

This is a live, two hour Question and Answer session--Your opportunity to ask Richard Gage questions and hear him bring everyone up to date on what AE911TRUTH has accomplished recently.

Richard joins us on the first Sunday of each month.

Paltalk is a cool way to interact with other 911 activists through voice and text chat. You can also split off from the main room and engage in private chat sessions, as well as share files and video.

The 911 Truth Movement Room has over 200 important videos in its library.


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