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Sibel Edmonds New Website: BoilingFrogsPost.com


From the About page:

"Boiling Frogs Post is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship. Each one of our partner investigative journalists brings 20+ years of investigative journalism experience in reporting controversial and daring topics. Our weekly Podcast interview series, the Boiling Frogs Show, features in depth original interviews with well-respected and controversial guests.

"This site has been set up to bring together members of the irate minority club: Those who have gotten tired of the very-dependent mainstream media & and the agenda-driven and partisan pseudo alternative fluff sites. We may be the irate minority out there, but over here we are the majority, so we rule. Together we hope to increase our numbers and take back our hijacked nation."

Site design by 9/11 Truth activist Scott Ford - http://www.Twerp.com

Maddow: Largest Iraq bombing in two years may have been inside job

This RawStory report omits mention of the Golden Dome Mosque bombing, also thought to have been an 'inside job'

and no mention of the Brits in Basra dressed like Muslims and arrested shortly before they could detonate their car bomb

Largest Iraq bombing in two years may have been inside job

By David Edwards and Daniel Tencer
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 -- 9:50 am

Sunday's twin suicide bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 155 people and wounded 500 others may have had help from within Iraq's security apparatus, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reported Monday.

"This was a really well coordinated attack on an area in Baghdad that's supposed to be well protected," Maddow told viewers. "In order to reach their targets, the bombers driving these truck bombs had to pass through several checkpoints that were guarded by security forces and those security forces were supposed to be using hand-held devices designed to detect explosives."

Report: UK police categorize political activists as ‘domestic extremists’

Report: UK police categorize political activists as ‘domestic extremists’

By Stephen C. Webster
Sunday, October 25th, 2009 -- 8:55 pm
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British police inspectors have been building a massive, secret database containing personal information on thousands of otherwise innocent political activists, an investigative report revealed Sunday.

"The hidden apparatus has been constructed to monitor 'domestic extremists', the Guardian can reveal in the first of a three-day series into the policing of protests. Detailed information about the political activities of campaigners is being stored on a number of overlapping IT systems, even if they have not committed a crime."

The UK paper added that the term "domestic extremist" has no legal basis, but is instead intended to tar those who may have participated in something so benign as civil disobedience.

Even merely attending a protest and standing on the outskirts of the crowd can be enough to land one on the National Public Order Intelligence Unit's list of "domestic extremists."

How a Torture Protest Killed a Career By Craig Murray

How a Torture Protest Killed a Career By Craig Murray
October 24, 2009

Editor’s Note: In this modern age – and especially since George W. Bush declared the “war on terror” eight years ago – the price for truth-telling has been high, especially for individuals whose consciences led them to protest the torture of alleged terrorists.

One of the most remarkable cases is that of Craig Murray, a 20-year veteran of the British Foreign Service whose career was destroyed after he was posted to Uzbekistan in August 2002 and began to complain about Western complicity in torture committed by the country’s totalitarian regime, which was valued for its brutal interrogation methods and its vast supplies of natural gas.

Military.com - Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD


Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD
October 21, 2009
Military.com|by Bryant Jordan

After seven years of forced silence, a government whistleblower is opening up on what she learned while working as a Turkish translator for the FBI in the wake of 9/11.

In sworn testimony to attorneys on Aug. 8, Sibel Edmonds described a Pentagon where key personnel helped pass defense secrets to foreign agents or provided them names of knowledgeable officials who were vulnerable to blackmail or co-option.

And firmly rooted in this espionage program in the 1990s, according to Edmonds’ deposition, were two men who, with the election of George W. Bush as president in 2000, found themselves in the Pentagon: Douglas Feith, who would head the Office of Special Plans, and Richard Perle, who would become chairman of the Defense Advisory Board.

FDNY 9/11 Reports: WTC 7 'Collapse' Foreknowledge

These are quotes that reveal foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7- from FDNY reports in the 9/11 Commission records, in Box 18 of the Team 9 (aka Team 8)/New York City Series.

"Ordered to evacuate 7 WTC because of collapse hazard." (pg 2)

"Ordered to assist with hose stretch and operation in 7 WTC until ordered out of building due to possible collapse." (pg 2)

"Lad. 85 then ordered to West & Vesey for extrication duties.Ordered to evacuate this
position due to 7 WTC instability. Lad. 85 took a standby position pending this collapse
on West St. Upon collapse of 7 WTC Lad.85 deployed on Greenwich St. extingushing
numerous auto & debris fires making a way to the north side (see page 2)" (pg 45)

"We supplimented with another hydrant and supplied TL 119 in extinguishing the fire @ 5 WTC Until 7 WTC was in danger of collapsing" (pg 7)

C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery

C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery
Published: October 16, 2009
WASHINGTON — Is the Central Intelligence Agency covering up some dark secret about the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

Probably not. But you would not know it from the C.I.A.’s behavior.

For six years, the agency has fought in federal court to keep secret hundreds of documents from 1963, when an anti-Castro Cuban group it paid clashed publicly with the soon-to-be assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The C.I.A. says it is only protecting legitimate secrets. But because of the agency’s history of stonewalling assassination inquiries, even researchers with no use for conspiracy thinking question its stance.

The files in question, some released under direction of the court and hundreds more that are still secret, involve the curious career of George E. Joannides, the case officer who oversaw the dissident Cubans in 1963. In 1978, the agency made Mr. Joannides the liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations — but never told the committee of his earlier role.

Oct 10 - 'Two Hours of the Truth'- Call-In Radio Show - 10am-12pm PDT

AM radio 1050 KCAA - Call the DNA Radio Show between 10am-12pm PDT Saturday, Oct 10 - toll-free at 1-888-909-1050

On September 12th during his first stint as DNA guest host, Joe Patrick (shown at left) opened the show and addressed his engineer on the air asking, "is my microphone loud enough? After-all, the truth should be loud and in your face, don't you think?"

Patrick, a self-proclaimed truther and member of 9-11 Truth, returns for "Two Hours of the Truth." Joe believes he's been anointed to deliver an important message. "In the past 2 years a lot of my so-called friends have abandoned me. I have very few left, but that's fine. I know what I've been called to do and I'll pay that price."

"I won't be able to sleep," he says, "until every home in America knows what I know. Only then will we be free. I want all the sheeple to call in, whether you agree with me or not." Joe will have some clips ready to play, featuring well-known conservative radio talk show hosts in addition to some hard-hitting criticism of their opinions that he believes are the product of what he calls corporatocracy.

Democracy is dead ... lobbyists rule America [the Happy Conspiracy]

not your ordinary 'conspiracy theorist'...

By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Democracy dead? Lobbyists ruling America? Lobbyists the new "Unseen Hand" of capitalism? Sadly yes.

And here's why: Ask any neuroeconomist, behavioral-finance quant, investment psychologist or other practitioner of the mysterious "science of irrationality" and they'll tell you that Americans have two self-sabotaging mental biases that killed democracy from within: "Denial" and "Magical Thinking" make us easy targets. Our brains are being manipulated by clandestine forces beyond our control. We can't see them or resist.

Yet we refuse to believe in this new Orwellian America. We prefer the world of magic, myth and illusion.

Letter to Editor: Whistleblower case merits investigation


September 25, 2009 - 12:00 am

I am alarmed about the detailed allegations that have now come to public light in the case of Sibel Edmonds, the former FBI language specialist who was fired after accusing a colleague of covering up illicit activity. The allegations, outlined by Edmonds in a recent interview in The American Conservative, concern a massive corruption scheme involving U.S. government employees, members of Congress and agents of foreign governments, primarily Turkey.

Taking bribes and receiving favors from foreign governments seeking to influence decisions on vital matters of U.S. national security constitutes the gravest possible breach of the public trust. If these allegations are true, and we now have very plausible evidence that they are, then they merit the highest possible level of public concern, and urgent congressional investigation and action.

BradBlog: Upcoming Cover Story on Edmonds 'Outs' Video-taped, 'Blackmailed' Dem Congresswoman; Alleges State Dept. Mole at NYT


By Brad Friedman on 9/21/2009 10:17AM
Exclusive: Upcoming Cover Story on Edmonds 'Outs' Video-taped, 'Blackmailed' Dem Congresswoman; Alleges State Dept. Mole at NYTimes; MUCH MORE...

'American Conservative' mag's description of interview with previously-gagged FBI whistleblower as 'explosive' may prove to be a gross understatement
Blackmail, bribery, infiltration, theft and sale of nuke secrets by Turkey, Israel explained in clearer detail than ever before...

On Friday, we reported on the coming exclusive American Conservative cover story interview with formerly-gagged FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds by quoting the magazine's own teaser description of the piece as "explosive". Over the weekend, we received an embargoed look at the final version of the AmCon interview by former CIA officer Phil Giraldi, and yes, "explosive", may be a vast understatement. At least if the U.S. corporate media bothers to notice it this time.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clips re: 9/11 & Nuclear Trafficking

Sibel Edmonds testified under oath August 8, 2009. Below are links to four video clips and transcript portions related to her testimony regarding 9/11 and nuclear trafficking:

1) Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clip: State Secrets Gag Order

This segment covers her testimony regarding former Attorney General John Ashcroft claim of State Secrets to justify placing two gag orders on her. The first gag order was in response to her First Amendment case, the second when she was subpoenaed by 9/11 families regarding her knowledge of Saudi institutions and Al Qaeda financing.

2) Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clip: Nuclear Trafficking- US & Turkish Officials & RAND

This segment covers her testimony regarding the involvement of US and Turkish officials in a nuclear trafficking network, and the outing of Brewster Jennings as a CIA front company which was investigating them.

3) Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clip: Behrooz Sarshar – 9/11 Foreknowledge

The Television Archive: A library of world perspectives concerning September 11th, 2001

Direct link to Archive.org 9/11 TV coverage:

Press Release:
The events of September 11th affected the entire world. Reactions around the globe have been captured in this archive of television news broadcasts from the period following the attacks (currently being hosted at the Internet Archive).

View the Television Archive’s September 11th Collection, which contains three days of around-the-clock footage from six networks, or see the summary video.

Transcript: John Farmer on Malloy Show with Brad Friedman 9/11/09

Transcript by Erik Larson- John Farmer, guest of Brad Friedman on Mike Malloy Radio Show, Sept 11, 2009

Brad Friedman- … John Farmer is the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, he served as the Attorney General of New Jersey, Chief Counsel to Governor Christine Todd Whitman, he’s now the Dean of Rutgers University Law School… and he joins us here tonight… very happily so- he is the author of a new book, ‘The Ground Truth: The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11’- John Farmer, welcome to the Mike Malloy program.

John Farmer- Thanks Brad, I really appreciate it- thanks for having me.

Hayden Named to Public Interest Declass Board

General Michael Hayden, former NSC Chief, NSA Director and CIA Director, now appointee to the 'Public Interest Declassification Board' - by Mitch McConnell, although for some reason it was first recorded in the Congressional Record that it was Harry Reid...

Michael Hayden Profile

Visit original for hyperlinks, posted in full for posterity:

Hayden Named to Public Interest Declass Board
September 10th, 2009 by Steven Aftergood

If one were searching for an individual to represent the public interest in promoting declassification of government records, the first name that came to mind would probably not be Michael V. Hayden, the former director of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. But improbable as it may seem, he is the latest appointee to the Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB), an official body that advises the President on declassification policies, priorities and potential reforms.