loose nuke's blog

[Zelikow] to testify on interrogations

In this article, the AP writer continually refers to Zelikow's memo as if it's a fact; as far as I know, the only evidence of it existing in 2005 is that Zelikow, a completely untrustworthy source, claims he wrote it and circulated it. Perhaps he did. Nowhere does this article claim the AP has already obtained a copy, and they say, "Several members of Congress have asked the Obama administration to search for a copy." Still, it will be interesting to see what he has to say, and how he justifies not resigning, knowing what was going on, and having the opinion that he alleges he did.

Profile: Zelikow

Historian Sheldon Stern found numerous errors in their transcription of JFK tapes, some of which change the context of statements and conversations, despite him being able to clearly understand the words when he reviewed the tapes himself:
May 2000: Future Authors of 9/11 Report Produce John F. Kennedy Book Riddled with Errors

The article quotes Zelikow as saying he "suspect[s]" he gave Rice a copy:

FBI to Pay $880,000 for Review of its Anthrax 'Genetic and Chemical Studies'

"The FBI will pay the Washington-based society nearly $880,000 for the independent, 15-month committee review of the genetic and chemical studies investigators used to link Ivins to the attacks, academy spokeswoman Jennifer Walsh said."

How "independent" can this review be, when they're accepting $880,000 from from the same organization (the FBI) that did the "investigation" they're reviewing? The NAS was established by Congress:

Rush Holt, a "representative" who's trying a 3rd time to institutionalize electronic vote-stealing machines, introduced legislation in March 09 for a "9/11 Commission-style" investigation into the Anthrax attacks. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/03/04/anthrax/print.html

Rice: "September 11 was the worst day of my life in government, watching 3,000 Americans die"

Rice stumbles when asked about torture by fourth-grader by John Byrne

Rice: "September 11 was the worst day of my life in government, watching 3,000 Americans die"

Profile: Condoleeza Rice


July 6, 2001: Clarke Tells Rice to Warn Agencies to Prepare for 3 to 5 Simultaneous Attacks; No Apparent Response

July 10, 2001: CIA Director Gives Urgent Warning to White House of Imminent, Multiple, Simultaneous Al-Qaeda Attacks, Possibly Within US

July 27, 2001: Rice Briefed on Terrorist Threats, Advised to Keep Ready

Between August 6 and September 11, 2001: No High-Level Meetings to Discuss ‘Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US’ Memo

Representative Wolf on COG, the State of Emergency and Congress’ Failure to Comply With the Law

See here for hyperlinks:

In response to the call to action outlined in the article “To All Readers: Help Force Congress To Observe the Law on National Emergencies!!!” by Prof. Peter Dale Scott and former Rep. Dan Hamburg (D-CA), I emailed and faxed Senators Jim Webb (D-VA) and Mark Warner (D-VA), and Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA). In my letter I noted that former President Bush declared a “State of Emergency” on September 14, 2001 and continued it every year since then, and I asked why Congress has not yet met to “consider a vote on a joint resolution to determine whether that emergency shall be terminated", as Section 1622(b) of the National Emergencies Act requires them to do, every six months following such a declaration. I also asked if Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary are “operating according to the Constitution, or according to the rules of Continuity of Government”, as the Continuity of Government procedures enacted on 9/11 have never been formally rescinded.

Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters by Michael Green

See original for pics and additional hyperlinks:

Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters by Michael Green (posted April 20, 2009 at opednews.com)

John R. Moffett, the distinguished neuroscientist and managing editor of OPEDNEWS, has brought his considerable prestige to bear on the issue of whether the Twin Towers and WTC7 were destroyed by controlled demolition using the incendiary and sometimes explosive thermite as a key component. Unfortunately, he has done so with either malicious incompetence, or worse, a cynical deliberate determination to distort, conceal, and suppress the findings of a recently published scientific article, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," that dispositively proves the presence of unignited explosives in the WTC dust. Neither motivation on Dr. Moffett's part obviously recommends him for his post at OPEDNEWS. I will first address Dr. Moffett's smear http://www.opednews.com/articles/Was-it-Nanotech-Thermite--by-John-R-Moffett-090415-784.html, which was promoted to OPEDNEWS headline status on 4/15/2009, then the importance of the thermitic dust. If you think that 911 isn't your issue, you should pay close attention.

Swine Flu Links Roundup - Legitgov.org

And 2 not included:
DHS Sets Guidelines For Possible Swine Flu Quarantines

Homeland Security preps flu quarantine guidelines [commentary on CBS-obtained memo and additional info]

hyperlinks here:
Last updated: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 23:45:10 GMT

Letter to the Editor: We are avoiding physics of WTC


04/22/09 - We are avoiding physics of WTC


Recently, explosive scientific evidence proving that high-tech nano-thermitic material was present in the World Trade Center dust was reported in a scientific journal titled, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe."

Authored by an international team of physicists and chemists, the article in the Open Chemical Physics Journal 2009, Vol. 2, said, "We conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."

Zelikow, the 9/11 Commission, and Effectiveness

Many hyperlinks at original; firedoglake has been covering this issue consistently


Zelikow, the 9/11 Commission, and Effectiveness
By: emptywheel Saturday April 25, 2009 4:00 am

If you've been paying attention, you know I've been poring through the 9/11 Report to figure out how useful the interrogation reports from the waterboarded detainees were, and when they made them.

That exercise shows that the 9/11 Report found just 10 pieces of intelligence from Abu Zubaydah's interrogation reports informative and credible; it found just 16 pieces of such intelligence in al-Nashiri's interrogation reports. And while the Commission did find KSM's interrogation reports to be incredibly useful, an incomplete index (I'm working on this, but it's on the back burner for the next week) of the references to KSM show that many of his most productive interrogation sessions came long after he was waterboarded. And, as Philip Zelikow made clear in a memo relating to the torture tape destruction, there were abundant other problems with the quality of the interrogation reports coming from CIA, too.

Sibel Edmonds interviewed by Electric Politics- Luke Ryland, partial transcript- Rastibini Overview

Luke Ryland posts partial transcript of Sibel Edmonds recent Electric Politics interview. Post includes link to that, and link to rastibini commentary/interview highlights

The Poppy Palace- April 19, 2009


Ryland also comments here:

First Merchant Bank exposed
A partial transcript of Sibel's recent interview is now up at Let Sibel Edmonds Speak.

The most interesting news involves First Merchant Bank (FMB) in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The TRNC is only recognized by one country, Turkey.

Luke Ryland- Sibel Edmonds interview partial transcript post:

Sibel Edmonds interviewed by Electric Politics

Sibel gave a 75-min interview to Electric Politics on April 10. You can listen to it here. Mizgin has an overview of the interview here. A partial transcript follows:

Turley: 'God help us' if torture only gets a '9/11 commission'

"God help us if the only thing we get out of this is a commission modeled on 9/11," Turley commented. "That was a commission that was really made for Washington -- a commission composed of political appointees of both parties that ran interference for those parties -- a commission that insisted at the beginning it would not impose blame on individuals. So it's the ideal Washington commission -- a commission that would investigate without any reprecussions."

Turley: 'God help us' if torture only gets a '9/11 commission'
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Wednesday April 22, 2009

The recent release of Bush administration torture memos has given rise to calls for prosecution of the Justice Department lawyers who wrote those memos. However, law professor Jonathan Turley believes that this may represent a deliberate attempt to draw attention away from George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the other high Bush administration officials who ordered the torture.

'Same people defending torture' ignored 9/11 warnings

'Same people defending torture' ignored 9/11 warnings

Posted by Larisa Alexandrovna -

Marc A. Thiessen, President Bush’s former speechwriter, is defending torture in the Washington Post. Apparently, this is the level of clout Dick Cheney and George Bush have, when the only people out defending them are speechwriters and people who are implicated in torture.

Here is what Mr. Thiessen writes:

In releasing highly classified documents on the CIA interrogation program last week, President Obama declared that the techniques used to question captured terrorists "did not make us safer." This is patently false. The proof is in the memos Obama made public -- in sections that have gone virtually unreported in the media.

Thermitic Pyrotechnics in the WTC by Jim Hoffman

The scientific paper Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe provides, quite simply, proof that explosives were used in the destruction of the Twin Towers. Specifically, the paper positively identifies an advanced engineered pyrotechnic material in each of several samples of dust from the destroyed skyscrapers, in the form of tiny chips having red and gray sides and sharing a very specific three-dimensional structure, chemical composition, and ignition behavior.

The basis and validity of this identification can grasped quickly by anyone with a working knowledge of physics and chemistry. They need only read the paper's one-page conlusion, and perhaps its section describing the provenance of the dust samples.

But what of the reader whose strong suit isn't the hard sciences? Does one have to be an expert to understand the findings and evaluate the many claims thrown up by "debunkers" to dismiss those findings?

Rethinking Conspiracy by Shawn E. Hamilton

Examiner.com ranks 1384 on Alexa http://alexa.com/siteinfo/examiner.com and has 8904 sites linking in. They appear to be a news aggregator that also published original writing. This article points out the House Committee on Assassinations investigation found there was a conspiracy in the case of JFK's shooting, and that the term "conspiracy theorist" has been used to malign questioners and dismiss legitimate inquiry. Unfortunately, the 2 main points he brings up about the 9/11 attacks at the end of his article are strange-

1) The Pentagon; he says, "9-11 critics, for example, wonder why there was no significant wreckage at the Pentagon. The official version says that jet fuel fires evaporated the titanium engines, yet the passengers' bodies could be identified. Does it take a conspiratorial nutcase to see a discrepancy?". The official version does NOT say the engines evaporated; claiming that it does sets his article up to be discredited and dismissed. I posted more about the lack of "significant wreckage" in my comment at the Examiner; pasted here below his article, following the fair use notice.

N.S.A.’s Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress

N.S.A.’s Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress

Published: April 15, 2009

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews.

Several intelligence officials, as well as lawyers briefed about the matter, said the N.S.A. had been engaged in “overcollection” of domestic communications of Americans. They described the practice as significant and systemic, although one official said it was believed to have been unintentional.

Real, and threatened, terrorism boosts self-esteem

These polls numbers provide data to back up what historians and social engineers already knew; a 9/11-type attack would rouse patriotic fervor and suppress dissent. It's not evidence 9/11 was allowed or made to happen, but it's evidence that many among the "elite" would have understood the likely effect of a 9/11 would be a license for war and draconian domestic security measures- and that with a few layers of plausible deniability, they could insulate themselves blame and consequences- if there were public and Congressional support for inquiries. FDR and LBJ were given similar license after Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin, and "mainstream" criticism doesn't address FDR's plan to provoke the Japanese, or US foreknowledge of the attack plans (Stinnett), or that the Gulf of Tonkin 2nd incident never happened (NSA docs).

Real, and threatened, terrorism boosts self-esteem
by: Chris Bowers
Mon Apr 13, 2009 at 14:36