
Break the CIA in Two By Ray McGovern

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Break the CIA in Two By Ray McGovern
December 22, 2009

Editor’s Note: Exactly 46 years ago, President Harry Truman looked back on the still-young CIA, which he had helped create, and was alarmed at how its original purpose – to provide unvarnished information to top policymakers – was being perverted by the agency’s growing role in covert operations.

Nearly a half century since Truman’s warning, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern marvels at Truman’s prescience and suggests that the only answer today is to separate out – and protect – the agency’s core analytical function:

After the CIA-led fiasco at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, President John Kennedy was quoted as saying he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” I can understand his anger, but a thousand is probably too many.

Better is a Solomon solution; divide the CIA in two. That way we can throw out the bath water and keep the baby.

Shining Light on Roots of Terrorism By Ray McGovern

While this article does not question the general narrative about how 9/11 happened and who was responsible, it does highlight some important facts about the stated motivations of KSM, Bin Laden and Islamic radicals in general, that the MSM are omitting, as usual- even though its been noted by the 9/11 Commission, Dick Cheney and the Pentagon's Defense Science Board, among others. It's not because "they hate our freedoms"; it's US policy makers' support of tyrant allies in oil-rich nations, and one-sided support for Israel, despite its human rights abuses. - loose nuke
Shining Light on Roots of Terrorism

By Ray McGovern
November 15, 2009
Media commentary on the upcoming 9/11 trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has raised concern that state secrets may be divulged, including details about how the Bush administration used torture to extract evidence about al-Qaeda.

“I think that we’re going to shine a light on something that a lot of people don’t want to look at” is how American Civil Liberties Union attorney Denney LeBoeuf put it, according to The New York Times on Saturday.

How a Torture Protest Killed a Career By Craig Murray
How a Torture Protest Killed a Career By Craig Murray
October 24, 2009

Editor’s Note: In this modern age – and especially since George W. Bush declared the “war on terror” eight years ago – the price for truth-telling has been high, especially for individuals whose consciences led them to protest the torture of alleged terrorists.

One of the most remarkable cases is that of Craig Murray, a 20-year veteran of the British Foreign Service whose career was destroyed after he was posted to Uzbekistan in August 2002 and began to complain about Western complicity in torture committed by the country’s totalitarian regime, which was valued for its brutal interrogation methods and its vast supplies of natural gas.