marc grossman

DOJ Confirms Previously-Denied File Said to Implicate US Officials in Nuclear Espionage by Erik Larson

In a March 12, 2012 FOIA appeal response, the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) implicitly acknowledged the existence of FBI File 203A-WF-210023, which FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has said contains evidence of top US officials’ complicity in the trafficking of nuclear secrets, arms and drugs, in addition to bribery, blackmail, money-laundering and obstruction of investigation into 9/11. In 2008, the Sunday Times of London reported that the FBI, in response to a different FOIA request, denied the existence of the file.

The January 20, 2008 report by the Sunday Times, FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft, briefly summarized Edmonds’ allegations about the file in this way: “She says the FBI was investigating a Turkish and Israeli-run network that paid high-ranking American officials to steal nuclear weapons secrets. These were then sold on the international black market to countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.” According to an article by former CIA Officer Philip Giraldi, the file name 203A-WF-210023 indicates it’s an “FBI Washington Field Office, Counterintelligence Division, Turkish Unit File.”

When the Times asked Edmonds about FBI File 203A-WF-210023, she said, "The file refers to the counterintelligence programme that the Department of Justice has declared to be a state secret to protect sensitive diplomatic relations." The article goes on to say that, "the FBI responded to a [Liberty Coalition] freedom of information request for a file of exactly the same number by claiming that it did not exist. But The Sunday Times has obtained a document signed by an FBI official showing the existence of the file.” No other information was given regarding the latter document.

Summary of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' August 8, 2009 deposition under oath

August 8, 2009 Sibel Edmonds testified to her knowledge of foreign agencies' and US officials' corruption and abuse of power; espionage, obstruction of FBI investigations, trafficking in arms and nuclear secrets, blackmail, bribery, money laundering, 9/11 foreknowledge and facilitation of terrorist activities. As Edmonds had been subpoenaed by David Krikorian to testify in connection with the Schmidt v. Krikorian lawsuit, the questioning focused on her knowledge as it related to Krikorian's allegations that Jean Schmidt had accepted 'blood money' in exchange for favors to the Turkish lobby. This is a summary of the first part of Edmonds's deposition; I wrote it as an entry for, so it is in the present tense.

For more info on Sibel Edmonds, see the following: her website - letters, legal documents and media coverage related to her whistleblowing her blog - mostly related to Establishment and MSM corruption coverage and investigative reporting by Luke Ryland Sibel Edmonds Timeline

FBI Whistleblower Names Names - Transcript, Oct 23 Horton Interview of Edmonds and Cole

This post is to preserve the transcript of Scott Horton's Oct 23 interview of Sibel Edmonds and John Cole- mp3 previously posted at 911blogger here Please support Horton and by visiting the original:

FBI Whistleblower Names Names
Scott Horton interviews Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole, November 02, 2009

Interview recorded Oct. 23, 2009. Listen to the interview.

Scott Horton: For and KAOS Radio 95.9 in Austin, Texas, I’m Scott Horton, and this is Antiwar Radio.

I’m happy to welcome to the show Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole. Of course, I’ve talked with Sibel, the former FBI translator-turned whistleblower, numerous times on this show and various other shows of mine over the years, and this will be the first time we have John Cole joining her. - Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD
October 21, 2009|by Bryant Jordan

After seven years of forced silence, a government whistleblower is opening up on what she learned while working as a Turkish translator for the FBI in the wake of 9/11.

In sworn testimony to attorneys on Aug. 8, Sibel Edmonds described a Pentagon where key personnel helped pass defense secrets to foreign agents or provided them names of knowledgeable officials who were vulnerable to blackmail or co-option.

And firmly rooted in this espionage program in the 1990s, according to Edmonds’ deposition, were two men who, with the election of George W. Bush as president in 2000, found themselves in the Pentagon: Douglas Feith, who would head the Office of Special Plans, and Richard Perle, who would become chairman of the Defense Advisory Board.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clips re: 9/11 & Nuclear Trafficking

Sibel Edmonds testified under oath August 8, 2009. Below are links to four video clips and transcript portions related to her testimony regarding 9/11 and nuclear trafficking:

1) Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clip: State Secrets Gag Order

This segment covers her testimony regarding former Attorney General John Ashcroft claim of State Secrets to justify placing two gag orders on her. The first gag order was in response to her First Amendment case, the second when she was subpoenaed by 9/11 families regarding her knowledge of Saudi institutions and Al Qaeda financing.

2) Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clip: Nuclear Trafficking- US & Turkish Officials & RAND

This segment covers her testimony regarding the involvement of US and Turkish officials in a nuclear trafficking network, and the outing of Brewster Jennings as a CIA front company which was investigating them.

3) Sibel Edmonds Deposition Video Clip: Behrooz Sarshar – 9/11 Foreknowledge

"Sibel Edmonds Speaks, But No One Is Listening", By Philip Giraldi

Linked via The Dallas Morning News to "The American Conservative" - Posted on August 27th, 2009 by Philip Giraldi

Those who are interested in issues like widespread corruption of our elected officals by foreigners have no doubt followed the ex-FBI traslator turned whistle blower Sibel Edmonds saga for the past few years. Sibel has finally testified in court under oath about some of the things that she learned while working for the bureau. The testimony was in a court in Ohio about two weeks ago. A full transcription and a useful summary appear at In short, she names a number of Congressmen including former Speaker Dennis Hastert who took money from Turkish lobbyists. She also identifies senior State Department and Pentagon officials who apparently did the same, including our friends Marc Grossman, Paul Wolfowitz, and Doug Feith. Interestingly, she claims that Grossman blew the cover of Valerie Plame’s company Brewster Jennings back in 2001, causing CIA to shut it down, so Robert Novak was not guilty of exposing the CIA cover mechanism. In another interview given a few weeks ago, Edmonds claims that CIA was working closely with al-Qaeda in the Balkans and continued to do so until 9/11.

Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds

Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds
By Khatchig Mouradian • on August 21, 2009 •

On April 23, 2007, I sat down in Washington, D.C. with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds for an extensive interview, which was published in the Armenian Weekly and on ZNet and widely circulated.

On Aug. 18, 2009, I conducted a follow-up phone interview with Edmonds, who was visiting New Zealand. The interview is an overview of what has transpired in her case since 2007, with emphasis on her deposition in the Schmidt vs. Krikorian case in Ohio earlier this month.

Sibel Edmonds Blows Open the Cover Up

Crimes of the State

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has released some new information in The Sunday Times (UK--also posted to, and on her website. This should be required reading for every US citizen.

Sibel risks jail time (or worse) in order to make these highly disturbing allegations against high ranking US government officials. Sibel has been officially gagged by the Justice Department (sic) for several years.

Sibel also testified to the 9/11 Commission, but her allegations were ignored, and her testimony eliminated from their final report. In her open letter to Thomas Kean, the nominal head of the 9/11 Commission, Edmonds first made public her most shocking allegations: