United States

The System Was Blinking Red: The Intelligence Communities Response To The 9/11 Attacks

“We are going to be struck soon. Many Americans are going to die and it could be in the United States.” — Cofer Black speech at Department of Defense coronation on counter-terrorism (8–15–2001)

There was an aura of heightened tension that encompassed every intelligence facility in the United States, even around the globe in the summer of 2001. The warning cables of an imminent attack upon the United States came from every corner of the earth. Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Germany, Israel, France, Canada, Egypt. The information, vague, Al Qaeda led by it’s emir, Osama Bin Laden, had a plot to conduct a massive domestic attack. But how, when?

You Can’t Point A Finger At Saudi Arabia, And Not Have 5 Fingers Pointing Back To The U.S.

Jon Gold

For this article, I’m going to skip the partnerships between the CIA, Saudi Arabia, and the Pakistani ISI during the Afghanistan/Russia War to support the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union. Instead, I’m going to move past that time, and into the 90’s where a lot of interesting things took place.

Benjamin Franklin, Rolling Over In His Grave by Bill Bergman

The amount of U.S. currency circulating outside banks rose sharply in July/August 2001. The growth ran into the billions of dollars, and was concentrated in $100 bills. These large-scale currency movements matter for anyone who cares about learning the truth about 9/11.

Under money laundering and other laws, assets can be frozen and seized in the banking system. Knowing this, parties concerned that their assets might be frozen or otherwise at risk after 9/11 would have had an incentive to liquidate securities and banking accounts beforehand, and withdraw their money in difficult-to-trace ways. This could have happened in U.S. banking and securities accounts, as well as accounts denominated in U.S. dollars outside the United States. Finding the parties responsible for large-scale withdrawals of currency before 9/11 could help identify people aware of, if not responsible for, those events.

Taliban's Bombs Came From US, Not Iran

Gall, hypocrisy, disinformation, war mongering


Middle East - Sep 5, 2009

Taliban's bombs came from US, not Iran
By Gareth Porter

WASHINGTON - In support of the official United States assertion that Iran is arming its sworn enemy, the Taliban, the head of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Dennis Blair, has cited a statement by a Taliban commander last year attributing military success against North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces to Iranian military assistance.

But the Taliban commander's claim is contradicted by evidence from the US Defense Department, Canadian forces in Afghanistan and the Taliban themselves that the increased damage to NATO tanks by Taliban forces has come from anti-tank mines provided by the United States to the jihadi movement against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds


Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds
By Khatchig Mouradian • on August 21, 2009 •

On April 23, 2007, I sat down in Washington, D.C. with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds for an extensive interview, which was published in the Armenian Weekly and on ZNet and widely circulated.

On Aug. 18, 2009, I conducted a follow-up phone interview with Edmonds, who was visiting New Zealand. The interview is an overview of what has transpired in her case since 2007, with emphasis on her deposition in the Schmidt vs. Krikorian case in Ohio earlier this month.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface

I went to the Sibel Edmonds deposition and shot video of the Q&A sessions outside; click the link for hyperlinks and 24" video:

By Erik Larson

Aug 8, 2009, Sibel Edmonds gave a sworn deposition in which she testified to her knowledge of treasonous crimes and corruption involving current and former members of Congress and State and Defense Dept. officials. Given the nature of the deposition, the lines of questioning focused on Turkish espionage and services obtained through bribery and blackmail by Turkish officials and proxies. However, Edmonds has previously disclosed that the corruption involving U.S. officials also includes money laundering, trafficking in drugs, arms and nuclear secrets, U.S. support for Bin Laden/Al Qaeda, and obstruction of FBI investigations related to 9/11, before and after the attacks; she said these things came up “briefly” during the deposition. Edmonds learned of these things from wiretaps she listened to while working as a translator for the FBI in 2001-2002.

Video coverage from VelvetRevolution.us and BradBlog.com

MI5 officer visited Morocco three times while Binyam Mohamed was tortured

(Updated with further developments from Democracy Now. Essentially, the Obama administration is threatening the security of British citizens to prevent disclosure of torture crimes; a less roundabout way to describe it would be that the White House is "threatening with increased risk of mass murder by ending intelligence sharing" -- SnowCrash)

British Lawmaker David Davis Challenges US Threats to Suppress Evidence of CIA Torture

Democracy Now, August 5, 2009

A British court heard evidence last week that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to prevent the disclosure of details regarding the CIA’s role in the alleged torture of former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Binyam Mohamed. We hear from conservative British parliamentarian David Davis about the Obama administration’s attempts to suppress evidence in this case.

MI5 officer visited Morocco three times while Binyam Mohamed was 'tortured'

Hey Bill, How Many Fox Viewers Think Saddam Had Something to do With 9/11?

Hey Bill, How Many Fox Viewers Think Saddam Had Something to do With 9/11? - huffingtonpost.com

Steve Young


Yesterday, Bill O'Reilly was in a lather over a Rasmussen Poll that found 22% of American voters (35% of Democrats) who believe President Bush knew about 9/11 before it happened.

It was "madness," I tellya. "Madness," declared the no-spinster. How could this have happened? It could only be one thing. Well, actually a couple things that are behind pretty much anything Bill finds an opposing point of view....


....or who Bill knows as George Soros, the bastard who funded dissidents fighting to end communist rule in the Soviet Union. It is Soros, says Bill, who funds the hateful, smear-sites, which Bill knows as Mediamatters.org - the "notorious" media oversight website which provides unedited transcripts and sound of many of Bill's comments for free. Free and unedited, y'hear! How damn un-American can you get?!