
Democracy is dead ... lobbyists rule America [the Happy Conspiracy]

not your ordinary 'conspiracy theorist'...
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Democracy dead? Lobbyists ruling America? Lobbyists the new "Unseen Hand" of capitalism? Sadly yes.

And here's why: Ask any neuroeconomist, behavioral-finance quant, investment psychologist or other practitioner of the mysterious "science of irrationality" and they'll tell you that Americans have two self-sabotaging mental biases that killed democracy from within: "Denial" and "Magical Thinking" make us easy targets. Our brains are being manipulated by clandestine forces beyond our control. We can't see them or resist.

Yet we refuse to believe in this new Orwellian America. We prefer the world of magic, myth and illusion.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface

I went to the Sibel Edmonds deposition and shot video of the Q&A sessions outside; click the link for hyperlinks and 24" video:

By Erik Larson

Aug 8, 2009, Sibel Edmonds gave a sworn deposition in which she testified to her knowledge of treasonous crimes and corruption involving current and former members of Congress and State and Defense Dept. officials. Given the nature of the deposition, the lines of questioning focused on Turkish espionage and services obtained through bribery and blackmail by Turkish officials and proxies. However, Edmonds has previously disclosed that the corruption involving U.S. officials also includes money laundering, trafficking in drugs, arms and nuclear secrets, U.S. support for Bin Laden/Al Qaeda, and obstruction of FBI investigations related to 9/11, before and after the attacks; she said these things came up “briefly” during the deposition. Edmonds learned of these things from wiretaps she listened to while working as a translator for the FBI in 2001-2002.

Video coverage from and

In the Public Spotlight, Chicago, IL and the Web: the Legitimacy of 9/11 Questions

In Chicago, the Republican Congressional candidate has attacked the Democrat for a campaign ad featuring an Iraq War vet who supports the 9/11 victims families right to answers, and says the Iraq War was based on lies, including Hussein's connection to 9/11. According to the Chicago Tribune, "He also said he does not doubt that Al Qaeda terrorists were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.". "Last June, the Peoria Journal Star reported that Davis wore a black T-shirt proclaiming "Investigate 9/" while sitting at a table at a Peoria library where books, fliers and DVDs supporting conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks were on display." "Seals spokeswoman Elisabeth Smith said she didn't "really see what is so controversial" about using Caleb Davis in the ad. Davis, 25, is a Peoria native who spent five months in Iraq as an Army diver and got an honorable discharge in 2004." The reporter and Tribune present the Republican view and also the Democrat side, which apparently supports the OCT as well as the right to freedom of speech, press and to petition the govt.

I'm Voting Democrat

The I'm Voting Democrat is a video response to the popular I'm Voting Democrat video:

PS: Can't someone please submit this on Digg et al. ? Thanks!



Live on Saturday, February 2nd, 2008
At 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT here and on MTV


Confirmed: Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, Barack Obama, Ron Paul

Invited: John McCain, Mitt Romney

Questions submitted by video must be under 30 seconds.

My suggestion for a general 9/11 question is as follows:

"Are any of you for a new truly independent investigation of 9/11? In detail, please, why or why not?"

Richard Gage Talk Covered in Bay Area Newspaper - Democract Club Members 'Protest' Against It

My mom and sister (Abby Martin, the heroic female who truth dosed congress woman Susan Davis and Jello Biafra) have recently been trying to spread 9/11 truth ideas to local Democratic meet up groups. For one of their movie nights we showed Martial Law and they were extremely receptive to it. So based on their reaction my Mother and other members in the group convinced the rest of the group to find a 9/11 truth expert to speak at one of their meetings. They found local expert Richard Gage. Surprisingly a reporter from the Danville Weekly came to see it also!

here is the article -

Democrats host speaker on collapse of towers
Architect says it's time to review scientific data on Sept. 11
by Natalie O'Neill

Most Americans expect over-the-top conspiracy theorists and extreme left wingers to call the 911 Commission Report a lie. But scientific-minded architects and engineers?

Looking for feedback for this flyer targetted to Democrat delegates

This is my first post - please be kind!

Since learning about the 9/11 coverup, I've been disgusted that most Democrats aren't willing to talk about 9/11 accountability.

I am a delegate to the California Democratic Party, and will be attending the convention in April in San Diego. So ... I made up this litle flyer (which will fit on half of a legal size paper) that I plan to give out at the convention.

The flyer has several tidbits on it -- it touches on issues like framing (which is a good buzzwords for Dems these days) and pointing out how this liberal issue is not even allowed on Daily Kos - a fact that I'm sure most Dem activists don't even realize. But the main goal is to show that 9/11 is the root of all of that the current administration has gotten away with, and the exposing this is important!

I am looking for feedback on the flyer (attached here as PDF). Thanks!