Richard Gage Talk Covered in Bay Area Newspaper - Democract Club Members 'Protest' Against It

My mom and sister (Abby Martin, the heroic female who truth dosed congress woman Susan Davis and Jello Biafra) have recently been trying to spread 9/11 truth ideas to local Democratic meet up groups. For one of their movie nights we showed Martial Law and they were extremely receptive to it. So based on their reaction my Mother and other members in the group convinced the rest of the group to find a 9/11 truth expert to speak at one of their meetings. They found local expert Richard Gage. Surprisingly a reporter from the Danville Weekly came to see it also!

here is the article -

Democrats host speaker on collapse of towers
Architect says it's time to review scientific data on Sept. 11
by Natalie O'Neill

Most Americans expect over-the-top conspiracy theorists and extreme left wingers to call the 911 Commission Report a lie. But scientific-minded architects and engineers?

The Tri-Valley Democrats met this week in Dublin to hear Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth speak on the structural physics of the collapsed twin towers. His goal is to bring about further investigation.

"The public bought the 911 story hook, line and sinker. But the idea of questioning is very important," said Danville resident Ellis Goldberg, who is president of the club.

Gage provided scientific data and video footage to prove his hypothesis that the impact of the plane and the fire could not have taken down the steel frame buildings. He suggested the 110-story buildings were destroyed by controlled demolitions but did not speculate who was responsible for them.

"You have to get under the infrastructure to bring a building like this down," he said.

Now is the time to review the subject, he said, because the country can look at the situation more objectively.

Those skeptical of the "911 Truth" movement say footage is easily doctored up and quotes from witnesses are often taken out of context to prove a point. But Gage says there is no denying science.

Structural steel melts at about 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, while plane fuel only burns up to 1,600 degrees. Knowing this, there is no way the heat could have caused the immense building frame to collapse, Gage said. He then made several references to steel frame high rise fires that have burned for up to 17 hours without melting the building's frame.

"It doesn't add up," Goldberg said.

In addition, Gage showed that the towers hit the ground in around nine seconds - free fall speed.

"Acceleration (of the towers) encountered no resistance from steel columns designed specifically to resist gravity. This defies the laws of physics," Gage said.

The first plane's impact crashed into the top sixth of the north tower. Even with that segment demolished, the weight would not have been enough to crumble the rest of the building, he said.

"Is a mass of one kilogram, placed on top of a mass of five kilograms going to crush it? No," Gage said.

In controlled demolitions, explosives are timed on each floor to crumble the building on top of itself without damaging surrounding buildings. Gage provided up-close video footage of puffs of smoke - working from top floors down - coming from the rubble. This is direct evidence of explosives on each floor, he said.

"Your eyes are not deceiving you," he told the audience after he showed the footage.

He also presented interviews with firefighters who were on scene and described hearing the bangs and explosions.

One firefighter who cleaned up the rubble noted it didn't make sense that in a crushed office building the fire department would find no pieces of desks, chairs or keyboards - even on the bottom floors. The reason for this, Gage said, is because explosives pulverized everything.

"This is the lynchpin. It's important we open our minds and look at what's there," said Abby Martin, a 911 Truth activist who said she flew in from San Diego to hear his speech.

The evidence Gage said he found most compelling is perhaps also the most disturbing. Centimeter-long fragments of bones were found on the tops of surrounding buildings, catapulted hundreds of meters. Parts of the building were also found up to 800 meters from the towers, suggesting a higher explosion force than what any plane could administer, he said.

At the beginning of the speech, he asked the audience of 40 to raise their hands if they believed explosives were used in the towers. About 60 percent of the audience raised their hands. At the end of his speech, he asked the same question and about 90 percent of the audience raised their hands.

"We need an investigation based on all of this evidence," Gage said.

To find out more about Architects and Engineers for the 911 Truth, visit

please leave comments

and also check out one of the comments written by a guy i personally know who is a case study of left gate keeperism,

As an executive board member of the Tri-Valley Democratic Club I was disappointed to see our club host Richard Gage to speak about unfounded, alternative interpretations of Sept. 11th. Out of protest, I and other members did not attend. Though I support free speech, the Tri-Valley Democratic Club should not be used as a forum to advance crackpot theories accepted only by fringe groups and conspiracy theorists.

Instead, our club should have been addressing the issues of the day that concern everyone in the Tri-Valley, from Danville to Livermore: increasing access to health care; providing preschool education for all; making college affordable for tomorrow's leaders; and keeping Livermore's VA Hospital open to treat and care for our brave soldiers of today's war and wars past.

Being associated with 9/11 conspiracy theories damages the group's ability to tackle these more important issues.

Posted by Eric M. Swalwell

.....please take the time and respond to his comments about we are 'crackpots' . Whats interesting and telling is that the majority of the Democrat club showed up to the talk. I encourage everybody to spread as much 9/11 truth information as you can to generic liberals and democrats. They, from my experience, are much more open to 9/11 truth info than republicans.


The criticism is lame compared to the positive reception after the talk and that's what's striking about this story.

Kudos to Natalie

Kudos to Natalie O'Neill
I've seen Gage.
He speaks the truth.

thanks for posting that

good article and i especially liked the way several comments put the democrat party (executive board, wow) member in his place.

Wow! I'm impressed.

For almost two years now, l've been saying that the only missing ingrediant or missing link, in the 9/11 truth movement as the movement of the truth about 9/11, was engineers and architects and high rise building experts. Now it's apparent that they are starting to "get it", that what Richard Gage is saying, is the ONLY thing which "jives" with the laws of physics, and structural engineering, something involving calculations of resistence; resistance, which was NOT PRESENT on 9/11, clearly evidenced by the videos and images alone. The steel itself is not needed to unequivocally PROVE in no uncertain terms, that the buildings were brought down by the use of explosives, as testified to by many eyewitnesses and first responders, leading up to and through the initiation of the "collapse" sequence. Explosions, and therefore exploSIVES. The debunkers are really the ones who are out to lunch, conspiracy theory (OCT Myth) "kooks"!
Ya just have to think about it, with open eyes and an open mind, and take a look.
What'ya find? Squibs! &-> Near freefall disintegration of the buildings, in what can only be described as a FOUNTAIN, of laterally ejected building material and debris, all the way to the ground, to within a mere second or two, of the timed rate of absolute free fall in nothing but air of ANY FREELY dropped object.
Absent the use of explosives, you might as well call it, "The Foot of God Hypothesis" TM. And that's what it amounts to, when reality is placed relative to the OCT (official conspiracy theory, for any newbies) myth, that it was the plane impacts, and fire alone, which uh, crushed, the entire building, while offloading the mass of building material in that ejecting fountain-like cascade of pulverized building. The foot of God, in the form of the truth itself, about this entire "chapter" (dark night of the soul is more like it) of historic insanity.

It is so self evident. Richard Gage is on the right side of history. He's got the truth. And soon, more and more will begin to really take a look at it, objectively, now somewhat removed from the event itself, with the Bush/Cheney administration, about to pass off the scene... already they're trying to cover up, by declaring themselves "apart from the "Executive Branch" of government" in terms of the record keeping, of this history. The American people are entitled to know what their government is doing or has done. They can run but they cannot hide. I suspect that, metaphorically, in hindsight, that those buildings can be seen falling down on their history - since no honourable historical structuring dynamic, and no just and noble historical pursuit, can be founded upon such an Orwellian LIE of such magnitude. So in that case, you can call it a "pancake collapse" with the full weight and integrity of history maintained, as it hits bottom, crushing the perps themselves under it's great weight, a weight of many souls, especially if you count the growing number, soon to reach one MILLION, in Iraq. Think about it. Can this historical hypocrisy stand? I don't think so. Just need to watch those buildings the way they went down, and listen to and watch all the first responders and witnesses at the scene, and you KNOW. It is self evident. Therefore, the truth and history is on our side. We win the info war, the "psych-war". We win. History weighs in our favour, by the light of reason, and truth. There is nothing now hidden which will not be made known, and brought to light.

We are soon to reach stage three truth, of the SELF EVIDENT variety, en mass. That is where the 9/11 truth movement, is at. About to take over, and take over everything, within a single generation, and restore the tree of liberty in the process, without any bloodshed at all, only, ingenuity, and perserverence. And unrelenting and enduring faith in the possibility of our creative potential, even as the mere smallest part of we, with a historical spearhead of truth in hand, tipped by an arrow of Civilized progress. .

Now, if only we could get the release going of that new Loose Change film we keep hearing about.. ;-)

And a new 9/11 polls of polls...
On the 11th day, of every month.

"Local" Mainstream Journalism

This is one of the best of the recent spate of positive "local" mainstream journalism articles on 9/11 Truth. The reader comments were also just as inspiring. In a country that is supposedly against "crackpot theories," one would think that there would be at least a few negative comments, but there aren't. There was only one, and he was thoroughly and irrefutably trashed by at least half of the other people who commented.

I'd like to see Richard Gage

I'd like to see Richard Gage vs. Purdue University

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info

Corrections to this article

There are a number of errors and misquotes in this article! Here they are....

While somewhat fair on the surface - which I appreciate - this article by Natalie O'Neill unfortunately contains numerous errors and misquotes. Can you spot them? I will be writing the Danville paper about them shortly. See the corrections below...

Democrats host speaker on collapse of towers
Architect says it's time to review scientific data on Sept. 11

by Natalie O'Neill

Most Americans expect over-the-top conspiracy theorists and extreme left wingers to call the 911 Commission Report a lie. But scientific-minded architects and engineers?

The Tri-Valley Democrats met this week in Dublin to hear Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth speak on the structural physics of the collapsed twin towers. His goal is to bring about further investigation.

"The public bought the 911 story hook, line and sinker. But the idea of questioning is very important," said Danville resident Ellis Goldberg, who is president of the club.

Gage provided scientific data and video footage to prove his hypothesis that the impact of the plane and the fire could not have taken down the steel frame buildings. He suggested the 110-story buildings were destroyed by controlled demolitions but did not speculate who was responsible for them.

"You have to get under the infrastructure to bring a building like this down," he said.

ERROR: I did not say this - it was Peter Jennings from a video clip.

Now is the time to review the subject, he said, because the country can look at the situation more objectively.
Those skeptical of the "911 Truth" movement say footage is easily doctored up and quotes from witnesses are often taken out of context to prove a point. But Gage says there is no denying science.

Structural steel melts at about 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, while plane fuel only burns up to 1,600 degrees. Knowing this, there is no way the heat could have caused the immense building frame to collapse, Gage said. He then made several references to steel frame high rise fires that have burned for up to 17 hours without melting the building's frame.

MISQUOTE: Structural steel softens to 1/2 its strength at about 1400 and doesn't need to melt in order to collapse. Never-the-less NIST has no evidence of steel temperatures over 450f degrees. The point about the steel melting temperature was in reference to the tons of molten metal found by the first responders "flowing like lava". NIST denies this because they can't account for it with the 1800f degree temperatures they say the fires reached. We're still missing 1,000 degrees!

"It doesn't add up," Goldberg said.

In addition, Gage showed that the towers hit the ground in around nine seconds - free fall speed.

MISQUOTE: Free-fall speed is about 9 seconds. The towers completed their descent in about 15 seconds.

"Acceleration (of the towers) encountered no resistance from steel columns designed specifically to resist gravity. This defies the laws of physics," Gage said.

The first plane's impact crashed into the top sixth of the north tower. Even with that segment demolished, the weight would not have been enough to crumble the rest of the building, he said.

"Is a mass of one kilogram, placed on top of a mass of five kilograms going to crush it? No," Gage said.

In controlled demolitions, explosives are timed on each floor to crumble the building on top of itself without damaging surrounding buildings. Gage provided up-close video footage of puffs of smoke - working from top floors down - coming from the rubble. This is direct evidence of explosives on each floor, he said.

MISQUOTE: What I said was that they were "explosive ejections of pulverized building materials - from highly focused points at the middle of the building. (Not "coming from the rubble").

"Your eyes are not deceiving you," he told the audience after he showed the footage.

He also presented interviews with firefighters who were on scene and described hearing the bangs and explosions.

One firefighter who cleaned up the rubble noted it didn't make sense that in a crushed office building the fire department would find no pieces of desks, chairs or keyboards - even on the bottom floors. The reason for this, Gage said, is because explosives pulverized everything.

MISQUOTE: Explosives pulverized most of the 90,000 tons of concrete, filing cabinets, people, and building materials to gravel and fine dust - but not the structural steel and aluminum cladding. These materials were ejected outside of the buildings' footprint - undermining completely the official theories of a gravitational collapse - or pancake theory. Where are the pancakes?

"This is the lynchpin. It's important we open our minds and look at what's there," said Abby Martin, a 911 Truth activist who said she flew in from San Diego to hear his speech.

The evidence Gage said he found most compelling is perhaps also the most disturbing. Centimeter-long fragments of bones were found on the tops of surrounding buildings, catapulted hundreds of meters. Parts of the building were also found up to 800 meters from the towers, suggesting a higher explosion force than what any plane could administer, he said.

MISQUOTE: I quoted FEMA which maintained that the primary debris field was a 1200 ft diameter around the twin towers. Where did Natalie come up with 800 meters? (A much farther distance!) The bone fragments were found on top of the Deutsche Bank building which is not "hundreds of meters" away but a couple of hundred feet at most. Still - how can a gravitational collapse cause this?

MISQUOTE: The explosive force of the plane is irrelevant because that event occurred 1 to 2 hours prior to each tower's "collapse" onset. What is relevant is the tremendous explosive force of the demolition charges breaking all the windows within 400 feet and hurling 20 ton beams 500 feet laterally!

At the beginning of the speech, he asked the audience of 40 to raise their hands if they believed explosives were used in the towers. About 60 percent of the audience raised their hands. At the end of his speech, he asked the same question and about 90 percent of the audience raised their hands.

"We need an investigation based on all of this evidence," Gage said.


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect


she may have to rewrite that puppy entirely. Regardless, Abby told me what an excellent job you did and these precise corrections only confirm that. So thank you sir, and I hope to hear you speak someday. Perhaps we can convince you to come down to hell on earth AKA San Diego for a weekend to rally the troops.

Congrats also to you Abby. You are the lynchpin.

Or whatever you actually said.



thanks peter, i try. seriously though, the comments following the article are so inspiring.

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

I rolled my eyes

My eyebrows went up, when I read the "steel melting" statement. Thanks for clearing it up.

I hope the reporter fixes it or something.

Thanks a lot for your effort. It is immensely valuable to have truly active architects and engineers in the movement.


Help me shout 9/11 articles on:

Just Goes to Show

Mr. Gage, I hereby revise my earlier praise of Ms. O'Neill's article.

Having myself been seriously misquoted (repeatedly) in one article by a reporter in the early 1990s, I can understand your frustration. My reporter got almost everything backwards that I had told her. Since the topic was in a subject area in which which I consider myself to be well studied, she made me look like the fool.

I guess this just goes to show all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement, including me, how much we look forward to a mainstream article that is not full of childish insults and slander on members of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Ms. O'Neill's article does not have that theme, so I was very happy about that.

I did note the misquote regarding "explosive ejections"... coming from the rubble, but I honestly attributed that mistake to the reporter because I knew no one in the movement would have said such a thing. As for the rest, I guess I would have had to have heard your lecture to have noticed the misquotes.

Even in spite of all of Ms. O'Neill's misquotes, your expertise on 9/11 still comes through loud and clear. I look forward to reading future fair (and more accurate) mainstream articles about your lectures.

My comments at Danville Weekly

Eric, you didn't hear Richard Gage speak. It is both irrational and immoral for you to brand him as "crackpot" and "fringe" when you have no idea what you're talking about. What you are really saying is that you don't want to know. If you're the kind of leader you want trained in our schools, I fear for our future.

Posted by Dwight, a resident of another community, 15 hours ago

Richard Gage did not say that the steel would have had to be heated to melting point in order for the steel columns to collapse. He talked about the melting point of steel in reference to witness statements about melted steel in the rubble. Gage is fully aware that the steel loses strength at lower temperatures, but argues that nevertheless those temperatures were not reached, according to the government's own report, and in any case would not account for the observed "collapse." This is a very serious misstatement of Gage's position and the newspaper should run a correction.

Posted by Dwight, a resident of another community, 0 minutes ago

I did not mention my concerns about your unquestioning adoption of NIST's claims with regard to the physics of aircraft impacts, because that was not the appropriate forum. Your work is excellent, as far as it goes, and I sincerely appreciate your work. That cannot be easy for someone whose livelihood involves government contracts, and I again mean this with the utmost sincerity. I hope that you and your group will also take a criticial look at the official claims regarding the physics of the aircraft impacts, the absurdity of which is graphically shown in the Purdue animation.

Gage, talk to SF CBS

I really liked the article that was just posted. May and June we did our 11th day street action outside of CBS news(among a few others) and got an interview. Amazingly enough they focused on just one aspect of the complicity, controlled demolition. They talked to Hassan Astaneh, who is an engineer out here in Cal and who was present at ground zero. The report was alright I guess but never made mention or even talked to anyone of the many engineers and architects on OUR side...So I hope that Richard Gage shoots him an email in response, here is his email