loose nuke's blog

Nafeez Ahmed at BoilingFrogsPost: Interview and 3 Part Series on Yemen and the MIC

1/15/10: Podcast Show #19: The Boiling Frogs Presents Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

"Dr. Nafeez Ahmed provides us with an overview of the role played by US military and intelligence practices in the creation of terrorism, particularly Al-Qaeda. He tells us about the status of investigations into the Blair government’s complicity with the Bush administration in supporting the invasion of Iraq. He discusses possible factors behind Americans’ long-held denial and dismissal of dark US foreign policy practices as conspiracies. Mr. Nafeez talks about the Obama administration, the ongoing posture of US corporate interests and the desire to dominate world energy supplies, the so-called liquid bombing plot and how it was mythologized in the US, and more."

Countdown: Detroit bomber intel failure: ‘Conspiracy or cock up?’

link to video in original:

Countdown: Detroit bomber intel failure: ‘Conspiracy or cock up?’

By Diana Sweet
Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 -- 7:55 am

On Monday evening's edition of MSNBC's Countdown with host Keith Olbermann, guest Richard Wolffe discusses the nation's intelligence gathering associated with the Flight 253 'underpants bomber,' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and serious questions that have risen about whether or not there was foul play, information intentionally withheld, or a conspiracy involved.

Wolffe is a journalist, MSNBC political analyst, and author of the Barack Obama book Renegade: The Making of a President.

CIA reportedly ordered Blackwater to murder 9/11 suspect

see hyperlinks to Vanity Fair and Deutsche Welle in original:

CIA reportedly ordered Blackwater to murder 9/11 suspect

By Diana Sweet
Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 -- 8:48 am

In 2004, the CIA sent a team from the private security firm Blackwater, now Xe, to Hamburg to kill an alleged al Qaeda financier who was investigated for years by German authorities on suspicion of links to al Qaeda, according to a little-highlighted element in a Vanity Fair article to be published this month.

The report cited a source familiar with the program as saying the mission had been kept secret from the German government.

"Among the team's targets, according to a source familiar with the program, was Mamoun Darkazanli, an al Qaeda financier living in Hamburg who had been on the agency's radar for years because of his ties to three of the 9/11 hijackers and to operatives convicted of the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa," writes Vanity Fair's Adam Ciralsky.

Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years? by George Washington

Many hyperlinks at the original - loose nuke

Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years? by George Washington

Fear makes people stupid.

It makes us unable to think straight. And it makes us give up our power to tough-talking authoritarians.

War Is Stupid

And since the "war on terror" is now being expanded to Yemen, it is worth remembering that experts state that the "war on terror" has been counterproductive for keeping us safe. For example, a leading advisor to the U.S. military, the hawkish Rand Corporation, released a study in 2008 called "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida".

The report confirms what experts have been saying for years: the war on terror is actually weakening national security (see this, this and this).

As a press release about the study states:

"Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors, and our analysis suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism."
And see this.

Book: 'Bullshit Artist: The 9/11 Leadership Myth' by Ron Schalow


The True September 11 Legacy of George W. Bush

What Did the President Do on 9/11? Why Wonder?

Where was the Commander-in-Chief for the first 41 minutes after Flight 11 was hijacked?

What did he do for the 7 minutes before entering the classroom?

How many first thoughts did George have after being told, "America is under attack"?

How many dozens of excuses did the Bushies put forth for the Presidents 7 minutes of sitting?

What did the Leader of the Free World do for 18 minutes after leaving the classroom?

Where was the Decider for the first 33 minutes after leaving the school?

Even though his term has mercifully ended, George W. Bush and his gang continue to spread the bull as part of his "Legacy Project." They are determined to rewrite history, but the facts don't make for much of a legacy, so all they can do is spin events, lie, and hope that people will forget the details over time. Learn the truth, and spread the truth, and don't allow the history of the Bush presidency to become one of false fables.


visit original for hyperlinks and graphics - loose nuke


Adam Larson / Caustic Logic
The Frustrating Fraud
first posted August 12 2008
last update 10/11

NOTE: The full post isn’t done – I’ll be adding some details and graphics for a couple days. I've opted to simplify the process by not citing and linking to all my sources. Dig around if you have any doubts. Props to Mangoose at JREF for a couple of these leads.

“We Tried…”

Break the CIA in Two By Ray McGovern

hyperlinks at original - loose nuke

Break the CIA in Two By Ray McGovern
December 22, 2009

Editor’s Note: Exactly 46 years ago, President Harry Truman looked back on the still-young CIA, which he had helped create, and was alarmed at how its original purpose – to provide unvarnished information to top policymakers – was being perverted by the agency’s growing role in covert operations.

Nearly a half century since Truman’s warning, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern marvels at Truman’s prescience and suggests that the only answer today is to separate out – and protect – the agency’s core analytical function:

After the CIA-led fiasco at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, President John Kennedy was quoted as saying he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” I can understand his anger, but a thousand is probably too many.

Better is a Solomon solution; divide the CIA in two. That way we can throw out the bath water and keep the baby.

Specter looks to revive 9/11 suits against Saudis

Posted on Thu, Dec. 24, 2009

Specter looks to revive 9/11 suits against Saudis

By Chris Mondics
Inquirer Staff Writer

In a sign that the bitter litigation between victims of the 9/11 attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia is far from over, Sen. Arlen Specter yesterday introduced legislation that would overturn court rulings barring lawsuits that contend the desert kingdom helped cause the terrorism.

Specter (D., Pa.) said the legislation would clarify that lawsuits by U.S. citizens could go forward without a sign-off from the State Department.

A federal appeals court in Manhattan last year dismissed claims against the Saudi government, saying such litigation can proceed only if the State Department finds that the Saudis provided financial aid and other assistance to terrorist groups.

Besides clarifying the law, the bill would reinstate those lawsuits.

53% Say 9/11 'Most Important Event of the Decade'

By a wide margin, the 9/11 terrorist attacks are seen as the most important event of the decade, with Barack Obama’s election as president a distant second – even among his political supporters. And the sour view of the decade is broad-based, with few in any political or demographic group offering positive evaluations.


9/11 the Crystallizing Event

When offered a list of six major events of the decade, just over half (53%) say that the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were the single most important event of the decade. Trailing far behind, 16% cite Obama’s election as president, 12% the 2008 financial crisis, 6% George W. Bush’s election as president, 5% the war in Iraq, and 3% cite Hurricane Katrina.

More than a quarter (28%) of Democrats say Obama’s election was the single most important event of the decade, far more than among independents (12%) or Republicans (8%). Because of this focus on Obama’s election, fewer Democrats (43%) cite the Sept. 11 attacks as the biggest event of the decade than Republicans (60%) or independents (56%).

Intelligence Improperly Collected on U.S. Citizens

I copy/pasted the entire article to preserve it (see following the url) but the last 6 paragraphs are especially significant to 9/11 and the deep state, so I've also copy/pasted them just below - loose nuke

Another memorandum disclosed that a Defense Intelligence Agency employee said that in May 2002, in response to a Congressional inquiry, the Joint Forces Intelligence Command provided false information about its activities related to Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks. The document offered few details.

The Justice Department also released other documents Wednesday from other Freedom of Information Act lawsuits related to national security policies during the Bush administration.

Among them was a letter written in 2002 by George J. Tenet, who was the director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time, suggesting that a C.I.A. ban on using journalists as spies was not airtight.

Interviewed at the End US Wars Rally: McKinney, Nader, Kucinich and Swanson on 9/11

At the End US Wars Rally in Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C., I was able to ask a few questions of Ralph Nader, David Swanson, Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney after their speeches. Unfortunately, I deleted my video of McKinney by mistake, and held the camera sideways for the others (I now know video is not like photos...), so I only uploaded the audio w/ still clips for the others.

I had asked McKinney what she saw as the biggest challenges and opportunities for the 9/11 Truth Movement. She said she had supported NYCCAN and felt justice was disserved in the judge's decision to disallow it. She suggested that a People's Tribunal might be worth pursuing, but that something with legal authority would be best. She also said that she will be pursuing the issue if she gets reelected to Congress.

I particularly liked Ralph Nader's response when I asked about the biggest unanswered questions; he said, "Who's responsible?" is the biggest.

I asked Kucinich the status on his committee's investigation into 9/11, and he said that it is an issue he maintains an interest in- he has questions about pre-9/11 financial transactions- but that his committee has been swamped dealing with Wall Street investigations and the economic meltdown.

David Swanson said 9/11 has not been investigated, and a full investigation is an important issue.

Ralph Nader

The decade according to 9-year-olds [incl. 9/11, terrorism, the wars]

@ 4:15 - "What can you tell me about 9/11?"

@ 4:52 - "What is a terrorist?"

@ 5:24 - "Living during wartime"

@ 5:55 - "After discussing 9/11, terrorism and the wars, the children were asked about their biggest fears. Their answers were reminders that, above all, they are still 9-year-olds."


The decade according to 9-year-olds from allison louie-garcia on Vimeo.

In Search of Morale - Are Americans Too Broken for the Truth to Set Us Free?

In Search of Morale - Are Americans Too Broken for the Truth to Set Us Free?


Can people become so broken that truths of how they are being screwed do not “set them free” but instead further demoralize them? Has such a demoralization happened in the United States? Do some totalitarians actually want us to hear how we have been screwed because they know that humiliating passivity in the face of obvious oppression will demoralize us even further? What forces have created a demoralized, passive, disCouraged U.S. population? Can anything be done to turn this around?

Can people become so broken that truths of how they are being screwed do not “set them free” but instead further demoralize them?

The Truth About Pearl Harbor

It's 'Pearl Harbor Day'... also see:

Explosive Truth About Pearl Harbor: The Story The Rest Of The Media Won't Tell

- loose nuke

the contrarian - The Truth About Pearl Harbor
December 07, 2009 03:17 AM EST

Today lives in infamy, but not for the reasons you’ve been told. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, exactly 68 years ago today, was not an unprovoked, dastardly assault on an unsuspecting nation. It was a carefully orchestrated trap, engineered by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR’s purpose was to overcome domestic opposition to America’s involvement in the European war thousands of miles from the Pacific isles.

A tri-party agreement between Japan, Germany and Italy, executed one year earlier, gave Roosevelt the key he needed to get into Europe through the “back door.” The agreement stipulated that a war against any one of the parties would be considered to be a war against all three.

Adviser: Obama plans to launch Bin Laden hunt anew

Adviser: Obama plans to launch Bin Laden hunt anew

By Agence France-Presse
Sunday, December 6th, 2009 -- 6:18 pm

The United States will launch a new effort to track down Osama bin Laden who is believed to be hiding in the mountains along the Afghan-Pakistan border, a senior US official said on Sunday.

Intelligence reports suggest the Al-Qaeda chief "is somewhere inside north Waziristan, sometimes on the Pakistani side of the border, sometimes on the Afghan side of the border," said national security adviser James Jones.

Asked if President Barack Obama's administration planned a fresh attempt to go after Al-Qaeda's leader, Jones said: "I think so."

Bin Laden was a "very important symbol of what Al-Qaeda stands for" and it was crucial to make sure he was on the run or captured, Jones, a retired Marine general, told CNN's "State of the Union" program.

His comment that Bin Laden sometimes crossed to the Afghan side of the mountainous border contrasted with previous accounts from US officials that suggested the Al-Qaeda chief was hiding in Pakistan.