Keith Olbermann

WeAreChange continues to confront and question those in power regarding the attacks of 9/11

Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post, gets confronted by WeAreChange about censoring Jesse Ventura’s 9/11 article.

Retired U.S. Army General Wesley Clark gets confronted by WeAreChange about the attacks of September 11th, 2001.

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Keith Olbermann on 9/11 Truth

Posted by Luke Rudkowski on Sep 5, 2012

WeAreChange runs into Keith Olbermann and asks him if he has any advice for the 9/11 Truth movement.

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Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Said That The Government Has ORDERED The Media Not To Cover 9/11

Washington's Blog:

Fire Dog Lake's Jeff Kaye writes today:

The entire 9/11 field of inquiry has been vilified, poisoned over the years by ridicule, sometimes fantastic conspiracy mongering, and fearfulness by journalists of approaching the material, lest they be branded as irresponsible or some kind of conspiracy freak. As a result, little work has been done to investigate, except by a small group of people, some of whom have raised some real questions ...

Similarly, Air Force Colonel and key Pentagon official Karen Kwiatkowski - who blew the whistle on the Bush administration's efforts to concoct false intelligence about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction - wrote (page 26):

I have been told by reporters that they will not report their own insights or contrary evaluations of the official 9/11 story, because to question the government story about 9/11 is to question the very foundations of our entire modern belief system regarding our government, our country, and our way of life. To be charged with questioning these foundations is far more serious than being labeled a disgruntled conspiracy nut or anti-government traitor, or even being sidelined or marginalized within an academic, government service, or literary career. To question the official 9/11 story is simply and fundamentally revolutionary. In this way, of course, questioning the official story is also simply and fundamentally American.

Former military analyst and famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg said that the government has ordered the media not to cover 9/11:

Olbermann rips Liz Cheney for her father’s ‘dereliction’ on 9/11

Olbermann rips Liz Cheney for her father’s ‘dereliction’ on 9/11 By Eric W. Dolan
Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 -- 3:49 pm

On MSNBC's Countdown Wednesday, Keith Olbermann slammed Liz Cheney for claiming President Barack Obama is "unwilling or unable" to keep the nation safe, noting that her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and former President George W. Bush, were unable to prevent the September 11th attacks.

Cheney's statement is in response to a claim made in Bob Woodward's recently published book that Obama told him America "can absorb a terrorist attack."

"Americans expect our president to do everything possible to defend the nation from attack," writes Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney and Chairman of Keep America Safe.

Donna O'Connor Statement on Olbermann Based on Unproven Allegations

By Jeff Jacobucci/ 

In a recent interview with Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows national spokesperson Donn Marsh O'Connor delivered an emotional statement in support of construction of the Muslim community center six blocks from the site of the former WTC and the crimes and murders of 9/11/01. 

Having lost her own child in crimes of 9/11, her voice and face showed great emotion that was not lost upon her respected MSNBC interviewer, Keith Olbermann. 

There was only one problem with Ms. O'connor's emotional statement: her main premise was based on unproven allegations of guilt of the FBI's list of 19 suspects:

The foundation for her entire argument can be heard at minute mark 4:34, where Ms. Connor says:

Keith Olbermann blames Bush, Cheney for 9/11 attacks ~ By Stephen C. Webster Saturday, February 13th, 2010 RAW STORY
Keith Olbermann blames Bush, Cheney for 9/11 attacks

This video is from MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, broadcast Friday, Feb. 12, 2010.

Keith Olbermann blames Bush, Cheney for 9/11 attacks
By Stephen C. Webster
Saturday, February 13th, 2010 -- 3:11 pm

Keith Olbermann blames Bush, Cheney for 9/11 attacksThe attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 changed American politics forever. But in spite of the warning signs raised by the U.S. intelligence community, the Bush administration seemed preoccupied with other issues, aloof to the alleged threat until the day both towers fell.

Why then, MSNBC's liberal host Keith Olbermann asked on Friday night, is it "taboo" to blame the Bush administration for allowing the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans on their watch?

Countdown: Detroit bomber intel failure: ‘Conspiracy or cock up?’

link to video in original:
Countdown: Detroit bomber intel failure: ‘Conspiracy or cock up?’

By Diana Sweet
Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 -- 7:55 am

On Monday evening's edition of MSNBC's Countdown with host Keith Olbermann, guest Richard Wolffe discusses the nation's intelligence gathering associated with the Flight 253 'underpants bomber,' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and serious questions that have risen about whether or not there was foul play, information intentionally withheld, or a conspiracy involved.

Wolffe is a journalist, MSNBC political analyst, and author of the Barack Obama book Renegade: The Making of a President.

Olbermann: 'Fatuous, condescending lunatic' Cheney failed to prevent 9/11

Another break in the mainstream media.

Olbermann: 'Fatuous, condescending lunatic' Cheney failed to prevent 9/11
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Tuesday January 6, 2009

The eight years of Dick Cheney's memorable vice-presidency will be over and done with two weeks from now, but MSNBC's Keith Olbermann remains determined to get in his parting shots at "Crazy Vice-President Gate."

On Monday, Olbermann found his opportunity in Cheney's remarks on Face the Nation when asked whether we are better off than eight years ago.

"I think we’ve done some very good things in the course of the last eight years," Cheney replied. "Defending the country against further terrorist attacks like 9/11 I think’s a major accomplishment, for example."

Olbermann was clearly offended by Cheney's claim that preventing another 9/11 meant the nation was now better off than before 9/11, but it was the remarks which followed that really got him steamed.

Olbermann refers to Bush 9/11 'lies' as 'Insult the Dead-gate'

As the departing Bush administration frantically attempts to shore up its place in history, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann stands ready to kick the props out from under it again. A renewed claim that "no one could have anticipated" the attacks of 9/11 attracted his scorn in particular on Thursday's Countdown.
Olbermann refers to Bush 9/11 'lies' as 'Insult the Dead-gate'
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Friday December 19, 2008

"This is a White House talking point still, even though your average three-year-old could disprove it using an etch-a-sketch." Olbermann sneered on Thursday, over the heading, "Insult the Dead-gate."

Olbermann's specific target was White House press spokesman Tony Fratto, who responded to a Fox News interviewer's suggestion on Wednesday that before 9/11, "nobody was thinking that there'd be terrorists flying 767s into buildings" by agreeing, "No one could have anticipated that kind of attack -- or very few people."

Keith Olbermann nails Bush on legacy including My Pet Goat, Air Quality & Rescue Workers, Anthrax, and 9/11.

Countdown: Comment on the Bush Legacy

Includes Commentary on:
- My Pet Goat
- Air Quality at Ground Zero
- Health of Rescue Workers
- Bin Laden Family Fleeing Country
- Opposed 9/11 Commission
- Anthrax Attacks Unresolved

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MSNBC Demotes Keith Olbermann Monday 08 September 2008 by: David Bauder, The Associated Press

Looks like we're screwed. OR we've got to fight (grassroots' efforts to spread the truth on all issues) that much harder . . . And if it's true that McCain has pulled ahead of Obama in the polls, Americans are incredibly stupid, if by now, they don't realize they've been voting against their own self-interests, etc, etc. Unbelievable . . . The false war on terror psy-op continues to work, I guess. Thank you, Keith for trying to tell the truth. It was no liberal spin. --Betsy


MSNBC Demotes Keith Olbermann
Monday 08 September 2008

by: David Bauder, The Associated Press

New York - MSNBC said Sunday it is replacing Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews as co-anchors of political night coverage with David Gregory, and will use the two newsmen as commentators.