Keith Olbermann on 9/11 Truth

Posted by Luke Rudkowski on Sep 5, 2012

WeAreChange runs into Keith Olbermann and asks him if he has any advice for the 9/11 Truth movement.

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Fox News Steve Doocy Confronted on 9/11 Truth

WeAreChange asks Fox New’s Steve Doocy whether or not he supports a new 9/11 investigation.

Partial understanding

He seems to think that what details are 'important' and which are 'minute' are self-evident. Like a lot of people, he doesn't seem to grasp--or pretends not to grasp--that questions of 'what happened' and 'how' have everything to do with the question of 'who' was involved.

Not that I've ever heard him go into those questions he says he does think consider important; but then again, I don't really expect him to, since I know he doesn't want to jeopardize his standing with the media powers-that-be. I don't know if I can say he's supportive, but he at least sounds--how should I say it?--not unsupportive.

That would make him a ZERO!

"-how should I say it?--not unsupportive."