War on Terror

War on Terror: Pathways to Peace

 YOURNETWORK exposes Obama's expansion of the war on terror and highlights organizations (WEARECHANGE, 9/11 TRUTH, CODEPINK, etc) that are working to bring accountability and social justice back into politics.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead


ENDING US Wars of Aggression: advice from our forefathers

from: http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. Let’s consider the wisdom of Americans we all look to for guidance on American principles and courage: our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, and up to Teddy Roosevelt. If you respect their contributions to American ideals of freedom and Constitutional rights, please give each of them a few minutes of your attention to consider their reflections. Their lives deserve your thoughtful consideration. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran.” http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41708

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
- Attributed to Benjamin Franklin, 1738, http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin .

US Wars of Aggression: cost in money and lives

from: http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner

“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.

Iraq WMD evidence: lies, dictatorship, and evil. Part 2

from: http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner

“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. We should understand that the rhetoric for war with Iraq was also known to be false at the time it was told. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran.” http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41708

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

Iraq WMD evidence: lies, dictatorship, and evil. Part 1

from: http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner

“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. We should understand that the rhetoric for war with Iraq was also known to be false at the time it was told. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran": http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41708

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

War on Terror: Foreign Policy


Could it be that our foreign policy decisions are determined by the most powerful corporations on the planet?



Blackwater Chief Accused of Murder, Threats

Democracy Now! had two important interviews regarding policies of corruption and terror in today's program:

"In Explosive Allegations, Ex-Employees Link Blackwater Founder to Murder, Threats"

In sworn statements, two ex-employees claim Blackwater’s owner, Erik Prince, murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. One also charged Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.” We speak with investigative journalist and bestselling author Jeremy Scahill, who broke the story for The Nation magazine.

[includes rush transcript] - http://www.democracynow.org/2009/8/5/in_explosive_allegations_ex_employees_link


"British Lawmaker David Davis Challenges US Threats to Suppress Evidence of CIA Torture".

War on Terror: Expenditures


Coming to terms with a global war on terror is nearly impossible given the incalculable human and financial costs.


CIA probes could derail Obama's plans

by Kevin Connolly
BBC, July 13, 2009

In the world of intelligence gathering the past never really goes away - it stays around to haunt the present and set traps for the future.

The issue of how America conducted its "war on terror" - who it tortured and detained and on whose orders - is full of such traps.

We know that Barack Obama knows this - he talks about the need to move forward rather than to look back - but that is no guarantee that he will be able to resist calls for some sort of investigation of the Bush administration's intelligence policies.

The argument from the human rights lobby and the left of the Democratic Party appears to have gained ground in Washington in the last week or so - some sort of enquiry is now necessary, they believe, to re-assert the rule of law and restore America to the moral high ground of international diplomacy.

Dirty linen

The case against re-opening the wounds of the recent past lacks moral clarity, perhaps, but it is no less passionately held among Republicans.

Decoding Scheuer's Call for Osama to Kill Americans


Decoding Scheuer's Call for Osama to Kill More Americans
"War on Terror" advocates want civilians to die to justify "War on Terror"

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
6 July, 2009

CIA analyst Michael Scheuer's recent call for bin Laden to kill more Americans would be shocking if we hadn't already heard it dozens of times before from other "War on Terror" advocates. "It's an absurd situation," Scheuer told FOX News personality Glenn Beck on his program last week. "Only Osama can execute an attack that will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary."

Obama Weighs Plan Allowing 9/11 Suspects to Plead Guilty Brennan Linsley AP NYTimes


Obama Weighs Plan Allowing 9/11 Suspects to Plead Guilty
Brennan Linsley/Associated Press

American troops at the Guantánamo detention center, where detainees facing the death penalty could plead guilty without a full trial under a change the Obama administration is considering.

The provision could permit military prosecutors to avoid airing the details of brutal interrogation techniques. It could also allow the five detainees who have been charged with the Sept. 11 attacks to achieve their stated goal of pleading guilty to gain what they have called martyrdom.

The proposal, in a draft of legislation that would be submitted to Congress, has not been publicly disclosed. It was circulated to officials under restrictions requiring secrecy. People who have read or been briefed on it said it had been presented to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates by an administration task force on detention.

Kitchener 9/11 Truth Street Action April 11, 2009.

Passing out DVDs and spreading the truth about the events of September 11, 2001 at City Hall in downtown Kitchener on April 11, 2009.

CIA destroyed 92 terrorist interview tapes


"The Central intelligence Agency (CIA) has destroyed 92 tapes of interviews conducted with terror suspects, a US government lawyer has admitted.

The agency had previously said that it had destroyed only two tapes.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has launched a lawsuit against the CIA to seek details of the interrogations of terror suspects.

Techniques involved are understood to have included water-boarding, which the Obama administration says is torture.

The acknowledgment of the 92 destroyed tapes came in a letter sent to the judge presiding over the ACLU lawsuit."

Leading Counter-Terrorism Expert and Former High-Level Official Slams War on Terror and Questions 9/11


Terrell (Terry) E. Arnold was the number 2 counter-terrorism official at the U.S. State Department, and is one of the world's leading experts on terror.

Arnold served as the Deputy Director, Office of Counter-Terrorism and Emergency Planning, at the U.S. State Department. He is also the former Chairman of the Department of International Studies at the National War College.

Arnold has worked as a crisis management consultant for several Federal agencies, including The State Department, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Customs Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He is the author of numerous books on terror*. Arnold is a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean war.

I spoke with Arnold by phone...

Guantanamo From Both Sides of the Wire

On Tuesday 20th of January 2009 the Cageprisoners "Two Sides, One Story -- Guantanamo From Boths Sides of the Wire Tour" -- a tour to mark seven years of unlawful detention, abuse and torture, came to Sheffield, UK. Christopher Arendt (former Guantanamo guard, Iraq Veterans Against War), Moazzam Begg (former Guantanamo prisoner, spokesperson for Cageprisoners) and Omar Deghayes (former Guantanamo prisoner, Save Omar) were introduced by Jillian Creasy on behalf of the Sheffield Guantanamo Campaign. It was an outstanding and very moving event and an audio recording of the meeting and some photos can be found on Sheffield Indymedia and The A-Infos Radio Project.

Omar Deghayes, Moazzam Begg and Christopher Arendt