The Shell Game

Paul Craig Roberts brings 9/11 truth to COUNTERPUNCH !! Is a FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb in Our Future?

Paul Craig Roberts brings 9/11 truth to COUNTERPUNCH !! Is a FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb in Our Future?

Secret Schemes and Undeclared Agendas
Inside the Shell Game

The investigative journalist Edward Jay Epstein has taken up the Litvinenko case.

The media used the Litvinenko case as sensational propaganda against Russian President Putin and then tossed it aside. For those whose memories of the case have faded, Alexander Litvinenko was a former KGB officer living in England who died in 2006, apparently from the radioactive isotope Polonium-210 . . .

Those who have attempted to clue in fellow citizens are invariably frustrated, because Americans have been trained to dismiss the messenger who brings news of "false flag" events as a "conspiracy theorist."

Steve Alten talks with Kevin Barrett Friday Evening on GCN Radio

Saturday March 22, 2008
Kevin Barrett talks with Steve Alten, author of "The Shell Game", about their respective encounters with neoconmedia, including Steve's run-in with Jim Bohanon
(75 Minutes - 22 Meg)

* source =



"'The Shell Game' is a new book that gives the unimaginative Americans reality in the form of a novel interwoven with real events and people. I recommend it to everyone, especially those who believe the 9/11 Commission Report.

I don't think that Americans have any idea of the secret schemes serving undeclared agendas that are going to involve them in greater horrors than the current wars."

Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts, besides being a major voice demanding 9/11 truth, has been known as the Father of Reaganomics, and was a former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service, he is a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles and a columnist for Investor’s Business Daily.

Steve Alten's New Book, The Shell Game, Threatens to Expose the Next 9/11

Steve Alten's New Book, The Shell Game, Threatens to Expose the Next 9/11

The author, who has had several novels appear on best-seller lists, believes the topic is timely, especially with oil reaching the $100 a barrel mark.

Houston, TX,March 20, 2008 -- Why were there no jet-fighters dispatched on 9/11? Why was NORAD engaged in upwards of five separate military exercises dealing with fake hijackings on the day of the worst attack in U.S. history? Why were false blips allowed to be projected onto FAA screens, confusing air flight controllers? Why was Dick Cheney in-charge of NORAD on 9/11? Did the Vice President order a stand-down so that the attacks would succeed?

Japanese Senator for 9/11 Truth Calls for Movement to Step Beyond Internet – Steve Alten Answers the Call

PLEASE, go to OpEdNews, and "diggit" "readit" this OpEd to get more eyes on it in the mainstream. You can do so at the below link:

March 20, 2008 at 10:52:14

Japanese Senator for 9/11 Truth Calls for Movement to Step Beyond Internet – Steve Alten Answers the Call

by Bill Douglas Page 1 of 2 page(s)

Japanese Senator, Yukihisa Fujita, a member of the main opposition party in Japan, gained world renown through non-US media and in the US via youtube, for his assertion on national Japanese television that 9/11 was an inside job. He recently spoke several times about the importance of in waking him up to the lies of 9/11. He stated that the architects, engineers and physicists like Professor Jones have made the case of controlled demolition well, and now it is time for politicians to be organized, and connect internationally and make joint petitions to the US Government or Congress, and to request the United Nations have independent investigations of 9/11.

Shell Game * Oil * Griffin * ReGen * SolarFest

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
March 16, 2008 - Shell Game * Oil * Griffin * ReGen * SolarFest

"The difference between genius and
stupidity is that genius has its limits."

-- Albert Einstein

1) Shell Game potential & Griffin 9/11 Contradictions
- - Retaking the moment, The Shell Game potential
- - Why Steve Alten is Winning the Shell Game Debate
- - In Honor of Anthony and Mary Guarisco
- - Cost of Freedom tour/Day 5/Waco by Mike Palecek
- - Griffin Takes Powerful New Approach to 9/11 Truth
2) World Oil Food Crisis and Worst Places to Vote
- - The Fading of the Oil Economy
- - Rules of Engagement ‘Thrown out the Window’ US Occupation
- - Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief Scientist
- - Best and Worst Places to Vote – Ohio 2008
3) ReGens Stirling idea: Power from waste heat
- - Clothesline Rule Creates Flap In New England States
- - SolarFest 2008 Vermont – July 11, 12, 13

Editor’s Notes:

Steve Alten speaks about doomsday

Steve Alten speaks about doomsday
Published March 11th, 2008

By Skip Sheffield

Steve Alten dreams big.

In his fantastic 1997 first novel “Meg,” he imagined a gigantic prehistoric Megalodon shark that surfaced from the depths of the Pacific Ocean to terrorize mankind.

In Domain (2001) he visualized the cruel, violent human sacrifices of ancient Mayans.

In “The Loch” he explored the possibility of a real Loch Ness monster.

Now Alten is deadly serious in “The Shell Game,” a thriller that tackles the large and looming issues of the end of oil, the next 9/11 terrorist attacks and ultimately the end of civilization. Alten will speak and sign his book at 7 p.m.

Wednesday at Murder on the Beach Bookstore, 273 NE Second Ave., Delray Beach.

“I hope people will read this book with an open mind,” said Alten recently at Boca Raton News offices. “It is difficult to accept that your own government may be involved in one of the worst disasters in history. My book just extrapolates on what has already occurred. I am concerned about what kind of world my two children and two stepchildren will face.

The pendulum has swung from the public outcry against the Dixie Chicks over the Iraq War. The media must accept responsibility rather than shirking investigative journalism.”

Steve Alten talks with Alex Jones and callers about his new book "The Shell Game"

Friday March 7, 2008

Alex Jones speaks with Steve Alten about his new book "The Shell Game" and takes questions from callers

(33 Minutes - 9.7 Meg)

* source =

About the Book:

Oil Game * 9/11 * Obama Rose * Sertima

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
March 5, 2008 - Oil Game * 9/11 * Obama Rose * Sertima

"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison
without formulating any charge known to the law,
and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers,
is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of
all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist."

- Winston Churchill
Nov. 21, 1943

1) Iraq Oil US War Racket
- - WAR IS A RACKET – by General Smedley Butler
- - It's still about oil in Iraq
- - Nobel Laureate Estimates Wars’ Cost at More Than $3 Trillion
- - The $3,000,000,000,000 War is a Domestic Issue
- - Dying to die in Afghanistan
- - Rule by Fear or Rule by Law?
- - Brattleboro, Vermont, Votes to Indict Bush and Cheney
- - Tongue and ‘Cheek’ – Malene Espensen Sexy Protest
2) September 11 Advocates Uncover Lies and Unanswered Questions
- - Transcript For Lorie Van Auken’s Speech - NYC Ballot Initiative
- - The Shell Game newsletter
- - The Mother of All Lies About 9/11
- - Moussaoui appeals, calling plea invalid
- - ZERO : Europe for an Independent Inquiry into 9/11

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Bill Douglas

In an interview recorded on January 17th, 2008, this episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes 9-11 activist Bill Douglas.  Bill is one of the founders of the original 9-11 Visibility Project out of Kansas City and has written and lectured extensively about the 9-11 Cover-Up.

Bill has recently been helping to promote the new 9-11 truth novel, The Shell Game by Steve Alten, which comes highly recommended by Visibility 9-11.  If you missed the interview with Steve and his messages to the 9-11 Truth Movement, click here to learn why this is such an important book for our cause.

Music by Chris Jankoski.

30 Sec 9/11 ACTION ALERT!

Ready, Set, ACTION!

Oprah, her show, and her book club...POWER in the MSM, let's make it ours! copy/paste the following and email to the link below:

Oprah, I would like to see you add The Shell Game to your reading list.
VERY important book. Also please invite the author Steve Alten on and add
a panel of experts. That would be a GREAT and timely show!


*for Obama fans you may want to mention Alten loves Obama, also do not put this in the email, but Alten said he would bring Griffin on the show with him if he gets on.

Carpe Diem

I have this to say to the dissemblers and nay-sayers here: I/We are on to you. Divide and conquer is your modus operandi and IT HAS WORKED HERE FAR TOO OFTEN.
The 9/11 Truth Movement has an unprecedented chance NOW to launch 9/11 Truth into the national conscience. We can debate the fine points here on 9/11 Blogger all we like, but it is up to US to heap fuel onto this fire and blow the lid off the pressure cooker of media complicity.
Each of us does our part = 9/11 Truth Movement phase shift.

This is from Steve Alten:

To the 9/11 Truth Movement

I know you are probably getting tired/annoyed at hearing from me -- my humble apologies. But something is happening in DC that EVERYONE must be aware of, because it will affect all of us:

A few days ago, Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, essentially told reporters that he fears the next 9/11, which could be a suitcase nuke. Yesterday, in threatening to veto a waterboarding ban, Bush said, and I quote, "terrorists are planning new attacks on our country... that will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison."

Why Steve Alten is Winning the Shell Game Debate

Why Steve Alten is Winning the Shell Game Debate

by Kevin Barrett

[I interviewed Steve Alten, author of The Shell Game, on 1/22/08, then interviewed his critic Wendy Campbell on 2/12/08. Both shows are available in the WTPRN archives. I will again interview Steve Alten this Tuesday, 2/19/08, 10-11 pm CT...after first-hour guest Mikey Weinstein of who will be on 9-10 pm.; complete radio schedule:]

Steve Alten’s new bestseller The Shell Game was bound to be controversial. Alten’s thriller involves a White-House-approved neocon plot to stage a new mega-9/11 designed to trigger full-scale martial law and a war on Iran. The book shows how Arab patsies are set up to take the blame for the attack (just like on 9/11). It is peppered with references to such 9/11 truth advocates as David Ray Griffin, Mike Ruppert, Michael Meacher, and the Jersey Girls. No wonder Alten’s career is being threatened by insiders. No wonder the mainstream press won’t review his book.

9/11 Ballot * Parliament * Griffin & Moyers

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
February 18, 2008 - 9/11 Ballot * Parliament * Griffin & Moyers

In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

- George Orwell

1) NYC Ballot & More for an Independent 9/11 Investigation
- - 9/11 Truth Debate at European Parliament, February 26
- - Principal Electrical Engineer for WTC Calls for Investigation
- - Newly Released FBI Timeline Reveals New Information about 9/11
- - Lifting the veil to understand the 9/11 Commission
- - British Judges Slam Prosecutors for Framing Algerian on 9/11
- - The Shell Game -- Expose Another 9/11 before it happens
- - The Reflecting Pool - Reviews
- - Bill Moyers Debunnking 9/11 Debunking Comment
2) Bush Fascist – Iran Forum – Obama’s White Mom
- - Mr. Bush You Are A Fascist - Keith Olbermann MSNBC
- - Western Massachusetts Town Meeting on Iran
- - Obama Drive Gets Inspiration From His White Mom Born in Kansas

Editor’s Notes:

Bank Failure * Torture * Sibel * Shell Game

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
February 11, 2008 - Bank Failure * Torture * Sibel * Shell Game

”9/11 Truthers are the Real
Patriots of the 21st Century!”

-- Steve Alten
Author of The Shell Game

1) Financial Corruption Threatens US All
- - The Bush Financial Bust of 2008
- - World Reports: Extreme Crisis As Group of 9 Demand Settlement
2) Waterboarding for God and Country
- - Ray McGovern: Waterboarding for God and Country
- - Justice Dept. 'Cannot' Probe Waterboarding, Mukasey Says
- - Cheney Defends Use of Harsh Interrogations
3) Sibel Edmonds: "The Highjacking of a Nation”
- - CNN [In Turkey] Covers Sibel Edmonds
- - Let Sibel Edmonds Speak – Don’t - Kill The Messenger
4) Uncounted – Diebold – Hillary 08?
- - Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections
- - The Winning Ticket: Hillary and Diebold in 2008
5) Project Shell Game – 9/11 Commission Cover-Up
- - The Shell Game Opportunity for 9/11 Truthers to Reach the Masses
- - 9/11 inquiry head 'tried to shield George Bush'
- - Coleen Rowley on Philip Shenon's Book
- - The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation

Editor’s Notes: