Carpe Diem

I have this to say to the dissemblers and nay-sayers here: I/We are on to you. Divide and conquer is your modus operandi and IT HAS WORKED HERE FAR TOO OFTEN.
The 9/11 Truth Movement has an unprecedented chance NOW to launch 9/11 Truth into the national conscience. We can debate the fine points here on 9/11 Blogger all we like, but it is up to US to heap fuel onto this fire and blow the lid off the pressure cooker of media complicity.
Each of us does our part = 9/11 Truth Movement phase shift.

This is from Steve Alten:

To the 9/11 Truth Movement

I know you are probably getting tired/annoyed at hearing from me -- my humble apologies. But something is happening in DC that EVERYONE must be aware of, because it will affect all of us:

A few days ago, Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, essentially told reporters that he fears the next 9/11, which could be a suitcase nuke. Yesterday, in threatening to veto a waterboarding ban, Bush said, and I quote, "terrorists are planning new attacks on our country... that will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison."

If this plot isn't straight out of The SHELL GAME then you haven't read the book. Now add this little tidbit: Executive Order 12919 (pushed through by the Bushies) would place the United States under total Martial Law and Military Dictatorship in the event of another attack. This Executive Order allows the President to declare a National Emergency at any time, and freeze everything...including a national election. Congress is powerless to prevent such an Executive Dictatorship, as long as the President advises Congress in a timely matter.

I realize all of you have very important 9/11 projects you are working on, books and rallies, etc, but if we learned anything from 9/11 then maybe it is time to focus on the next false flag operation. By doing so, we might actually be able to reach the mass media AND bring attention to the lies behind the last event. See, the media want TODAYS NEWS, not YESTERDAYS. And this is today's news that ties back to 9/11/01.

I can help you gain mainstream attention in a big way...but I need your support.

Guys, in the last 11 years I have published eight books, hit every best seller list, optioned a book as a movie (twice), sold two scripts, and have two more books set for publication in 2009. To be honest, I knew little about the 9/11 Truth Movement until sometime around October/November when The SHELL GAME went to print. I quickly realized that this loosely-connected group of people, often vilified by the media, were in fact ordinary citizens doing extraordinary things. They were the Davids facing off against the Goliaths. THEY were America’s true Patriots.

And suddenly The SHELL GAME took on a new meaning for me. Because I knew it could break through a barrier that has held your movement back. Because the book is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I also knew from insider sources that the fiction could become true.

Bush's statement scares the shit out of me.

In publishing, success is measured by the N.Y. Times best seller's list. Hit the top 15 and your book receives special buy-ins, special placement on shelves...special media attention. It's like launching a rocket...spots 1-15 push you into orbit. The list is the masses. It’s their shopping list. It gets published in EVERY TOP 100 newspaper every week!

Last week, because of the 9/11 movement and my fan base, The SHELL GAME hit # 31 on the N.Y. Times list. This week we hit #33. It feels like the air is slowly hissing out of the balloon. DON'T LET IT!

Back when I was earning my doctorate degree at Temple University, I remember a framed saying on the wall of my advisor’s office. I must have read it a thousand times. It said, “On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless thousands who…upon reaching the dawn of victory chose to rest …and there resting were slaughtered.”

Please do not rest. There is a huge opportunity coming as early as March 1st.

To use an analogy, the TRUTH behind 9/11 is being dammed up by the powers that be. George W. Bush Dam. Your efforts to date have been heroic and incredible, but you only caused surface cracks in the dam, nothing deep enough to reach the water on the other side and crack open the floodgates. You want to know how to crack open a dam? You keep hitting it and hitting it and hitting it as you certainly have ben doing...but The SHELL GAME is a sledgehammer.

I’ve been on TODAY show and was interviewed by Matt Lauer. I’ve been on Kathleen Crier. In fact, I’ve been on over 70 morning shows and 300 radio shows, major newspapers and magazines. Get me to spot 10-15 and I will give that dam a body blow it never felt before.

On March 1st, I begin the first of a four week book tour, this one in the DC/Virginia corridor. March 14-15 I am in West FL. March 18-23 in Philly and NYC. March 31 – April 7 Chicago and the Midwest. April 21 – 30 in California and Oregon. Each day I will have 2-3 local radio shows, a morning TV news show, and a signing at night. Many of these venues are booked at the last moment...based on (you guessed it ) that darn NY Times list.

Essentially we have 2 weeks to boost this rocket into orbit in order to secure BIG venues like THE DAILY SHOW, ANDERSON COOPER, and DAVE LETTERMAN. It's a small window, but the difference between # 33 and # 15 is about 12,000 sales in a week.

Think about that a long moment. After all you have been through. After all the time and money and harassment… If we can generate 12,000 more sales every week for a few weeks, the rocket reaches orbit and I can potentially sit before a camera facing Bill Maher and explain to him that WTC-7 wasn’t hit by a jet, so how did it happen? I can tell Bill that the 9/11 Truth people are NOT crazies, they are people like him who seek the truth. “Bill, did you know about the wargames Dick Cheney was running? Did you hear about the stand down order? Put orders? Liquid steel? Bill, the 9/11 truthers are what makes America great!!!!”

CRAAAAACK! The dam is beginning to tremble. The Daily Show…Letterman…Fox News (sure, call me a pinhead, Bill, just explain to me how a 47 floor building collapses in a vacuum without being hit?”

These interviews pave the way for NEW BOOKS & DVDs. More important, it stops the topic from being taboo!

Look at steroids in baseball. How did the issue get attention? A BOOK! Jose Caneseco published a tell-all, and yesterday Roger Clemens, mister arrogant himself, was brought before a committee. And now the public knows he is guilty.

The SHELL GAME's plot is happening as we speak. If you get behind the book, you can bring another group of arrogant, guilty people to justice before they do more harm!

Maybe this sounds too self-serving...too much about money. Let me clear the air on a few things:

I was paid $20,000 for The SHELL GAME. Five grand went to the cover designer, Erik Hollander. $3500 to my agent. The rest I spent on two 90 second book trailers and postage on all the books we sent to the movement. This isn’t about money. Oh wait… it is:

Two nights ago I received a painful call from my manager. Three different producers/investors we are pitching for one of my movies called her. After reading about my views on 9/11 on a blog they demanded to know “is Alten a nutjob or is he promoting the book? Because we have no interest in financing a movie for a nutjob.”

My manager did her best to soothe them, then called me and verbally cut off my testicles. This movie deal would pay me a million dollars (and I desperately need the deal) and here I am risking it all…my career, my deal with her as a producer...all to reach the masses on Shell Game so that America can hear the truth about 9/11 and maybe, just maybe...stop another false flag event from killing off a million Americans.

Why would YOU want to push the book?

The book’s success will allow you to increase your followers tenfold.
The book’s success will break-thru the mainstream for other books (like David Ray Griffin’s pending new book) or DVDs (like Loose Change – Final Cut). It becomes the Jackie Robinson of the mainstream media. It makes it okay to discuss the subject.
It could actually EXPOSE ANOTHER 9/11 before it happens.
Am I just being paranoid? Hopefully. But this is an OP ED everyone in the movement should be sending out to every channel available because it does two things: 1) It gives the 9/11 movement fresh publicity that is TOPICAL!! 2) If there really is another false flag operation being planned, it exposes the con NOW. It's the equivalent of posting ads and OP EDs in August 2001 about a false flag operation that will take down the WTC. If it's out there before the event...then it gives a future investigation seeds upon which to grow. It is the ounce of prevention!


E-mail your constituents. You can use excerpts of this e-mail, but do NOT use this as an OP ED from me. This MUST come from you, not me. If it comes from me it is self-serving. SELL THEM on the goal. Ask them to do 2 very simple things:
a) Buy as many copies of The SHELL GAME as they can afford, but at least one each week for two weeks. Use Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Borders (these report to the NY Times). Urge them to spread the word on their own lists to do the same.

b) Ask them to call into at least one local radio show and rave about the book as a MUST -READ. Liberal or conservative talk radio, morning zoos…it doesn’t matter. Every call reaches tens of thousands of listeners…for free! Push the plot of the book AND tie it to Bush and Chertoff's statements! EXPOSE THE CON NOW!!!

2. Now rinse and repeat. In other words, don’t do this ONCE. Contact them several times in different ways every week. Why? We only learn through REPETITION! Don't rest on the plains of hesitation.

3. Last, I URGE everyone receiving this e-mail to please post an OP ED about the next 9/11 event being seeded in the mainstream media by the Bushies. The more voices, the more people will listen. Guys, it can’t just keep coming from Bill Douglas. The guy is amazing (and he is NOT getting a dime!) but if Bill is the only one consistently posting, no one will pay attention after awhile. Take a page from Karl Rove. Same message, repeated over and over by different people!!!!


You can all check the Amazon ratings for The SHELL GAME. It changes 20 minutes after the hour. Actually seeing progress gets people EXCITED!
Every Wednesday night we’ll get the updated NY Times list.
Your OP EDs may just break through the media. Set a goal: 100 OP EDs by March 1st! THEN I WILL DO MY THING ON NATIONAL TV!


"The Shell Game" is a good way to create a template because I have a mass following, and a track record of best sellers. BUT, if the 9/11 truth movement can use this to create a force (just like the right wing does to drive Anne Coulter, etc.'s books to #1) . . . then the movement can see as "The Shell Game" rises on the NY Times charts and they hear me challenging the official 9/11 story on 9/11, through their work . . . that they have a power. Then this force can turn and expand to drive non-fiction 9/11 truth books and DVDs up and over the charts as they appear. David Ray Griffin's book will soon be out for example. If the 9/11 truth movement saw themselves with the power to drive "The Shell Game" to #1, because of their work, then when Griffin's book appears, that machine will be in place. How empowering would that be for the movement?

Guys, it’s called TEAM WORK with A PLAN. But it must come from all of you. Make no mistake, the window of opportunity is small and shrinking. March 1st is coming fast. And perhaps something even far worse...

Two weeks worth of sustained effort.
Every member on your list buys 2 books.
Every member calls a radio show.
Every leaders sends out an OP ED and you don't stop! You keep pounding that message over and over and over again like a Swift Boat Ad... and I promise you, at some juncture, the dam will break.

Guys, this isn't about selling a book or DVD, it's about saving democracy.

Give this two weeks and watch what happens!

Steve Alten, Ed.D.
To the 9/11 Truth Movement

Did I miss something?

Almost twelve hours and not a single comment or vote?

When did Steve Alten become persona non grata here?

Anybody? Thoughts?

Maybe people are getting tired

of all the threads just to sell a novel?


I used to think Alten's book would be useful.

No longer.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

It seems to me, if Alten

It seems to me, if Alten wanted us to
get behind this book as a movement
he would offer to donate half the
proceeds from its sales to the first
How bout it Mr Alten?...i could care less
if you spend your precious on-air time
mentioning our beliefs, because its been
done by more qualified people already...
Want me to buy your book?....Pledge half
of the money you get from me buying it to
those that need it most...
Do it and Ill buy 10 and donate them to
every library in my city.

Thats a good idea.

I agree. At least those who need it most get some benefit.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

yes you did

maybe you missed the previous 93425 threads that tried to convince everybody that Steve Alten is the saviour of the truth movement - heck, of the WORLD.
To say i am tired of all this is an understatement. It is alot worse than that.
Still, i give him the benefit of the doubt. Which means, i think hes just trying to make a quick buck using the truth movement. That is the 'best' possible scenario, after all ive seen and read about this islamophobic fiction novel.

I agree

"i think hes just trying to make a quick buck using the truth movement. That is the 'best' possible scenario, after all ive seen and read about this islamophobic fiction novel."

Could not agree with you more.

Making a quick buck using the Truth Movement is disgraceful.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Generalizing a bit

Well, I posted a blog almost six hours ago and no one has commented. One person has rated it.

More generally, in recent months I've often felt that fewer and fewer people write on 911Blogger. Is discussion here dieing out? If so, why?

I wasn't clear when I said "it's all we got." But its quick.

I said in a comment below, "It's all we got." I wasn't clear when I said "it's all we got." What I meant to convey is that "it's all we got" right now that can possibly blow this open up QUICKLY.

With Chertoff and company issuing warnings about suitcase nukes; and Bush saying the next one will make the first 9/11 "pale by comparison; and Bush saying the next one will "WREAK HAVOC THROUGH DEATH"; with NSPD-51/HSPD-20 giving George Bush virtual dictatorial powers by simply declaring a national emergency with the stroke of a pen; with the fact they did it (9/11) once, therefore they can do it again; with the fact FBI director Mueller says he wakes up at night because the threat of nukes going off here in our cities "feels so real"; with "The Father of Reagonomics" Paul Craig Roberts saying the American people don't understand the danger they are in; with the elections just more than 9 months away; I'm saying it sure looks like there ain't much time left. Therefore, while 911Truth keeps moving forward, its not fast enough. Nukes going off in our cities will blow 911Truth away unless enough people come to understand QUICKLY enough. I see that as our only chance.

And that is where using the vehicle, The Shell Game is critical. It can introduce so many questions about 9/11 to so many people FASTER than than "anything we got." And the only way to make it do that is to get it high up on the list of best sellers. Let's not let this opportunity pass. I say there ain't much time. Something BIG could happen between today and the elections. And that includes tomorrow, and next week, and next month, but not, next year.

I don't care if you hate the book or if you distrust Steve Alten's motives; get the book, push the book. Time is running out. : Important interview with Paul Craig Roberts.

Just bought a copy

It's crunch time, the possibility of another false flag event cannot be ignored.

Pushing for impeachment hearings and getting The Shell Game into the top 15 are things we can do NOW.

Time is not on our side.

ETA: Decimus, add "Shell Game" to thread title and you will get more response.

Mr Alten your appeal is disappointing


"The SHELL GAME's plot is happening as we speak. If you get behind the book, you can bring another group of arrogant, guilty people to justice before they do more harm!

Maybe this sounds too self-serving...too much about money. Let me clear the air on a few things:

I was paid $20,000 for The SHELL GAME. Five grand went to the cover designer, Erik Hollander. $3500 to my agent. The rest I spent on two 90 second book trailers and postage on all the books we sent to the movement. This isn’t about money. Oh wait… it is:

Two nights ago I received a painful call from my manager. Three different producers/investors we are pitching for one of my movies called her. After reading about my views on 9/11 on a blog they demanded to know “is Alten a nutjob or is he promoting the book? Because we have no interest in financing a movie for a nutjob.”

My manager did her best to soothe them, then called me and verbally cut off my testicles. This movie deal would pay me a million dollars (and I desperately need the deal) and here I am risking it all…my career, my deal with her as a producer...all to reach the masses on Shell Game so that America can hear the truth about 9/11 and maybe, just maybe...stop another false flag event from killing off a million Americans.

Why would YOU want to push the book?

The book’s success will allow you to increase your followers tenfold."

End Quote.

911 TRUTH was here long long before Steve Alten and will be here long AFTER Steve Alten.

A disgraceful example to take or hijack the leadership of the 911 Truth Movement based on a work of fiction that TOTALLY ignores Israel's Possible 911 involvement.

You claim The SHELL GAME's plot is happening as we speak. Is that true?

And you need a million dollars? So do the 1st Responders. Highly disappointing and shameless.

If you are upset or shocked that your business partners and other film producers are balking at you and calling you nuts because of 911 Truth - Welcome to the REAL WORLD.

There is a price to pay for 91 Truth. I hate to say this but 911 TRUTH DOES NOT AND WILL NEVER REVOLVE AROUND THE SHELL GAME!



Stop Capitalizing on 911 for YOUR OWN PERSONAL GAIN.


New York Best Sellers list!

Please, we are already winning and many of us have the patience for the long haul. It will take years before we get a full resolution and perhaps even a civil war in the US. Get a reality check.

Willie Nelson and other celebrities do not peddle their wares in order to reach the top of some chart USING 911 TRUTH. The blood of the victims is not EXPANDABLE.

I have read about your book and heard your interviews in even defended you in forums on occasion. No longer.

Quote "The book’s success will allow you to increase your followers tenfold." End Quote.

You got to be kidding me. Our followers?. Nobody is following anyone. This MOVEMENT has no FOLLOWERS. All of us are led by our own conscience. I don't follow you, Alex Jones or any body else for that matter and sure am no follower of Steve Alten's Shell Game.

We do NOT NEED YOUR BOOK to increase our "followers" tenfold or hundred fold.

People like Willie Nelson are already speaking up. So what is so great about the Shell Game?

911 Truth was here long before any book of fiction.

I don't think for one moment the increased sales of Shell Game due to frantic 911 Truther buying more books is going to stop another 911 event (which is HIGHLY likely).

THE PRICE OF FREEDOM IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE. Not the price of a paperback or hardcopy sitting on the FICTION Shelf.

Only our vigilance can stop another 911 event. And frankly it looks more like the TOTAL COLLAPSE OF THE US DOLLAR AND ECONOMY. A FINANCIAL 911.

So pray tell how does your book of fiction stop the dollar collapse?

Really do not believe for a single moment David Griffin needs Steve Alten to sell more of his books.

I am absolutely sure DR. Griffin is not interested in selling books, but getting the truth out


Like so many out there, have been on it since day ONE.

The Operation Northwoods Document Alone has opened many many eyes , including political leaders in my country.

So why do we have to buy a book of fiction to open people's eyes?


It sure looks like it is and is shameless.

You need a million dollars?

Earn it with integrity.

Stop whining and begging us to buy your books so we can boost your ratings.

911 Truth has a price. Loosing business deals and getting rejected by the AIPAC controlled Hollywood fraternity is part of the price.

Israel has a right to exist in peace and security. The Jews are a fine people and I am happy to have numerous Jewish Friends. Some who are aware of 911 Truth and are definitely not happy about its implications.

But the involvement of certain members of Israel's Military Industrial Complex in 911 is an undeniable fact. Just like the Saudis and Pakistanis involvement.


You have very conviniently ignored that crticial FACT in your work of FICTION. Why is that?

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

As the world watched in disbelief and asked the question...

...Mossad operatives were seen dancing with joy.

A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"


Your BOOK SIR is far FROM 911 TRUTH.

It is a work of fiction that is USING 911 TRUTH for another agenda and it is DISGRACEFUL.

I am quite sure some people here will NOT LIKE MY COMMENTS.

Vote me down if you want to but open you eyes please.

Shell Game = 911 Truth?


Shell Game = Shell Game.

And a Shell Game is a Con Game.

Stop Deceiving Us.

On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. This USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died.

The Israeli Spy Ring

Israeli Spying:
The Mother of all Scandals

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Fact versus Fiction.

The Shell Game is more fact than fiction. All of the 9/11 facts cited in the book and introductory quotes are factual. It references PNAC several times, insider trading, NORAD, and other facts. The book ends with references to direct quotes taken from the book.

The main "fictional" aspect of the book involves the next 9/11.
Arabesque: 911 Truth

No dissembling, but I say nay

The book is racist pulp, and I am getting sick and tired of this blog being used for commercial purposes. You're not my hero, Steve, and I don't give a damn about your movie deal which you were having trouble getting before this book came out. Got it?

Thanks for the post. My thoughts exactly.

"The book is racist pulp, and I am getting sick and tired of this blog being used for commercial purposes. You're not my hero, Steve, and I don't give a damn about your movie deal which you were having trouble getting before this book came out. Got it?"

Excellent Dwightvw.

911 Truth, the suffering of the 1st Responders, the plight and quest of the Victim's Families and the victims of the 911 Wars SHOULD NOT BE EXPLOITED FOR COMMERCIAL REASONS.

We can make our money doing other things, but 911 Truth is not about book ratings on the NY Times Best-Sellers List or some product to be sold.

We will only succeed if we are determined to be persistent, determined and NON-COMPRIMISING.

It has taken us years to come this far and it will take years to dismantle the INTERNATIONAL MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX which includes the Saudis - "Bandar Bush", the Pakistani ISI the Israelite Mossad, the Pentagon, Bush Skull & Bones Cabal, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc.

One mere book alone and some Radio, TV shows alone is not going to do it.

Lets get real and be prepared for the long haul. Its not going to happen because of a book of fiction. This book could is a part and only a small part of the entire COLLECTIVE EFFORTS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE!

So some humility, discretion and respect for the integrity of the 911 Truth Process on behalf of Mr Alten would be wise.

The Truth Movement is not to be bartered for.

No Sale.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


... are Griffin and Jones wrong in endorsing the novel? Has their judgement failed here?

I myself endorsed and supported the novel.

Pls see here: -

Is Shell Game that bad? If it generates any type of publicity, why not we give them some moral support?

Is this movement so fragmented that people cannot come together for a good cause such as this.

Novelists such as George Orwell did a good job exposing the dangers of Totalitarianism.

Books even works of fiction can make a difference to get people to start thinking about issues.

You may not like the storyline in the book, but it serves a greater purpose.

Who knows the impact Shell game can have if we have a positive attitude about this.......

Why have I changed my mind.

This "appeal" from Mr Alten giving us a two week deadline to boost his sales seems to me like blatant commercial exploitation of 911 Truth.

I don't take kindly to the memories of the dead peddled for ratings in a best-sellers list.

Mr Alten's presumption in believing that HE can increase our "followers" (of which there are none - because nobody is following anyone in the 911 Truth Movement) ten-fold looks like self-agrandizement / glorification.

I don't support Mr Alten's methods or motives in trying to pressure us to buy his books so that he can be our voice or spokesman out there.

Willie Nelson is speaking out for 911 Truth. I don't see him soliciting for record sales etc from the 911 Truth Community.

Commercial Exploitation such as this is not acceptable to me. It is a bad precedent. Others will follow and we are asking for more trouble in the long run.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Stay on Point. Its all we got.

Look, what Steve was saying is that he doesn't care that he is risking $1M because we need to get the word out NOW and his book is the best chance to get that done.

".... and here I am risking it all…my career, my deal with her as a producer...all to reach the masses on Shell Game so that America can hear the truth about 9/11 and maybe, just maybe...stop another false flag event from killing off a million Americans."

Granted, if you don't read ALL the words, some people like all of you will focus on the wrong thing. And granted, he phrased it poorly leaving it open to misinterpretation.

I don't care if you have objections with the book. The book opens up all sorts of questions that most people don't even know exist. You can't turn people on to the truth if they don't even know about it. The grand purpose of the book is to get it as high on the best seller list as fast as possible to get A LOT of people asking questions all at the same time -- including the media (hopefully). Another -- much more horrific -- 9/11 is in the works.

Not only is Bush saying the next one will make 9/11 "pale by comparison," he said this last August 3rd:

“It's important for the American people to understand there are cold-blooded killers who want to come to our homeland and wreak havoc through death. And that's what we were discussing today.”

They are presetting "al Qaeda" as the perpetrators into everyone's minds. And he's setting up the Democrats.

Listen to the likely speech Bush will give after the next 9/11 as penned by Paul Craig Roberts:

Its NOT about Steve Alten, its about a vehicle (the book "The Shell Game") to try to BUST something open -- NOW!
There ain't much time people. We need a catalyst to break through. Hopefully this could be it. Don't let it slip.
There ain't much time! The next one will "WREAK HAVOC THROUGH DEATH." I would think a few nukes going off in New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Chicago would certainly "WREAK HAVOC THROUGH DEATH." (Those are the cities I've seen written about as likely targets.)

Its all we got right now that might possibly work quickly enough. Please buy the book. Push the book. Help get it up to at least #15 on the list. It may be the last, best chance we have.

all we got??

You got to be f** kidding.
Fortunately, you are wrong. We also have information that deals with *reality*, and not *fiction* like this book does.
Heres one:
Your fear-mongering about how we need to buy the Shell Game to stop a nuclear false flag is f**ing sickening.
No, im not gonna buy this f**ing book. Goodbye

Some thoughts and review quotes

"Heres one: "

Incidentally, I think Chris Sarns (above) is from AE911Truth.

Reading the comments on Mr Alten's words here, I get the same feeling I got when I was being bashed for suggesting that Richard Gage et al leave out the top-corner "squibs" from their WTC 7 presentations (which they then did). It appears some of you do not want to give Alten the benefit of the doubt.

Alten himself says he became aware of the truth movement only months ago, when the book was already going into print. Can we assume he should have incorporated a much more truthful picture of 9/11 into the novel? Can we cut him some slack and maybe forgive some omissions from what is a book of fiction?

I just browsed through all reviews of the book on I quote some of them below.

"The perfect blend of fact and fiction, however I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the fiction became fact in the near future. "

"If after reading this book, the reader's mind isn't opened to the presented probabilities of what "could" happen in this country, then this country is toast."

"I fully admit my skepticism regarding a lot of what I read--but I am hopefully open-minded enough that before I pass judgement I will do enough of my own research before making claims and stating that this or that is preposterous and outright lies. How much of 'The Shell Game' is based in fact and how much is just speculative fiction? I wish I knew. I'll say this much: after finishing, I certainly plan to read about it more in the coming months."

"That being said, I think that the book also served as sort of a catalyst for me to question what I hear constantly on the evening news and what the men and women in charge want me to hear. It paints a bleak picture of the future, a future that we can change if we find away to remind govt that they work for us."

"But unlike the 'run of the mill' thriller, this book is based on facts.
Facts that each and every one of us should be aware of and should think long and hard about before the Presidential election in November. "

"I want to thank Mr. Alten for writing this novel. It has opened my eyes to some things I never knew about and confirmed some worse fears about our country and the lengths some will go to 'protect' the American Public."

"I believe this book has a chance to help bring about lasting positive change in America. Anyone who loves a novel and cares about our country should read it, and pass it on."

"If only more people of the general public were aware of the information in this book. Great job to Mr. Alten."

And finally:

"Shell Game is grounded theory leading to fictional interpretations of the abuse of power by the Global Dominance Group within the US military industrial complex. This is a book that needs to be read and understood by all Americans. "

Peter Phillips
Professor Sociology Sonoma State University
Director Project Censored

Of course another 911 is in the works.

They have probably planned a dozen more to get us sheeple to cover in fear and embrace The Patriot Act 666.

Pray tell me how can 1 Book, 1 Author who has come very late into 911 Truth suddenly be the Great Cure IT ALL?

I still don't understand the fixation with the Shell Game - UNLESS IT IS FOR FINANCIAL GAIN!

I can imagine Sean Hannity singing accolades to 911 Truth in front of Steve Alten, once WE buy enough copies so HE can get enough ratings to be invited by all the talking heads out there to SPEAK ON BEHALF OF US.

You have to be kidding me.

No. I would rather stick to gentleman like Willie Nelson who don't shamelessly EXPLOIT 911 TRUTH for personal financial gain or for ratings in the NY TIMES BEST SELLERs list.

We have FAR FAR better people, with FAR BETTER CREDIBILITY than Steve Alten to get the word out.

Steve should learn that his efforts (if indeed genuine) is part of a mammoth movement where many other people are also involved. His book alone and personal sacrifices that he claims to make is not the only thing.

No. I used to support Steve Alten . Read my posts here

Never again.

ANYONE WHO EXPLOITS 911 TRUTH FOR FINANCIAL GAIN looses my respect immediately.

The Blood of the Innocent Victims is not to be taken lightly.

Stop telling us what to BUY. We can decide for ourselves.

Your appeal is a prime example of BLOWBACK.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


"ANYONE WHO EXPLOITS 911 TRUTH FOR FINANCIAL GAIN looses my respect immediately."

What makes you so certain that is the primary or only motive Alten has? Does it have to be that black and white?


You assume that his motive is money. Perhaps you are wrong. You could say the same thing about Griffin.
I don't give a fat rats ass what his motive is.
The POINT is, getting this book into the top 15 will get 911 truth into MSM.
Isn't that what we are trying to do?
Griffin, Jones and Gage support Alten and vice versa, so what's your problem?
We need to use every avenue to spread the truth to middle America.

I myself used to support Steve Alten's book.

Is Shell Game that bad? If it generates any type of publicity, why not we give them some moral support?

I have changed my mind because motivation and sincerity is important to me.

Griffin, Jones and Gage support Alten. By all means support him but my concerns of his motives do not allow me to render unconditional support.

The last thing we need is to the Truth Movement to be hijacked by those who want financial gain.

Quote - Steve Alten

Think about that a long moment. After all you have been through. After all the time and money and harassment… If we can generate 12,000 more sales every week for a few weeks, the rocket reaches orbit and I can potentially sit before a camera facing Bill Maher and explain to him that WTC-7 wasn’t hit by a jet, so how did it happen? I can tell Bill that the 9/11 Truth people are NOT crazies, they are people like him who seek the truth. “Bill, did you know about the wargames Dick Cheney was running? Did you hear about the stand down order? Put orders? Liquid steel? Bill, the 9/11 truthers are what makes America great!!!!”

End Quote

We are asked to generate more sales for a product for an author to be our voice / spokesman in the Main Stream Media.

The MSM has via Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc inverviewed a number of prominent 911 Truthers like Prof. Steven Jones. Dr. David Ray Griffin was interviewed on Tucker Carlson and even called sinful for his views on 911.

Do we honestly believe Steve Alten will be treated any differently by the likes of Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly etc?

We ARE THE MEDIA NOW. Our reliance and expecations of getting the truth out of the MSM is delusional.


Do we honestly believe Bill Maher is ignorant of 911?

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Why would the MSM, complicit in Mass Murder be expected to come to our aid via any spokesman even if it is Steve Alten?

If there is way we are going to reach the masses it is via methods Cosmos is doing via and the like.


The blogs. The Documentaries like what the Loose Change Crew have done.

WE HAVE TO CHALLENGE THEM ON THEIR OWN TURF. Not run to them begging for attention and expecting those complicit in mass murder and its coverups to help us uncover the truth.

I am being realistic. Steve Alten is not a figurehead for 911 Truth. He cannot offer a breakthrough overnite. So a 2 week deadline he is imposing and demands / requests for more sales of his books just looks like more blatant commercialization.

Not my cup of tea.

No thanks.

911 Truth is a grassroots movement. That is our greatest strength. The mainstream media will just spin and distort any attempts from us to solicit any co-operation to expose the truth. We have to compete and challenge them.

We can DEFEAT the corporate media but not by subordinating ourselves and expecting their airtime which will be far from impartial to reach the masses. Its our blogs, our radio stations, our videos etc - this new Wonderful ALTERNATIVE MEDA that is crescendoing over the information super highway that is going to do it.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

big name Alten support

"Griffin, Jones and Gage support Alten and vice versa, so what's your problem?"

Sorry Chris, but that is not a very useful argument. Just because i respect these people for the good work theyve done does not mean that i now stop to think for myself and just endorse anything they do blindly.
I for one was quite disappointed to see that many big name truthers are endorsing this book - in just the way they were told to do - without having even read it yet. I dont think thats the way to go in this 'business', sorry. Specially given the very blatant 'buy 100 copies now or be a bad truther' arguments weve been getting from people who profit from the book.
I have never seen such a campaign for any of what i would call 'real' 911 truth books. Have you?
Also, id like to second this statement from constitutional911, cause i agree very much:
Our reliance and expecations of getting the truth out of the MSM is delusional.*

*specially via a *fiction* novel .

"I have never seen such a

"I have never seen such a campaign for any of what i would call 'real' 911 truth books. Have you?"

Agreed. Excellent point.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

The naysayers win

It is apparent that 911 Blogger does not support "The Shell Game" or impeachment.

So be it.

It's not

"all we've got", by any means. This is simply one way of catalyzing a quantum leap in public awareness of false flag ops.

I too cringe when I read stuff like "increase your followers. . ."

We've been talking to anyone who would listen for the past handful of years, risking friendships, relationships and more. I agree with many of the protests here; disagree with plenty too.

I look at it this way: I can share this book with family members and start a conversation after they read it that has far more potential of leading to a breakthrough in awareness. I love Dr. Griffin's books, but face it: there are more than 100 million Americans who could barely make it through the Preface of " Omissions and Distortions."

This book can serve as infotainment which leaves a Trojan horse in the reader's mind. The more of these Trojans we have in the nation's collective mind, the better off we'll all be if/when the "next 9/11" hits.

We have to ask ourselves: Is the big picture benefit worth it?

Obviously, the answer for me is "Yes."


I myself used to support Steve Alten's book.

Pls see : for more details.

I agree it can be a good tool and had high expectations.

But my principles force me to question his motives. I just don't like what seems to me to be commercialization of the Truth Movement. That's just not right.

Second, the presumption that He Alone can Wake Up the Mainstream Media is just ridiculous.

911 Truth is a long painstaking process. There is going to be no quick fix. Not from anyone.

It has taken years and it will take more to resolve it. Patience.

Urging us to keep buying his books to boost his ratings reeks of pure exploitation to me.

By all means use any tool that you fell is best to help you reach out to more people. If Alten's books appeal to the crowd of people you are approaching buy a hundred of them and I mean it sincerely.

But what I do not agree with is the lack of tact in asking us for support. It certainly has undertones of commercial gain. I hope I am wrong but I have to speak my mind lest we have a dangerous precedent set and the Truth Movement becomes a bazaar of sorts for all kinds of sales schemes.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Counter comments

"I just don't like what seems to me to be commercialization of the Truth Movement. That's just not right."

It is possible that appearances deceive here. Alten may really be taking a risk.

"There is going to be no quick fix."

What if they stage a mega-911 before the fix is in place?

"I agree it can be a good tool "

If it can start masses to think (and the amazon reviews seem to support this), it is worth promoting, whatever our speculations about mr Alten's true motives are.

Griffin's clarification re "The Shell Game"

I emailed David Ray Griffin and asked him if he had read "The Shell Game". He just replied, saying he had not had time to read it carefully enough to say much, but went on to say that the only charge against the book he had seen was by a guy who hadn't read it and then withdrew the charge after he did read it. David concluded by writing that

"Steve Alten is clearly doing what he can to open people up to the discoveries of the movement."

So, DRG is giving Alten the benefit of the doubt. Based on's reviews (surely not all of them are paid reviews?), the novel does have the potential to open up many eyes to the dangers ahead.