Food Crisis

Shell Game * Oil * Griffin * ReGen * SolarFest

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
March 16, 2008 - Shell Game * Oil * Griffin * ReGen * SolarFest

"The difference between genius and
stupidity is that genius has its limits."

-- Albert Einstein

1) Shell Game potential & Griffin 9/11 Contradictions
- - Retaking the moment, The Shell Game potential
- - Why Steve Alten is Winning the Shell Game Debate
- - In Honor of Anthony and Mary Guarisco
- - Cost of Freedom tour/Day 5/Waco by Mike Palecek
- - Griffin Takes Powerful New Approach to 9/11 Truth
2) World Oil Food Crisis and Worst Places to Vote
- - The Fading of the Oil Economy
- - Rules of Engagement ‘Thrown out the Window’ US Occupation
- - Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief Scientist
- - Best and Worst Places to Vote – Ohio 2008
3) ReGens Stirling idea: Power from waste heat
- - Clothesline Rule Creates Flap In New England States
- - SolarFest 2008 Vermont – July 11, 12, 13

Editor’s Notes: