
Tories reject call for Afghan torture inquiry

There's a story unfolding in Canada that could undermine the official propaganda around the war in Afghanistan.
Here are a few quotes from the report on the CBC website.

During his testimony, Colvin said Canada did not monitor detainee conditions; took days, weeks or months to notify the Red Cross; kept poor records; and to prevent scrutiny, the Canadian Forces leadership concealed this behind "walls of secrecy."
"According to our information, the likelihood is that all the Afghans we handed over were tortured," Colvin said. "For interrogators in Kandahar, it was a standard operating procedure."
Colvin worked in Kandahar for the Department of Foreign Affairs in 2006 before moving to Kabul, where he was second-in-command at the Canadian Embassy. He said his reports were ignored and he was eventually told to stop putting the reports in writing.

Here is a link to the original. Note the overwhelmingly positive comments. Anything like this that causes people to question the government regarding the war in Afghanistan is good for the cause of truth.

#2 House Republican: Propaganda for psychopathic mass murder against Iran

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Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) is the second most powerful member of the GOP in the House of Representatives. In the following 4-minute video from November 9, 2009, Mr. Cantor incites the 2009 General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America in Washington to the contrived view that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is "the man holding the gun with which he vows to kill Israel and the Jews." Cantor alleges that each day brings the world one step closer to Ahmadinejad's possession of a nuclear bomb.

Obama wins Orwellian "Peace" prize while expanding war, defending torture, targeting Iran

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Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.– Tacitus, Agricola, (98), end of ch. 30.

Translation: To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace. Oxford Revised Translation (at Project Gutenberg)

Tacitus is quoting the British chief, Calgacus, in his speech to British soldiers, stating the irony between Rome’s acts of empire and the inscription upon Roman medals of "peace given to the world." Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant (they make a desert, and call it peace) is often quoted alone.

New Hit Piece on KBDI in The Denver Post

The Denver Post would be well served to consider the fate of printed propaganda as it relates to the demise of the now defunct Rocky Mountain News. KBDI has really rattled a lot of cages to be so resolutely attacked by the Denver post here, and now in this bitter and lopsided hit piece by well known Denver columnist Vincent Caroll. Let Mr. Caroll and the Denver Post hear from you in the most articulate and polite way possible. -Michael

Response to Latest CounterPunch / Paul Krassner Smear Job

A Few Words About the 9/11 Truth Movement

"Paul Krassner is the editor of The Realist. His books include: Pot Stories for the Soul, One Hand Jerking and Murder at the Conspiracy Convention. He can be reached through his website:"

Subject: what a completely idiotic and useless bit of propaganda

If the matters weren't so serious, it would be just another sad joke.

Again, Mr. debunker9978451236,

I'll spell it out for you.

The focus of your attack piece was not the 9/11 COVER-UP, which is clearly the elephant in the room and undeniable, even by you. No, the focus was some fringe people in the 9/11 Truth Movement who you use to malign the entire movement in a guilt by association attack.

New program will teach students about 9/11

New program will teach students about 9/11

By CRISTIAN SALAZAR (AP) – 3 hours ago

NEW YORK — Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sept. 11 family members and college professors on Tuesday at a hotel blocks from the World Trade Center site to unveil a plan to teach middle and high school students about the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The 9/11 curriculum, believed to be the first comprehensive educational plan focusing on the attacks, is expected to be tested this year at schools in New York City, California, New Jersey, Alabama, Indiana, Illinois and Kansas.

It was developed with the help of educators by the Brick, N.J.-based Sept. 11 Education Trust, and was based on primary sources, archival footage and more than 70 interviews with witnesses, family members of victims and politicians, including Giuliani and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a New York senator at the time of the attacks.

The curriculum is taught through videos, lessons and interactive exercises, including one that requires students to use Google Earth software to map global terrorist activity.

Brainwashing and 911

This is a very well written article by Terry Morrone, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Adelphi University. It concerns how media/government can influence and manipulate a general population through age old techniques of propaganda, and ways to counter such attempts.

Originally posted at Daily Censored

Brainwashing and 9/11, a Personal View

Terry Morrone, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Adelphi University

Propaganda has been with us since ancient times. All empire-builders have to justify what they do – to themselves, to their own people, and to those they dominate.
The Romans developed a sophisticated world-view which they projected successfully through literature, inscriptions, architecture, art, and elaborate public ceremonial. Their message was that Rome represented peace, good government, and the rule of law. The societies with which Rome was in conflict were caricatured as barbaric, lawless and dangerous.

Abraham Lincoln on defending the US Constitution: his message to YOU today

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Abraham Lincoln is considered among the top writers in world history for eloquent and powerful precision. He is revered as the father of the Republican Party. His commitment to the nation “of the people, by the people, for the people” is revered by all.

Finally, an apology from the National Geographic Channel

Six days after September 11th, National Geographic Today (NGT) published one of the very first descriptions of the official myth for what happened to the World Trade Center (WTC) towers.[1] This article exaggerated the little known facts about the fires in the towers, equated gas temperatures with steel temperatures, and detailed the long-surviving but incorrect Pancake Theory of “collapse.” Since that time, millions of people have been killed or injured in the 9/11 Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that originated from the official myth about 9/11.[2,3] Fortunately, this week it was announced that the NGT’s parent, the National Geographic Channel (NG Channel), is scheduled to broadcast a new television special covering the science behind the events of 9/11. We can only assume that this new show is meant to correct the record and apologize for the company’s false statements that contributed to the ongoing wars.

AP Story: Clinton says 9/11 ringleaders are in Pakistan

Clinton says 9/11 ringleaders are in Pakistan

Mon Jul 20, 1:22 pm ET

NEW DELHI – U.S. officials "firmly believe" that al-Qaida leaders who planned and carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, are hiding in Pakistan near its border with Afghanistan, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday.

At a news conference concluding three days of meetings, Clinton said Washington has told the Pakistani government what it believes about the location of al-Qaida leaders on its soil.

"With respect to the location of those who were part of the planning and execution of the attack of 9/11 against our country, we firmly believe that a significant number of them are in the border area of Pakistan," she said when asked about the U.S. view.

"We are actively looking for additional information that would lead us to them," she added.

The Pakistani government denies that al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and his senior lieutenants are hiding on its territory.

Bin Laden is believed to have fled into Pakistan from Afghanistan weeks after the U.S. military invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks.

Big media and the lies they tell

Unspun Newz explores the dangers posed by corporate controlled media deception and propaganda. This report focuses on major cases of media deception such as, the now famous, Monsanto rBGH growth hormone case where FOX News actually fought for and won the right to lie on the news. The report also details ABCs false reports about anthrax and how ABCs Brian Ross tried to link the anthrax attacks in 2001 to Iraq. The report further explores the corporate media blackout on the recently released scientific evidence proving that high tech explosives were used to demolish the world trade center on 9/11. Unspun highlights how media lies impact public health and how they were used to mislead the people into supporting war and how those deceptions have affected us and our troops.

DEMOLISHED vs. COLLAPSED - The Language of Deception

The language of deception is used against us every day and most of us don’t even realize it has been done to us or realize the devastating effect it has on us. My task here is to expose some of the subtle deceptions hidden within the terminology we in the 9/11 truth movement use every day. My goal is to shine a light on the subtle deceptions that pass under our radar every day and to counter those deceptions with the language of truth.

First we have to consider how we in the 9/11 truth movement describe what happened to the World Trade Center (WTC)? The question is, should we say that WTC 1, 2, and 7 “collapsed” or should we say they were “demolished” and does it really matter all that much? At first glance it may not seem to be a particularly important question as to which word we use. I will expose however that it is, in fact, very important which word we use. Furthermore I want to reveal how and why the debate has been framed from the beginning by our opponents with the endlessly repeated use of just one simple word, “collapsed”.

How the spooks took over the news

In his controversial new book, Nick Davies argues that shadowy intelligence agencies are pumping out black propaganda to manipulate public opinion – and that the media simply swallow it wholesale

Onthe morning of 9 February 2004, The New York Times carried an exclusive and alarming story. The paper's Baghdad correspondent, Dexter Filkins, reported that US officials had obtained a 17-page letter, believed to have been written by the notorious terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi to the "inner circle" of al-Qa'ida's leadership, urging them to accept that the best way to beat US forces in Iraq was effectively to start a civil war.

The letter argued that al-Qa'ida, which is a Sunni network, should attack the Shia population of Iraq: "It is the only way to prolong the duration of the fight between the infidels and us. If we succeed in dragging them into a sectarian war, this will awaken the sleepy Sunnis."

Alternet: What Is Patrick Fitzgerald Trying to Hide from the Public?

What Is Patrick Fitzgerald Trying to Hide from the Public?

By Rory O'Connor, Posted June 12, 2009.

Powerful prosecutor and public figure Patrick Fitzgerald has been waging a chilling private jihad aimed at "killing" a book critical of him.

Okay, so he's one of the "sexiest men alive" -- but what does Patrick Fitzgerald, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago and Special Counsel in the CIA leak case, have against us poor, unsexy journalists? It's bad enough that Fitzie won't answer my questions: ("Rory. I just wanted to get back to you and let you know that I am going to decline to be interviewed. Thank you. Pat") It's worse that he was responsible for the jailing of New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who spent 85 days behind bars. Now comes word that Fitzgerald, who must have too much time on his hands now that Scooter Libby has been freed and Rod Blagojevich indicted, spent much of the last year and a half going after another journalist, Peter Lance, in an attempt to kill a new edition of Lance's investigative book Triple Cross by threatening to sue both the author and his publisher for libel.

David Corn and Mother Jones jump on the Von Brunn 9/11 bandwagon

Crime and Justice

Von Brunn's Anti-Semitic Conspiracies: from 9/11 to Google

By David Corn | Thu June 11, 2009 9:55 AM PST

James von Brunn, the white supremacist arrested for the murder of a security guard at the Holocaust Museum, held numerous extremist views, as has been widely reported.

He maintained that 9/11 was the product of a Jewish conspiracy. In one posting, he claimed that only one Jewish person was killed at the World Trade Center--even though the "WTC was the nexus for international Jew trade, located in the largest Jew city in the world." He added, "It is revealing that 3 Jews laughing with glee, pointing at the exploding WTC, were caught by a neighbor on video-tape."

Like many anti-Semitics, von Brunn believed Jews controlled the world financial system, and he used the traditional data points and rhetoric of such hate-mongers: "From this cess-pool of Jews and traitors came the FTAA which in 1994, with Congressional blessings, changed its name to WTO (World Trade Organization)."